8th Grade US History Chapter 2 Exploration and Conquest of the Americas Bell Ringer: Why did explorers from Europe sail to find a route to Asia? What kinds of danger did they face? Why did they go so far to get something they thought was valuable?
Exploration and Conquest of the Americas Read “The Story Matters” Learning Objectives: Course Description: Eighth grade students will study the European exploration of North America, along with the geographic features that influenced early settlements and colonies
Exploration and Conquest of the Americas
Reasons for Exploration: Gold Spice trade controlled by Italians & Ottoman Turks Slave trade controlled by North African Muslims Copyright 2000, Wadsworth/Thomson Learning
Bell Ringer for Lesson 1 How did trade develop new ideas among different groups and peoples?
Reasons for Exploration: God The Reconquista ended with the fall of Granada in Jan. 1492 Conquest & conversion of Indians seen as extension Hoped to join forces with mythical Kingdom of Prester John & renew Crusades Queen Isabella
Reasons for Exploration: Glory & technological advances Desire to win fame & fortune Inspired in part by Renaissance humanism Technological advances: Compass, astrolabe & quadrant Better portaline maps Caravel – 1st ship capable of tacking against the wind Portuguese caravel
Bell Ringer for Chapter 2 Section 2 How did the rise of the Italian city-states help lead to the Renaissance?
The Portuguese Explorers Est. sugar colonies in Madeira (1420), Azores (1427), Cape Verde Islands (1460) & Saõ Tomé (1470) Bartholomew Diaz rounded Cape of Good Hope in 1488 Vasco da Gama led successful expedition to India, 1497-99 Rejected Columbus because they knew his calculations were way off – under-estimated circumference
Vasco da Gama Church
Christopher Columbus Columbus sailed west in Aug. 1492 – reached Bahamas on Oct. 12 Explored Cuba & Hispaniola, then returned to Portugal March 4, 1493 Made 3 more voyages Died convinced he had been to Asia 4 times
The Spanish Explorers Christopher Columbus sailed west in Aug. 1492, exploring Caribbean Treaty of Tordesillas (1494) divided world between Spain (west) & Portugal (east) Amerigo Vespucci first to call it a new continent Pedro Alvarez Cabral claimed Brazil for Portugal in 1500 Vasco Nuñez de Balboa crossed Panama in 1513 & sees Pacific
Group Work Chapter 2 Sections 1 and 2 Exploring other Planets You are an explorer on a voyage to another planet. What kinds of Equipment would you need? What are the risks of the voyage? What would make people want to make such a voyage anyway?
The Conquistadores Adelantados – private contractors hired by King Hernan Cortes conquered Mexican Empire (Aztecs), 1519-21 Young minor nobleman Led revolt by subject tribes who resented tribute & human sacrifices Francisco Pizzaro conquered Inca, 1531-32 Took advantage of civil war Spread smallpox deliberately Hernan Cortes Francisco Pizzaro
The Spanish Empire Viceroys ruled New Spain & Peru on King’s behalf Each divided into provinces Governors & audencias (courts) ruled provinces Haciendas = large plantations growing cash crops (sugar, cotton, cocoa, tobacco, etc.) Mines were principle source of wealth for Spain 16 million kg. entered Spain between 1503-1650 Crown kept 1/5 (quinto) Flowed primarily to Spanish Netherlands
Slave Labor Encomienda = grant of Indian labor to mine & hacienda owners Repartimiento = requirement that Indians work so many days for Spanish Modeled on feudalism, but no protection for workers When Indians died off, replaced by Africans