Nonpublic School Approval Process
Objectives Understand the Nonpublic School Approval Process, including: Purpose Changes from last year Applicant categories Required documents Submitting documents online Completing the Nonpublic School Annual Report(NPS) through the LEADS portal Timeline Available resources
Purpose Confirm that schools meet academic quality and student health, safety, and welfare requirements Required for state and federal funding Additional accountability measures apply for eligible nonpublic schools that participate in the Louisiana Scholarship Program.
Applicant Categories Accredited approved: Schools with independent accreditation from the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS), AdvancED, or from an agency recognized by the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS) Non-accredited approved: Schools with accreditation from an independent group not listed above, or schoools without accreditation
Brumfield v. Dodd Initial Application Required Documents Accredited Approved Accreditation documents School inspection report from state and/or local fire marshal School inspection report from the Department of Health and Hospitals Proof of principal certification (PDF from or copy of principal’s masters degree) Non-accredited approved New Applicant Questionnaire Program of Study Fire & Health/Safety filings listed above Brumfield v. Dodd Initial Application +
Fire & Health / Safety Filing Examples
Fire & Health / Safety Filings Must be from the state or local fire marshal documents from independent companies will not be accepted Inspection date must be within one calendar year of submission
Program of Study Nonpublic Bulletin 741, Chapter 23 High School Program of Studies, section §2301 List courses offered (core curriculum & electives) Required for all new schools and returning schools with significant changes.
Questionnaire Four Key Areas: Purpose and Direction Leadership Instructional Practices and Technology Academic Standards Non-accredited approved only: Returning applicants complete only sections in which responses have changed since last year. New applicants must complete all sections.
Nonpublic School Annual Data Submission Previously called “Nonpublic Annual School Report” Required for all currently-approved schools Completed in the LEADS portal Used to determine funding allocations, complete the Annual Financial & Statistical Report, & publish the Louisiana School Directory Tips: To revise school information (grade levels, contact, etc.), complete the Sponsor Site Change Form. Turn off pop-up blockers
Timeline August – September October 15 – November 30 Early December Deadline for schools to complete: Brumfield v. Dodd forms Nonpublic School Approval application materials Nonpublic Annual data submission – LEADS portal LDE review of documentation and potential site visits LDE presents NPS approval recommendations to BESE
Available Resources Nonpublic School Library NPS Library is available here NPS Approval Guidelines are available here NPS Annual Data Submission User Guide is available here Nonpublic School Handbook Review Bulletin 741 (nonpublic) here
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