Status of the Data Preparation Bertrand Fougnie – Sophie Lachérade


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Presentation transcript:

Status of the Data Preparation Bertrand Fougnie – Sophie Lachérade CNES Sebastien Wagner EUMETSAT Lunar WS – 2nd December 2014, Darmstadt

Motivation for a Shared Dataset & Unified Processing Objectives of the workshop : 1/ work with a common validated implementation (GIRObox) GIRObox has to be prepared (EUMETSAT/USGS, NASA, CNES) participants have to install the GIRObox [before WS] cross-check has to be made [during WS] 2/ generate a reference dataset for validation/comparison [during WS] = Lunar Calibration Reference Dataset (LCaRD) participants have to produce their sampling dataset [before WS] = Owner Data Set (ODS) 3/ share largely the experience (…and a bit of data) participants have to explain what they are doing [during WS] a report has to be derived [after WS] already experimented in CEOS working-groups

To be completed during the WS

LEO (CWL) GEO (band) According OSCAR (WMO)



The Lunar WS Shared Dataset Acquisitions from 30 sensors 20 years of acquisitions from 1995 to 2014 ~ 60% of sensors providing data in the last 2 years – common period For all the reflective spectral domain broad or narrow bands including a common red band (narrow of broad) Covering the entire lunar phase range the full range for GEO, more limited for LEO  A very Unique collection has been created for calibration purposed !