Contents Overview of the software - video How do I login? What are each of the tabs for? Manage Bookings Reports Manage Your Appointments Frequently Asked Questions We have added video tutorials in the top right corner of each page in the software. Click these to watch a video on how to use the page.
Overview of the software - video As a further resource, or for use instead of reading this presentation, there is an accompanying film! We have prepared five minute video which explains the staff/teacher area of the Parents Evening Booking System. You can watch the film in by clicking below
Either: 1. Go to 2. OR go to and click the School Login link in the top right. Next, login using the username and password which has been provided by your school Administrator. How do I login? 1. 2.
When you login, you will have the option of choosing three Staff tabs. Manage Bookings –Make bookings on behalf of pupils and parents Reports – Run reports and insights, for example: see who has and has not booked Manage Your Appointments – This is the main staff page. Staff need to search for themselves and are then shown their bookings and an overview of their schedule(s). What are each of the tabs for?
Manage Bookings tab Use Manage Bookings to make appointments on behalf of parents. 1.Choose the parents evening 2.Choose the department 3.Choose the teacher 4.Click on a time 5.Find the pupil 6.Select the parent 7.Make Booking 8.You can print a parents appointment card 9.You can cancel an existing booking 10.Cancel all the bookings of one specific parent
Reports tab Use Reports to check which parents have and have not booked any appointments. 1.Choose the term 2.Choose the parents evening 3.Children associated with this evening 4.Parents associated with this evening 5.Percentage of parents who have booked 6.Number of bookings made 7.Run reports for these options. These reports can be exported into Excel, printed or ed
Manage Your Appointments tab List of parents evenings scheduled Use Manage Your Appointments to check and print out your schedule for the parents evening. You can also block out appointment times and move your start and end time if your Admin has allowed this. 1.Enter your surname to search for yourself. 2.Select the correct parents evening. 3.Search Part 1 – find yourself
Manage Your Appointments tab 1.You can extend your availability here 2.Block out appointment time slots here 3.Check who has booked in the main table 4.Parent contact details are shown 5.Parental questions are hidden. Click to View to see these 6.Teachers can add their own notes 7.Teacher can tick if the parent attends 8.Teachers print out their appointments Part 2 – manage your appointments