Orange Elementary May 2012
End in Mind for Today Discover a new paradigm of leadership. Experience a transformational leadership model. Create your own vision.
Good News – Leader In Me Process of changing a “good” school culture to a “great” school culture Common, school wide language everyone can use NOT a “program” or curriculum or “one more thing to do” WILL improve the operating system that underlies everything you do
What is Leadership?
Rethinking Leadership “Leadership is a CHOICE, Video Rethinking Leadership 3:29 “Leadership is a CHOICE, NOT a position.”
Definition of Leadership “Leadership is communicating people’s worth and potential so clearly that they are inspired to see it in themselves.” —Stephen R. Covey There is a leader in me, in you, and in every child who walks through the doors of this school. But we might not recognize it in ourselves = we need someone to help communicate this to us. I want you to think back to when you were in elementary school….
Think Back…Memory Blast
Think back to when you were in elementary school. Who Inspired You? Think back to when you were in elementary school. Who was a teacher or another leader who inspired or influenced you? 2. In what ways did you see your own worth and potential differently because of this person? How did he or she communicate that to you? Count to three….
The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.
Inside Out This model shows the concept of “inside out.” Leadership starts with what’s inside you and flows outward to your impact on the individual students in your classroom and then extends to impact the culture of the school. It eventually extends beyond the school to impact families and communities. Just like the ripples in a pond, the impact goes farther than you can even imagine! (p.36 new materials)
The Leader in Me… …is not about turning every child into a CEO. …is about unleashing the leader within every child.
The A.B. Combs Story Muriel Summers, principal of A.B. Combs Elementary School attended a 7 Habits workshop with Dr. Stephen R. Covey and asked: “Could these principles be taught to young children?”
p. 4 “This is not a school….” p.19 – A.B. Combs Story Starts Early Challenges at A.B. Combs Low test scores Lack of pride professional pride Teachers working in isolation Facility was dirty No clearly defined mission or vision Very little parent involvement Incredible uncertainty p. 4 “This is not a school….” P. 12 “Leadership is not…” p.19 – A.B. Combs Story Starts
Developing Leaders One Child at a Time 3:42 Video Developing Leaders One Child at a Time 3:42
Components of the Leadership Model * Why This Works * A new paradigm: every child is a leader. 2. Universal principles. 3. Involve teachers, students, and parents. 4. Ubiquitous approach—everywhere, all the time. Principles The 7 Habits .
Results Improved student achievement Significantly enhanced student self-confidence Increase in teacher/administrator job satisfaction Delighted parents Improved school cultures Support from business and community leaders Reduced discipline referrals
Promising Results at A.B. Combs 3:51 Video Promising Results at A.B. Combs 3:51
Just as a healthy rot system gives strength and durability to the tree, living in alignment with the principles of Habits 1, 2 and 3 gives a student the foundational strength and durability to withstand the storms of life.
Muriel Summers These are the principles of effective relationship building, or the Public Victory.
Muriel Summers
Teaching Leadership with The 7 Habits 3:45 Video Teaching Leadership with The 7 Habits 3:45 Some people have questioned whether the language and the concepts of the 7 Habits could really be understood by elementary school-aged children. What we have found is that children absolutely have the capacity to learn, apply and even teach the 7 Habits. Lets listen to some children explain the 7 Habits to us on this video. As you watch, notice how comfortable the children are with the language of the habits and how they apply them to real-world scenarios they encounter. These habits form the language of leadership. Elementary children are concrete learners. They need to experience – to see, touch, feel, taste, and smell in order to learn.
The Leader in Me Process ESTABLISHING A CULTURE OF LEADERSHIP APPLYING THE TOOLS OF LEADERSHIP MAXIMIZING RESULTS All Staff All Staff VISION TRAINING 1 Day 7 HABITS SIGNATURE TRAINING 3 Days IMPLEMENTATION TRAINING 1 Day EMPOWERING GREAT LEADERS 1 Day ADDITIONAL TRAINING, CONSULTING, AND RESOURCES AS NEEDED Administration & Lighthouse Team Small Team Lighthouse Team 7 HABITS SIGNATURE CERTIFICATION 2 Days LIGHTHOUSE TEAM TRAINING 1 Day ACHIEVING SCHOOLWIDE GOALS Preconsult + 1 Day Although the 7 Habits are the core of The Leader in Me process, they are not all there is to it. Resources and Support Intellectual Property License and Web Community Activity Guides, Posters, and Other Materials Additional Training and Consulting as Needed
The Leader in Me Web Community
Rippling Across the Globe
Rippling Across the Globe 7:05 Video Rippling Across the Globe 7:05
Aligned With Theory and Research
The 7 Habits and Life Skills What Parents and Business Leaders Want 21st Century Life Skills The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People INDEPENDENCE Habits 1–3 Goal setting Organization Time management Planning Initiative Responsibility Self-direction Personal productivity Be Proactive® Begin With the End in Mind® Put First Things First® INTERDEPENDENCE Habits 4–6 Teamwork Conflict management Creativity Analytical skills Problem solving Communication Collaboration Cross-cultural skills Think Win-Win® Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood® Synergize® RENEWAL Habit 7 Fun Desire to learn Good health and hygiene Meaningful work Emotional stability Technical skills Sharpen the Saw® (Body, Heart, Mind, Soul)
4 Cores for Developing Leadership in Students Model leadership. Teach students leadership. Empower students. Develop a leadership culture. Think of one child – Participant Guide p. 18
Your Ideal School What is our vision for our school? What impact could we have? What will we do differently?
Inside Out
Brainstorming Your Vision What would a culture of leadership look like at your school? What are you already doing? What would you like to do?
Your Ideal School
Next Steps Read The Leader In Me book – Book Study? Check out resources -, books in guide Continue to refine your vision for your school Learn, live, and model the 7 Habits
Mind Set, Skill Set, Tool Set 2:44 Video Mind Set, Skill Set, Tool Set 2:44
“If you can dream it, you can do it.” Quote “If you can dream it, you can do it.” —Walt Disney
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