Junior Year Information
Graduation Requirements 4 courses of English 4 courses of Math 4 courses of Science 4 courses of Social Studies 2 courses of Physical Education 1 course of Health 1 course of American & Global Business Economics 1 course of Music Appreciation Electives Graduation Project 25 Total Credits
TESTING Keystone Exams Algebra Biology Literature May 5, 2018 SATs - If you are considering a 4 year college…TAKE YOUR SATs May 5, 2018 June 2, 2018 (offered at Berwick High School) ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) November 2018
Planning for your future career www.workstats.dli.pa.gov Center for Workforce Information & Analysis’s (CWIA) mission is to produce and provide timely, objective, and credible workforce and economic statistics and analysis to help our customers make informed policy, business and career decisions that strengthen Pennsylvania’s economic security. https://pacwia.emsicc.com Explore occupations by keyword (take an interest inventory, learn about wages, outlooks, training programs, compare multiple occupations, search for and apply for jobs) www.jobgateway.pa.gov Search for JOBS, virtual job shadow, assess YOUR career readiness, improve interview skills and explore military and civilian jobs.
Workforce Is Co-op an option for you as a senior? Use your resources! Mark Hauk, Room 67 Do you have the soft skills needed for the workplace? Explore career options Job Shadowing for Graduation Project
November 2018 @ BHS or schedule them with a recruiter Military Options ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery November 2018 @ BHS or schedule them with a recruiter Active Duty Reserves National Guard Military Academies Air Force Academy West Point (Army) Naval Academy at Annapolis Coast Guard Academy ROTC – Army, Navy, Air Force
College Take the SATs (4 year college only) You will not need to take SATs to attend a 2 year college or trade school. Identify schools that meet your needs https://bigfuture.collegeboard.org/college-search?navId=www-cs Visit schools in the spring/summer this year Apply as early as possible in the senior year! *Important: If you are planning on attending a 4 year college, please make an appointment with Ms. Melito THIS year. She is our college bound, junior and senior year counselor.
The College Visit Scheduling A Visit Questions to Ask First-impression Open House Individual Tours Questions to Ask Guidance office has this list https://www.usnews.com/education/blogs/the-college-solution/2010/10/19/36-questions-to-ask-on-a-college-visit First-impression Follow-up “Thank You” Kindness matters. This makes you a memorable applicant.
The Application Process Online Applications Deadlines Resume/Activities List Email your school counselor for a template! You can type in your own information. Letters of Recommendation These will also be helpful when applying for scholarships! Complete the FAFSA (to secure $$$ for college) Listen for announcements your senior year. We connect with PHEAA to walk you through this entire process.
Resources….. SAT registration: www.collegeboard.org School information: www.berwicksd.org Career and College Planning: www.educationplanner.org www.collegeboard.org Financial Aid: www.fafsa.ed.gov www.fastweb.com www.finaid.com
Guidance Office Information GOOD LUCK!!! Guidance Office Information Mrs. Curry 570-759-6400 *3103 ccurry@berwicksd.org Guidance Secretary Ms. Zluchowski 570-759-6400 *3106 azluchowski@berwicksd.org A-L Surnames: 9th and 10th grade, career bound Juniors & Seniors Mr. Seely 570-759-6400 *3108 kseely@berwicksd.org M-Z Surnames: 9th and 10th grade, career bound Juniors & Seniors Ms. Melito 570-759-6400 *3107 hmelito@berwicksd.org A-Z Surnames, College Bound Juniors & Seniors www.berwicksd.org (Select “High School”, then “Guidance”)