Me, Myself And I
Guru Amar Das Jee writes on panna 39 of SatGuru Granth Sahib Jee : "I have done this, and I will do that" I am an idiotic fool for saying this! I have forgotten the Doer of all; I am caught in the love of duality. There is no pain as great as the pain of Maya; it drives people to wander all around the world, until they become exhausted. Through the Guru's Teachings, peace is found, with the True Name enshrined in the heart. || 3 ||”
Try an experiment today : observe how many times thoughts like "I have done this, and I will do that" come across your mind. And everytime you observe it, counteract instantly with tudh agai ardas hamaree jeeo pind sabh tera kaho nanak sabh teree vadaee koee nao na janeh mera. infront of you is my ardas soul and body are all Yours Says Nanak, All is Your Glory (hence) may no-one know my name
If you hear other people saying "I have done this, and I will do that" then do a silent ardas for them too, rather than looking down at them ....sarbatt da bhalla.