Updated July 15, 2017: How to start Condor on a Windows 10 PC http://galaxyadvisors.com
To start Condor there are 4 prerequisites: Installed Java JRE Installed MySQL and it is running * Installed MySQL Workbench Downloaded the Condor~.jar Then, two options to start Condor * To start MySQL: Click Windows START, locate MySQL folder, Click the MySQL 5.7 Command Line Client. Enter your MySQL password at the prompt Minimize the window. Do not close it.
Right click on Condor~.jar Select “Open with_” Condor Start Option 1: Right click on Condor~.jar Select “Open with_” 7. Select Java Platform SE binary Click, OK.
Condor Start Option 1: continued Enter your MySQL password Click Run with academic license (Free) Note: The academic license allows up to 10,000 nodes. If you need more capacity, email Peter Gloor at pgloor@mit.edu for a pro license.
Condor Starts:
Condor Start Option 2: Terminal Command Determine how much RAM memory your computer has Type “System” in the search bar 2. Click on the “System” control panel hit
Condor Start Option 2: Terminal Command Your memory size will be displayed Subtract your memory size – 4GB = Amount of memory to use with Condor For example, 16GB – 4GB = 12GB to use with Condor Note: The 4G is left for your computer operating system
Condor Start Option 2: Terminal Command continued … Create a Condor Condor Start Option 2: Terminal Command continued … Create a Condor.bat file 4. Notepad. Enter/edit these 3 lines as needed: cd Users\riope\Documents\Condor3 set path=%path%;\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_131\bin\ java -Xmx12G -jar Condor-3.3-alpha19.jar 5. Then save the file with a .bat extension
Condor Start Option 2: Terminal Command continued … 6. Double click on the Condor~.bat file A terminal window will appear and begin the Condor startup
Condor Start Option 1: continued Enter your MySQL password Click Run with academic license (Free) Note: The academic license allows up to 10,000 nodes. If you need more capacity, email Peter Gloor at pgloor@mit.edu for a pro license.
Condor Starts:
Two Options to Start Condor: Summary Two Options to Start Condor: Note: For both options make sure MySQL is running. * To start MySQL: Click Windows START, locate MySQL folder, Click the MySQL 5.7 Command Line Client. Enter your MySQL password at the prompt Minimize the window. Do not close it. Double click on the Condor-3.3-alpha19.jar Note: This starts Condor with a minimum amount of memory. OR Double click your Condor~.bat file Note: This starts Condor with the maximum amount of memory and is the recommended option for speed and efficiency.
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