Bedding Plants Pg 18-21
Ageratum Ageratum mexicanum Height: 4-12” Spread: 6-9” Cottony flowers in clusters Cordate, bright green leaves Part shade Oct 25
Wax Begonia Begonia x semperflorens Height: 6-12” Spread: 6-8” Waxy, rounded leaves with hairs at tips Flowers in red, pink, white with yellow center Planted in masses Light: Shade Oct 26
Coleus Coleus Height: 1-3’ Spread: 18-24” Contrasting leaves with green, yellow, white, pink, red, orange and purple Used to add color in shade gardens Light: Part Shade Oct 27
Impatiens Impatiens Height: 12-24” Spread: 12-15” Masses of 1” blooms in various colors cover bright green foliage Excellent for shady beds and beneath trees as well as in containers Pinch back for added flower production Light: Shade Oct 28
Geranium Pelargonium x hortorum Height: 12-24” Spread: 12” Cordate, fuzzy leaves with umbel flowers Red, White, Pink May have zonals-show when in the sun Light: Sun-Part Shade Oct 31
Ivy Leaf Geranium Pelargonium peltatum Height: Vining Clusters of flowers at end of stems with leathery scalooped leaves White, red, peppermint, pink flowers in umbel Deadhead Sun-Part Shade Nov 1
Petunia Petunia Height: 6-18” Spread: 12-14” White, Red, Purple & Yellow tube shaped flower Can get in trailing varieties Sun-Part Shade Nov 2
Salvia Salvia splendens Height: 1-3’ Spread: 12” Ovate dark green leaves Flowers on spikes in red, white, purple and bicolor Sun Nov 3
Marigold Tagetes erecta Height: 6-36” Spread: 12-18” Compound leaves Yellow and orange flowers Strong scented-good to put in vegetable garden to repel pests Needs deadheading Sun Nov 4
Pansy Viola x wittrockiana Height: 6-10” Spread: 6-8” Ovate, crenate leaves Head shaped flower in purple, white, red or yellow Grows in late fall and winter Sun-Part Shade