University Hotline Statistics Commonwealth of Virginia University Hotline Statistics Tim sadler State Hotline Manager Office of the State Inspector General
Contacting the hotline: Telephone 1-800-723-1615 or 1-804-625-3268 Voice Mail Email Website Online submission form Posters and informational brochures
Hotline Policies and procedures: OSIG Website Program Areas / Citizen Services / FWA Hotline / Manual Separate Whistle Blower manual Manuals Provide information about the programs and conducting hotline investigations
Hotline Staff: Hotline Manager and 2 investigators Send cases to agencies Conduct investigations Governor’s Appointees, IA Staff, etc. FY 2017 645 Cases investigated 26 Done Internally by OSIG
Hotline Basics: Callers Provide- who, what, where, when, why, and how Determine if within scope Case write-up to agency Encrypted Investigation Due Date: 60 Days Extensions Granted Completed Case Report To OSIG Retained Electronically
Cases Assigned (three years): Agency CY17 CY16 CY15 Internal Hotline VCCS 33 30 26 No NSU 20 5 8 GMU 14 7 6 Yes VCU 13 9 4 VT 19 12 Pending VSU 10 16 W&M + RBC 11 RU 1 ODU 3 UVA JMU 2 LU CNU VMI UMW Total 136 108 109
Cases Investigated and Closed During CY17 Type CY17 Substantiated 30 Unsubstantiated w/ recommendations 21 Unsubstantiated 39 Outside of Hotline scope 16 Total 106
Complaint Type All Cases CY17 Total Improper hiring including violations of state policies 13 Waste of State Funds Employees taking time off, arriving late, leaving early, and not turning in leave slips. 12 Poor internal policies/noncompliance with an agency's internal policy 11 Misuse of a state owned vehicle 8 Employee misconduct 7 Improper use or mismanagement of state or federal grant funds 5 Violation of state procurement policy or Virginia Public Procurement Law Allegation concerns a criminal activity rather than fraud, waste, or abuse of state resources 4 Allegations are not related to state business Assigned job duties/responsibilities are not performed. Employee is involved in activities which are a conflict of interest with their state position. 3 Employee or supervisor falsified state timesheet or other payroll documents. Employees wasting time during work hours Waste of agency inventory/resources Other Types (# 1-2) 38 136
Complaint Type Cases Substantiated CY17 Total Employees taking time off, arriving late, leaving early, and not turning in leave slips. 7 Misuse of a state owned vehicle 3 Assigned job duties/responsibilities are not performed. 2 Employee conducting personal or outside business while on state time Poor internal policies/noncompliance with an agency's internal policy Violation of state procurement policy or Virginia Public Procurement Law Abuse of State Telework Policy 1 Pollution to the environment or violation of other environmental regulations. Damage or inappropriate use of state owned building or state facilities Employee misconduct Employee or supervisor falsified state timesheet or other payroll documents. Employee theft of state resource, supplies, equipment, software, etc. Employees sleeping during work hours Employees wasting time during work hours Falsification of state records, documents Improper hiring including violations of state policies Management retaliating against or harassing certain employees Misuse of state resources, state equipment, computers, supplies, personnel, etc. 30
Monthly Report (March 2017): Office of the State Inspector General Fraud, Waste, and Abuse Hotline Reporting For the Month Ending : March 2017 Hotline Program Open Cases Beginning of Month 134 Cases Assigned During the Month 83 Cases Closed During the Month 56 Cases Screened Out During the Month 24 Open Cases End of the Month 137 OSIG Investigations 7 1
Monthly Report (trend):
Allegation Description Auditor of Public Accounts report: Office of the State Inspector General State Fraud, Waste, And Abuse Hotline Statistics Report New Cases During the Month of : March 1-31, 2017 Report Shared with the Auditor of Public Accounts Date Reported Agency Name Allegation Description 3/3/2017 Virginia Department of Health Waste of State Funds Department of Human Resource Management Abuse of state retirement benefits, including employees who received disability benefits fraudulently. George Mason University Employee theft of state resource, supplies, equipment, software, etc. University of Virginia Virginia Department of Education Operating inefficiencies 3/6/2017 Virginia Community College System Waste of agency inventory/resources Department of Corrections James Madison University Virginia Employment Commission Allegation concerns a criminal activity rather than fraud, waste, or abuse of state resources
Secretary of Administration Report (quarterly): Status of Hotline Cases Opened in Quarter 3 Agency Name Allegation Type Investigating Agency Status Department of General Services Hotline Coordinator Open Department of Human Resource Management Closed Hotline Cases Carried Over to Quarter 3 & Remain Active at the End of Quarter 3 Date Opened Department of Elections 11/7/2016
Questions? Hotline Suggestions Always Welcome!