SPADAT Program and Visual Sample Plan (VSP) Briefing Lisa Newburn Pacific Northwest National Laboratory 2016 DOE ASP Workshop November 8, 2018
Outline Visual Sample Plan (VSP) Overview Recent Additions Under Development Training Course Availability November 8, 2018
Visual Sample Plan (VSP): A Tool to Support Systematic Planning Sampling occurs on all DOE sites, for a variety of purposes Systematic planning helps ensure that the samples will support confident decisions Visual Sample Plan (VSP) is a software tool that supports DOE needs by: Developing statistically defensible sampling methods Making improvements in response to DOE user requests Providing resources to support new and existing VSP users Primary Objective: Decrease Costs and Increase Defensibility While Managing Uncertainty November 8, 2018
About Visual Sample Plan Data Quality Objectives (DQO) based systematic planning software Answers the questions: How many samples should we collect and analyze? Where should those samples be collected? What is the confidence in the design? >10,000 users worldwide Sponsored by DOE, DoD, NRC, DHS, EPA, UK, CDC Free VSP download at November 8, 2018
Visual Sample Plan Features Statistics Spatial Mapping (GIS) 3-D Building Design Report Generator November 8, 2018
Visual Sample Plan Features Statistics Sample size design Data analysis Spatial Mapping (GIS) Map design Spatial projection support Compatible file formats (ArcGIS) Map imagery download 3-D Building Design AutoCAD file import Immersive room development with furniture and surface types Report Generator All designs provide a detailed report of the analysis steps and assumptions November 8, 2018
Visual Sample Plan Features Statistics Sample size design Data analysis Spatial Mapping (GIS) Map design Spatial projection support Compatible file formats (ArcGIS) Map imagery download 3-D Building Design AutoCAD file import Immersive room development with furniture and surface types Report Generator All designs provide a detailed report of the analysis steps and assumptions November 8, 2018
Visual Sample Plan Features Statistics Sample size design Data analysis Spatial Mapping (GIS) Map design Spatial projection support Compatible file formats (ArcGIS) Map imagery download 3-D Building Design AutoCAD file import Immersive room development with furniture and surface types Report Generator All designs provide a detailed report of the analysis steps and assumptions November 8, 2018
Visual Sample Plan Features Statistics Sample size design Data analysis Spatial Mapping (GIS) Map design Spatial projection support Compatible file formats (ArcGIS) Map imagery download 3-D Building Design AutoCAD file import Immersive room development with furniture and surface types Report Generator All designs provide a detailed report of the analysis steps and assumptions November 8, 2018
VSP Applications Environmental Remediation Health and Safety Assessment Decontamination and Decommissioning Long-Term Legacy and Groundwater Monitoring Identification, Delineation, and Remediation of UXO Sites Within-Building Bio/Chem/Rad Release Outdoor Bio/Chem/Rad Release Item Audits Wherever Sampling Is Used to Support Decisions November 8, 2018
A Few Examples of VSP Use Laboratory Instrument Audit at PNNL DOE wants to verify at least 99% accuracy in documentation of instrument inventory (past accuracy has been about 99.5%) VSP item sampling used to plan sampling to achieve high confidence of 99% compliance given historical compliance rate of 99.5% USACE Range Clearance Operations in Afghanistan Planning transects and identifying potential target areas with statistically significant elevated anomaly density Northern Lights Exercise (October 2016) Full-scale training exercise for radiological Consequence Management Scenario: Three weeks after a nuclear power plan incident in Minnesota VSP to be used during the exercise to support evaluation of criteria for transfer of operational control of the FRMAC from DOE to EPA November 8, 2018
General Benefits of Using VSP Statistically defensible sampling designs Statistical rigor hidden… designed for non-statistician Quantified confidence Real-time cost/benefit tradeoff evaluations Just enough sampling Visualization supports communication Streamlined acceptance by regulators Leveraging off multi-agency investments November 8, 2018
Latest Developments and Improvements Data Subset Analytics Improvements Delineating Contour Boundaries with Confidence Coordinate View Improvements Composite Sampling Within Buildings UXO Improvements Spatial representativeness index Data import improvements Geostats dialog redesign Removal of external software dependency Many Minor Improvements Google Satellite map imagery, map coordinate system re-projection, kriged data transparency November 8, 2018
Data Subset Analytics High priority user request: Filter data for analysis within VSP Development supported by EHSS Options for filtering include: Simple, user-friendly tool for basic filter setup (similar to Excel) Advanced custom filter builder for defining complex data subsets with multiple conditions November 8, 2018
Data Subset Analytics (continued) Quick switching between data subsets for Statistical tests and analyses Summary statistics Graphical plots November 8, 2018
Delineating Contour Boundaries With Confidence Elevated regions can be delineated using kriged data Uses a simple threshold Doesn’t weight interpolated areas differently than areas with data Improved method accounts for uncertainty in the kriged estimates Light orange boundary is simple threshold at 500 anom/acre Darker orange boundary uses 95% UCL of kriged estimates November 8, 2018
Coordinate View Improvements Improved spreadsheet-style interface for coordinate view Sort by column Edit labels and values directly in coordinate view Highlight samples on the map November 8, 2018
Composite Sampling Within Buildings Existing composite sampling methods in VSP were designed for soil sampling applications (ISM) Added composite sampling support for building sampling based on results of laboratory studies conducted at PNNL* Swipe samples within buildings can be grouped for compositing Groups automatically assigned but can be manually changed November 8, 2018 *Hess BM, BG Amidan, KK Anderson, and JR Hutchison. 2016. "Evaluating Composite Sampling Methods of Bacillus spores at Low Concentrations." PNNL-SA-117699, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA.
What’s Coming Next? Integrated Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Manual (MARSSIM )Workflow Tool Sponsored by NRC Support for implementation of steps in MARSSIM Patterned after MARSSIM cheat sheet developed by ORAU Additional planning and analysis features in VSP MARSSIM Roadmap, MARSSIM Revision 1 (August 2000) November 8, 2018
VSP Training Courses FY16 Training Courses to Date Upcoming Training May 23-26, North Bethesda, MD (NRC) Upcoming Training October, Huntsville, AL (USACE) UXO Applications Spring 2017, Location TBD (NRC) NRC or agreement state personnel only Additional 1-2 NRC courses per year planned through 2020 Non-PNNL courses available with registration fee Contact for more information on training November 8, 2018
Contact Information Lisa Newburn (509) 375-2761 Follow our YouTube channel for latest video updates Join our LinkedIn group to connect with VSP team and users November 8, 2018