Air Force Reserve Officers’ Training Corps AFROTC Detachment 400 Air Force Reserve Officers’ Training Corps 1/17/17
Mission Recruit, educate, and train future Airmen to commission as officers in the United States Air Force. HALF PAGE IMAGE SIZE EXAMPLE Vision Develop premier leaders of character for tomorrow’s Air Force 1/17/17
Department Goals Retain 75% of AY 16-17 freshman cadets into sophomore year Seamless department chair and secretary transition in spring/summer 2017 Gift money building renovations complete by Fall 2017 term Maintain active, positive campus presence via involvement and service Increase AFROTC Alumni Scholarship Tech Fund by 50% 1/17/17
Challenges Limited department budget and limited activities for which government budget may be used Restrictions on official representation of AF during campus involvement Detachment support from distant host base support and organization leadership Recruiting non-engineer students into the program Compensation for unique weather, travel, and cost of living conditions for cadre HALF PAGE IMAGE SIZE EXAMPLE 1/17/17
Opportunities New base visit and Civil Air Patrol flight funding for enhanced cadet experiences Relaxed restrictions on new accessions to recruit from a wider range of applicants Increased funding for 2017 summer programs: Internships with engineering and cyberspace companies and national security organizations Language and culture immersion programs Air Force Academy exchange and training programs HALF PAGE IMAGE SIZE EXAMPLE 1/17/17
Contact Department Chair Major Jason Engler Professor of Aerospace Studies and Detachment 400 commander Michigan Technological University 1400 Townsend Dr Houghton, MI 49931 (906) 487-2672 1/17/17