GTECH 709 Course outline Course schedule (topics) week-by-week
General Remarks As this is an online course, there is considerable freedom with respect to how you mix and match the material and when you access and work through it Do not procrastinate! Make working through the material a daily habit Stay involved by checking the web site daily
First Half of the Semester Week Topic Software 1 Intro; semester overview; Opportunities of GIS - 2 Principles of GIS 3 GIS data formats ArcGIS Online 4 Data input; where to find data Quantum GIS 5 US Census data and mapping; joining data 6 Address matching and georeferences CartoDB 7 Organizing data in spatial databases ArcCatalog 8 Projections and coordinate systems ArcMap
Second Half of the Semester Week Topic Software 9 Midterm Exam; Setting up a GIS project - 10 Basic GIS analysis operations ArcMap 11 Geoprocessing and modeling 12 Raster-based GIS analysis ArcMap / SAGA 13 Designing maps with GIS Your choice of GIS 14 Project work and submission 15 Final exam