Building Organisational Change Capability Fiona Magee - Managing Consultant
Centres of excellence club
Which of the following definitions of Organisational Change Capability would you choose? The ability of an organisation to plan, design and implement all types of change efficiently, with minimal impact on operations B The ability of an organisation to plan and deliver all projects successfully within time and cost constraints C The ability of an organisation to apply change management tools and techniques D The ability of an organisation to manage change with portfolios, programmes and projects
“Your success in life isn’t based on your ability to simply change “Your success in life isn’t based on your ability to simply change. It is based on your ability to change faster than your competition, customers and business.” Mark Sanborn (author of The Fred Factor) 76% of CEO’s said yes to “Our ability to adapt is a key source of competitive advantage.” PwC “Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.” John F. Kennedy As an organisation you can choose to take the path to success or the path to failure. What will help you along the path to success? How you manage change! Organisations that have the agility to adapt to change and who manage the implementation of change well are more successful and are able to sustain that success. Companies such as Google, Microsoft, Apple are organisations that have the capabilities to adapt quickly to constant change in the business environment with innovation and quick to respond to changing customer needs. In this way they remain ahead of their competition. Here are some quotes to back up this concept. © CITI Limited, 2017
Competitive Advantage Change capability Change initiatives Business as usual
of change initiatives FAIL to deliver benefits Change Benefits £
What percentage of your change initiatives fail to deliver benefits? 0% - 25% B 26% - 50% C 51% - 75% D 76% - 100%
Make change wanted Make change happen Benefits £ Make change stick
Organisational Change Capability Make change wanted Make change happen stick
want Organisational Change Capability need
What do you think your organisation is focusing on now? The Organisational Change Capability you WANT B The Organisational Change Capability you NEED We asked this question at coffee club. Chat to your neighbour for a minute and think about whether your company is focusing on what you want or what you need. Hands up for A then hands up for B
Organisational Change Capability Make change wanted Make change happen stick
Dedicated change function Change skills and knowledge Dedicated change function Learning organisation Change portfolio Approach to change Change leadership Change aligned to strategy Benefits tracking and realisation
capability assessment Organisational capability assessment Culture Processes To develop organisational capabilities need to cover all 4 aspects. Resources £ © CITI Limited, 2017
Executives need to be capable of sponsoring change effectively By 2016, enterprises that instil organisational change as a competency of every employee will succeed at changing faster, giving them a clear competitive advantage. Gartner Executives Change teams BAU teams Managers Change leaders and change teams need to be capable of planning, designing and delivering change Executives need to be capable of sponsoring change effectively Managers must be capable of facilitating the transition of change into their operational areas BAU teams must be capable of adapting to change and contributing to successful outcomes © CITI Limited, 2017
Capability assessment Training Coaching Experience © CITI Limited, 2017
70:20:10 development environment Social learning 20% coaching mentoring communities of practice 10% Formal learning Informal learning instructor-led courses e-learning courses workshops experiential on the job short assignments 70:20:10 development environment © CITI Limited, 2017
Where is your organisation now in building Organisational Change Capability? We’re not even thinking about it B We’ve started to discuss it C We’ve done some planning for it D We’re already doing it
Where to now?
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