Ms.Angela Vice Principal KG-7th From Florida in the United States of America (USA) My 23rd year in Education Education : BA in Special Education, Masters & Specialist in Educational Leadership and completed most course work for my doctorate degree Classroom teacher for 10 years in middle school (Special Education, Reading and Language Arts) and 13th years in leadership and have worked all three levels (elementary, middle and high school) 5000 hours of Professional Development in Reading, Special Education, Technology, Curriculum and Assessment, Behavior Management, Parental Involvement, Leadership etc. Hobbies: SHOPPING, learning, traveling, Spending time with family and friends Golden Rule: “Treat people the way you want to be treated” One interesting fact about me is“ I own and ride a motorcycle and I am apart of an all female motorcycle riding club”
Vision AZPS is a community of lifelong learners that strives for academic excellence, prepares students for the global challenges, and maintains cultural identity.
Mission Statement To provide a quality international education while maintaining the cultural identity. To celebrate diversity, encouraging leadership, responsible citizenship, moral values and the development of lifelong learning skills.
PISA 44 2015 TIMSS
SIP Goal Raise the Reading and Writing level of students based on international benchmark testing. Unpack and use the NGSS to raise the students scores in Science Teach problem solving skills in Math Use hands-on and critical thinking skills in all subjects at all levels
Be Responsible Be Respectful Be Safe
A positive, strong relationship between home and school is vital A positive, strong relationship between home and school is vital. Parents, teachers, and children share the responsibility for a successful school experience.
Student Agreement I agree to work to the best of my ability and strive to be successful in school. I agree to attend school regularly. I agree to come to school prepared to work with my completed assignments. I agree to observe my regular study time and place. I agree to conform to my school’s code of conduct. I agree to follow the requests and rules of my teacher and respect him/her at all times. I agree to respect the personal rights of others. I agree to cooperate with my teacher and parent(s). I agree to complete ALL of my assignments to the best of my ability. I agree to ask for help if I do not understand a lesson or fall behind in my work.
Parent Agreement I agree to see that my child is punctual and attends school regularly. Morning assembly starts at 7:45 a.m. and classes officially begin at 8:00 a.m. I agree to encourage a positive attitude toward school. I agree to provide a quiet and undisruptive environment for study time. I agree to make sure that my child is completing his or her homework each night but don't DO the homework. I agree to establish a specific time for homework and review it regularly. I agree to encourage my child to read. I agree to keep communication channels open between the teacher and myself. I agree to attend programs presented by the school for parents and the community. I agree to recognize and acknowledge your child's academic achievements.
Teacher Agreement I agree to support my student in striving to do their best in my classroom. I agree to provide the necessary assistance to parents so they can help with assignments. I agree to provide information and feedback about the student’s progress and be encouraging to support learning. I agree to provide and use special activities in the classroom to make learning available. I agree to be an educational resource to the parents. I agree to keep the communication channels open between my student, their parent(s) and myself.
What is MAP? MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) are achievement tests delivered by computer to students Each test takes 35-60 minutes In Mathematics,Science, Reading, and Language Use
What is a computer adaptive test? The difficulty of the test adjusts to the students’ performance. As they answer correctly, the questions become harder. As they answer incorrectly, the questions become easier. It will build a test unique to each student.
Why use MAP tests? Requirement To inform instruction and learning, inform grouping and differentiated support (learning ladders) To measure progress over time, specifically individual student growth (RIT score) To help students set learning goals To help parents understand children’s learning needs
Web sites you can use to help your child at home www.
Teacher Centered vs Student Centered
Leadership in the Sections Girls’s Section Mrs. Nibal, Head of Section Mrs. Khalida, Supervisor Boys’s Section Mrs. Yasmine, Head of Section Mrs. Asmaa, Supervisor Mrs. Aziza, Social Worker
Information from the HOS Students should enter through the Main Reception and write their name with members of the staff starting at 8:00 a.m. Late students coming after 8:30 will be marked as absent unless parents have informed earlier. All students should follow the school uniform policy inside the school campus, during school trips, and all activities that are hosted by Al Zuhour Private School. Please note that any violation in the uniform rules will result in warning and behavior mark deduction. Mobiles / DVDs /CDs /MP3 /iPod/Camera (and related electronic devices) are not permitted in school and will be confiscated by the Head Of Section No retake for any exam without a medical report or any supported documents by the parents. Please contact us at the beginning of the school day if you are picking your child up early. AZPS follows the code of conduct of MOE 2018-2019. For more information, kindly visit: