Epidemiologic Transition Why do some regions face health threats?
Will Saving Poor children lead to overpopulation??? http://aeon.co/video/society/will-saving-poor-children-lead-to-overpopulation/
Stage 4 (S. Jay Olshansky & Brian Ault) Epidemiologic Transition: Distinctive causes of death in each stage of the demographic transition Abdel Omran (1971) Stage 1 Infectious, parasitic, accidents, animal attacks Ex: Black Plague Stage 2 Receding pandemics Ex: Cholera Stage 3 Degenerative & human-created diseases Ex: Cardiovascular (heart attacks) & cancer Stage 4 (S. Jay Olshansky & Brian Ault) Delayed degenerative diseases Ex: Cancer Stage 5? Reemergence of infectious & parasitic diseases due to evolution, poverty, and global connections Ex: AIDS, Malaria, Tuberculosis, H1N1
If you were to live in Sub-Saharan Africa and you knew developed nations had lower infant mortality rates (IMR), higher life expectancies, more access to food, and more wealth, what might you do to enjoy the bounties of developed world life?
Introduction to Migration Emigration vs Immigration: Emigration or emigrate is when a person leaves their home country or country of origin Immigration or immigrant is when a person moves into a new country. Example: When a person leaves their home country of Mexico they are a what? When that person enters the United States they are an?
Forced vs voluntary migration Forced migration: when a person leaves their place of origin due to war, persecution or political influences. Voluntary: when individuals choose to leave their homes.
Migration Theories: Ravenstein’s Model: Most migrants proceed over a short distance. Migration occurs in a series of stages: Rural to small town, small town to large town or city Dispersal from large cities: as more migrants enter cities, rich move to near by villages (suburbs) Long-distance migrants are more likely to move to large cities Urban dwellers less likely to move than rural dwellers Migration increases with advances in technology. This decreases distance decay due to space time compression.
Lee’s Migration Model Push and Pull factors.