District Assessment System


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Presentation transcript:

2018-19 District Assessment System Rev 8.28.18 2018-19 District Assessment System Vision: Learners engaged in their own learning, growth and development through integrated assessments that inform meaningful teaching and learning processes Universal Screeners Formative Assessment District Common Assessments (optional) Demonstrations of Learning Goal: Deeper Learning Each student will progress toward mastery of both academic standards and the development of capacities and dispositions necessary for success in college, career, community and life Assessments should reflect design principles

Design Principles – Below is a list of best practices for designing and using assessments. No one assessment will be able to capture all principles, but these should be used when evaluating the quality of assessments and whether they align with our vision. Authentic – assessment opportunities are meaningful to the student and provide real-world connections Holistic – reflect balance and variety of assessments and student learning evidence that demonstrates mastery of learning standards and full-ranging capacities and dispositions of the whole person Seamless - the process of assessing is not an interruption to the teaching and learning process, but instead an integrated part of a student’s educational experience Symbiotic - the means and methods of assessment are determined by the goals and principles of good instruction/pedagogy. Instructional decisions and practices are shaped by the results of assessment Choice/Voice – students take an active role in designing, choosing, and reflecting on assessment practices Personalized – Children learn differently and need assessments that are responsive to their needs, gifts, interests, and capacities Varied - different kinds and sources of assessments are utilized Meaningful - assessments measures what we say it measures, should reflect that which we value, and be used with other sources and kinds of evidence in making decisions Culturally responsive - assessments designed with an awareness of the context and culture of the students taking them Aspirational – affords opportunities for students to be celebrated for their developments and accomplishments in shared and valued ways

District Assessment System 2018-19 Grade Universal Screeners Formative Assessments District Common Assessments Demonstrations of Learning K Brigance (K only) MAP (3 x year) Demonstrations of Learning 1 2 3 Optional: 3 times a year in non-tested grades/content areas 2 times a year in tested grades/content areas 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 No District Level Assessments Available for that component Note: Alternative Assessment Pilot available for Schools and Teachers instead of district common assessments at high school level

District Assessment System Notes Universal Screener To assess Reading, Language usage, and Math skill development and progression;  MAP provides teachers with immediate results that show what students know and what they are ready to learn. The results can be used to help personalize lessons at the appropriate level for the students. Required for grades K-11 three times a year BRIGANCE is administered in Kindergarten as part of state assessment system Formative Assessment To assess student learning by providing ongoing feedback that can be used by teachers to improve their teaching and by students to improve their learning.   PLCs should regularly administer Common Assessments, analyze results and work together to determine next steps to maximize student learning Seamless with the teaching and learning process Developed at teacher, PLC, or school level (not submitted to district) District Common Assessments - Optional To provide assessment models that reflect next-generation or deeper learning approaches. School and teacher decision 1st window opens Nov 1st, 2nd window – March 1st, and 3rd window‐ April 30th; end dates are flexible ‐ to be determined at the school level with discussion between principal and teachers Developed at district level with teacher input and feedback Continue alternative assessment pilot program at high school level Demonstrations of Learning To assess student’s capacities and dispositions and achievement of expected learning standards through a wide variety of projects, presentations, products or experiences Developed at student, teacher, school level Examples include exhibitions, portfolios, project based learning work, etc. Opportunities to share throughout the year