The Career and College Search PLANNING YOUR FUTURE The Career and College Search Bob Foltin Sue Biemeret SHS College Counselors
Tonight’s Answers What’s the correlation between the PLAN and ACT tests? Just what is Naviance and how can it help my child’s career and college plan? How do we begin my child’s college search? I have some questions that need answers….
The PLAN test
Estimating ACT Score Use PLAN score to estimate ACT score Add 1-5 points to PLAN composite Example: PLAN Composite 18 = Estimated ACT 19-23 Single best predictor of ACT score? Successful completion of college prep English, Math, Science, Social Studies and World Language classes
World of Work Map
A Website Worth Knowing
SHS Website
CCC Website
Left Rail
Countdown to College Guide
Center Section
Right Rail
Naviance portal
Logging On To Naviance
Naviance Tabs
Scattergram i.e. graph
Document Library U of I graphs by college
?? Majors/Careers ?? Actively or Passively undecided? * Career Exploration Opportunities (CEO) * Summer school “Careers in…____” * SHS Career speaker series (Diane Willock, School Business Liaison) * SHS elective choices * Naviance
BUILDING THE TEAM STUDENT Parents Friends Teachers Counselor College Officers College/Career Center
SO WHAT IS RESEARCH?? --An active verb --Involves searching - can’t be done in a single event --CSI for College! --gather data --examine data --draw conclusions based on fact Make us a partner in, not the captain of, your research!
How To Do Research Students Visit with College Reps In the College/Career Center
How To Do Research Visit Colleges Attend College Fairs Schedule visits through Office of Admissions Attend College Fairs Next fall at CLC, Navy Pier Internet Research [Naviance for sure!]
College Admission Timeline Junior Year--First Semester Develop working list of 10-20 colleges that appeal to you Come use College/Career Center resources and materials Visit with college reps who come to SHS Attend “Finding the Fit” program in the fall Attend National College Fair and ICE Fair at CLC Develop strong grade trends Develop a good working relationship with your counselor
College Admission Timeline Junior Year-Second Semester Register for a strong senior class schedule Take the ACT or SAT in February or April Visit colleges as often as you can! Attend ICE Fair in March Schedule a “Narrowing Your Options” college counseling appointment with college counselor [February through June] Whittle college list down to 10 schools that are a good fit for YOU! YOU DON’T APPLY FOR COLLEGE UNTIL SENIOR YEAR!!
How To Do Research Student Communication With their teachers With colleges With their counselor With themselves With you – their parents