Oedipus Rex – 1st dramatic scene and stasimon Evidence of Oedipus’s HUBRIS Extended Metaphor – Thebes as a ship Main theme: Sight vs. Blindness Dramatic Irony
Supplicant(s) / to be suppliant Begging or making a plea for help from a figure of authority
High-coronalled with votive olive boughs
Apollo’s other names Delian King, Delian Lord Loxias Phoebus, King Phoebus Lycean King Parnassus (Mount Parnassus) Pytho, Pythian Temple
Oedipus Rex – 2nd dramatic scene and stasimon Main theme: Sight vs. Blindness Dramatic Irony Paradox, Juxtaposition, Oxymoron, etc.
Tiresias – the blind prophet Mythology Paradox, oxymoron, juxtaposition Apollo’s second in command Flight of birds, etc. oracle, prophet, prophecy, divinity, augury, truth, sooth, soothsayer
Be- happening to you/a person Befall Begat Behold Belie Beseech Bespeak Beleaguer