Between the characters, write what their relationship is like. Tybalt Rivals Tybalt kills Mercutio Lady Capulet Mercutio Juliet Romeo Lord Capulet Friar Lawrence Benvolio Paris Nurse
Create a boardgame based on the plot of 'Romeo and Juliet' so far Create a boardgame based on the plot of 'Romeo and Juliet' so far. Colour tragic events blue and romantic events pink.
Do you think it was fate or choice that made Romeo and Juliet meet? Pick a theme and answer the questions in as much detail as you can. Can you include quotations? Fate against choice Young against old Fast versus slow Do you think it was fate or choice that made Romeo and Juliet meet? How do the older characters act towards love? (Think about the Capulets and the young lovers) What events in the play happen very quickly? Who warns about being too hasty? Do you think it was fate or choice that made Romeo get exiled? How do the older characters act towards the rivalry compared to the characters? (Think about Capulet and Tybalt) Is speed to blame for all the tragedy in the play?
Public displays of affection were seen as inappropriate. For each contextual point, think of a point (or more!) in the play which relates to it. Public displays of affection were seen as inappropriate. It's set in a very Catholic time and place.Suicide and bigamy(being married to more than one person) were seen as sins. Fathers were the head of the families.Children, especially daughters, were seen as the property of the fathers until they were marries. Fighting in the streets was definitely illegal, however, there were several duelling manuals around at the time that were popular. In wealthy families, it was common for children to be raised by a nurse, and they often had much stronger bonds with their nurses than their parents.
Plot quiz Image quiz 1. Why is Romeo upset at the start? 2. What does Prince Escalus threaten? 3. Why does Romeo gatecrash the ball? 4. Why is Capulet reluctant to let Paris marry Juliet at the start? 5. Who does Romeo tell about his new love? 6. Who acts as a messenger between Romeo and Juliet? 7. How does Mercutio get killed? 8. What is Romeo's punishment for killing Tybalt? 9. How does Romeo react to his punishment? 10. What is Nurse's advice for Juliet when the Capulets tell her to marry Paris? 1. Who is compared to a sun? 2. What is compared to lightning because it happened so fast? 3. Who calls who like a bird? 4. Who is referred to as a cat? 5. Who calls Juliet 'sickness'? 6. How did Romeo claim he climbed into Juliet's orchard?