MEDITATION Research Why Loving-Kindness Meditation Resources Apps Sattva Headspace The Mindfulness App Books Radical Acceptance The Untethered Soul Real Love Full-Catastrophe Living May all beings be safe, happy, healthy, live joyously… May all living beings be safe, happy, healthy, live joyously… May all breathing beings be safe, happy, healthy, live joyously… May all individuals be safe, happy, healthy, live joyously… May all beings in existence be safe, happy, healthy, live joyously… May I be safe from harm. May I be happy just as I am. May I be peaceful with whatever is happening. May I be healthy and strong. May I care for myself in this ever-changing world graciously, joyously. May all beings in the air, on land, and in the water be safe, happy, healthy, and free from suffering. May all living beings everywhere, on all planes of existence, known and unknown, be happy, be peaceful, be free from suffering. Research Why Loving-Kindness Meditation Clin Psychol Psychother. 2015 Jul-Aug;22(4):346-56. doi: 10.1002/cpp.1893. Epub 2014 Mar 16. A wait-list randomized controlled trial of loving-kindness meditation programme for self-criticism. Front Psychol. 2015 Nov 3;6:1693. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01693. eCollection 2015. The effect of loving-kindness meditation on positive emotions: a meta-analytic review. J Consult Clin Psychol. 2014 Dec;82(6):1101-14. doi: 10.1037/a0037249. Epub 2014 Jun 30. Effect of kindness-based meditation on health and well-being: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Increases Positive Emotions & Decreases Negative Emotions Decreases PTSD Activates empathy & emotional processing in the brain Increases Compassion Increases Empathy Curbs Self-Criticism Increases Social Connection