Why Lost In And Out Of Church? Why Lost Out: Why Lost in: Indifference (Acts 24: 25) Indifference (Acts 24: 25) Prejudice (Matt. 13: 15) Unbelief (Heb. 3: 12-14) Ignorance (2 Tim. 3: 15) Ignorance (Hos. 4: 6) “Multiplicity”(Matt. 16: 18) Do not grow (Heb. 5: 11f.) Comment: I began this sermon by first mentioning reasons as to why people are not lost. Such reasons as it is not because God does not want them saved (2 Pet. 3: 9, John 3: 16); not because God has only arbitrarily predestined some to salvation and others to being lost (cp. John 3: 16, “whosoever”); and not because He has not provided the means of salvation (Jude 3, I Cor. 15: 2, Rom. 1: 16). It is true that men are going to be lost because they have “not obeyed the gospel” (2 Thes. 1: 7-9, Rom. 2: 6-9). One will be lost if outside of Jesus (2 Tim. 2: 10). However, one can still be lost even though they have entered Jesus (Gal. 3: 26, 27, I Cor. 10: 12, Gal. 5: 4). I have only provided one verse relative to each of the main points, you can verbally mention as many as you prefer, needless to say. “Saved out” (2Tim. 2: 10) Neglect (Heb. 2: 1-3)