Radford Army Ammunition Plant Community Meeting 14 December 2017 Christiansburg Library 6:30 – 8:00 PM LTC James H. Scott, III Commander, U.S. Army Version 1 As of 6 DEC 2017
Agenda 6:30 – 6:40: Welcome, Meeting Guidelines, Introductions 6:40 – 7:00: Compliance Actions and Project Updates 7:00 – 7:20: New River Valley Health District 7:20 – 8:00: Wrap Up, Questions, Action Items
Participant Guidelines All participants are to treat each other with courtesy and respect. When someone is speaking, do not interrupt them. Raise your hand if you have a question or comment. Keep questions and comments concise. Do not become verbally combative with other attendees or participants. Failure to comply: First instance of non-compliance will receive a verbal reminder of the guidelines. Second instance of non- compliance will receive a verbal reminder of the guidelines and notification that a third instance will result in removal from the meeting. Third instance of non-compliance will result in the offender being escorted out of the meeting area by security. Recording Devices – Authorized under Virginia law 2.2-3707
Introductions U.S. Army BAE Systems New River Health District LTC James Scott, III Commander, Radford Army Ammunition Plant (RFAAP) Rob Davie Deputy to the Commander Len DiIoia Jr. Chief, Operations Team Justine Barati Director of Public & Congressional Affairs Joint Munitions Command BAE Systems Bill Hendon Safety, Health, and Environment (SHE) Manager, Radford Mary McCoy, PE Environmental Manager, Radford Christopher Finley Communications Manager, Radford New River Health District Dr. Noelle Bissell, MD
Radford Army Ammunition Plant Vision and Priorities The Nations best government and contractor workforce in the Organic Industrial Base. Epitomizing Competence, Commitment, and Character. Safely and Responsibly producing superior performing propellants, energetics, and munitions. Vision: Readiness Future Workforce Priorities: Commitment to the workforce and community Readiness is our Purpose Posturing beyond tomorrow Safety Security Focus: Provide a safe, secure, and environmentally compliant installation Environment Strategic Initiatives: Capitalize on new and emerging technologies Develop long term growth and stability for the installation Resolute commitment to the warfighter, workforce, environment, and community
Radford Army Ammunition Plant
Acid Leak October 17, 2017, nitric acid leak occurred during the testing of a new tank system Leak contained within facility’s dike and treatment systems. The New River was fully protected. No release to water or soil Fumes were localized Proper regulatory notifications made NRC,VDEQ, VDEM, LEPC No injuries to employees Construction crews working 20 feet from the release were temporarily relocated
Energetic Waste Incinerator Project Project Path Forward: 90% design submittal to the government by end of CY 2017. Government/Contractor review of 90% design January 2018. Submittal of air permit application to DEQ Spring 2018. Estimate for construction $75-$150 Million. Programmed within the next 5yrs. Kiln #1 Kiln #2 Contained Burn Chamber DECON Oven Car Bottom Furnace
Environmental Stewardship Team Radford’s commitment to waste reduction Reducing Waste at the Source Modernizing for the future Process - Improved procedures - Quality / first pass yield BAE Systems & the Army Partnering - Modernization - Goals/initiatives/objectives Open Burning Ground Initiatives Waste treated at Open Burning Ground has declined from 2015 through 2017 by 22% during a period of increased production - there has been a focused effort on waste reductions at the sources
Risk Factors for Thyroid Cancer Age between 25 and 65 years old Female Being exposed to radiation to head/neck as a child or nuclear fallout History of goiter Family history of thyroid cancer Genetic conditions (Familial Medullary Thyroid Cancer, Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia) Asian 11
Lead Exposure Virginia Department of Health, Lead-Safe Virginia Program Virginia Department of Health, Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program Surveillance Summary Report 13
Questions The Agency of Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) final report on Radford Drinking Water(January 2015) https://19january2017snapshot.epa.gov/hwcorrectiveaction/hazardous-waste-cleanup-radford-army-ammunition-plant-radford-va-documents-and_.html ?
Information is Available Our commitment to responding to your questions doesn’t end tonight. Resources exist for you to research information on your own or ask questions of our personnel. Resources Facebook: Like us at Radford Army Ammunition Plant Homepage: www.rfaap.army.mil Email: dod.rfaap.PA@mail.mil Twitter: Follow us at @Radford_AAP Charlie Saks Public Affairs Officer Radford AAP 540.731.5785 charles.e.saks3.civ@mail.mil www.rfaap.army.mil Justine Barati Director of Public & Congressional Affairs Joint Munitions Command 309.782.7649 justine.a.barati.civ@mail.mil www.jmc.army.mil Christopher Finley Communications Manager BAE Systems 540.639.7709 chris.finley@baesystems.com www.baesystems.com