Product Training by Ad van Genderen Product Manager
Agenda. History of Lubrication. Function of a Motor Oil. Viscosity. explanation of SAE J300 Selection Criteria. what product must we choose, which specifications?? Specification for Passenger Car en HDEO explanation of different specifications. Transmission. Antifreeze / Coolants. Brake Fluids. Questions.
History of Lubricants Automotive Engine Oil: Is an essential constructual element of combustion engines. Contains Base oil & Additives. Base oil provides the desired viscosity. Additives provides the desired performance levels. Has a longer history than the combustion engine itself. Namely for the ‘Sunday drive’ (Mrs. Benz) Nowadays provide an oil change interval till 150.000km for trucks. Constant developments, just as the combustion engine itself. Nowadays, most developments are driven by enviromental requirements. Developments are mostly done by the Additive Industry Oil firms mostly develop the Base Oils.
Engines by Daylight:
Engines by an Oil Formulator
Engine : Many Moving Parts Fuel Injection Inlet air/fuel mixture Outlet Combustion area Piston Cooled Cilinder Connection rod Connection rod bearing Crankshaft Sump
Areas which require lubrication: Piston Top Land Top Groove 2nd Land 2nd Groove Oil Scraper Piston skirt
Areas which require lubrication: Turbocharger Oil cooled bearings, high temperature and risk of overheating Used oil particles from crankcase ventilation
Outlook / Summary Complex enviroment. Complex role. Complex set of requirements. Goverment – OEM – Oil Industry – Industry Organization. Complex Market. Passenger Cars – Heavy Duty Diesel Trucks versus Logistics. Old & aged versus new engines with delicate systems. Complex Development and Composition. Additives Viscosity Modifiers Base Oils Dispersants Dispersant Group-I Detergents Non Dispersant Group-II Anti Wear Super Dispersant Group-III Friction Modifiers PAO, Esters Anti Oxidant Re-Refined Inhibitors for Rust, Corrosion GTL
Automotive Engine Oils: Requirements of a finished oil formulation: Good / High Quality Base Oil: Good reaction with oxidation supplements Good Viscosity Index(VI). Flows at low temperatures Min. Viscosity change at increasing temperatures. Performance Additives: Resistance against aging Resistance against composition pollution (wear, rust & foam). Correct friction characteristics. Improving Viscosity Index (VI). Solvability in a variety of base stocks. Usability in a variety of base stocks.
Relation Additives & Base Oil Hydraulic Oils Gas Engine Oils Heavy Duty Engine Oils Marine Cylinder Oils Base Oil & VI Improvement (multi grade) Base Oil & VI Improvement (multi grade) Base Oil & VI Improvement (multi grade) Base Oil < 1% additives 5-15% additives 10-20% additives 20-35% additives
Relation Additives & Base Oil Mono Grade Oil Multi Grade Oil Base Oil Base Oil VI Improver Additives Additives
Relation Additives & Base Oil Base oil: Mineral, Synthetic or Mix Additives: Detergents, Dispersant, Zinc, Inhibitors VI Improvers: Multipurpose Oil
How an oil is blended Additives Base Oil VI-Improver Heat till 80°C
Main functions of a Motor Oil Cooling Sound Redemption Cleaning Sealing Lubricating
REQUIREMENTS OF A MOTOR OIL Gasoline Engines Suitable for high speed Motor Diesel Engine Needs additives to neutralize the sulphur content from the fuel. High viscosity is needed for the high compression relation & dealing with soot particles which are released during the combustion.
WRONG USE OF A MOTOR OIL When a Gasoline Engine Oil is used in a Diesel Engine : Sum up of metal maintaining additives in the engine Sum up of metal maintaining additives in the Catalysator Metal Additives Catalysator
WRONG USE OF A MOTOR OIL When a Gasoline Engine Oil is used in a Diesel Engine : Corrosion of metal due the to sulphur containing particles Increased viscosity due to soot particles
WHY TO REPLACE A MOTOR OIL? Motor Oils will age due to the following : Collection of dirt particles Pollution through moisture & fuel Thermal oxidation Usage of the additives Exhaust gas temp. Could rise to approx 2000°C. In this enviroment even the best engine oil will age.
Results of a Motor Oil Usage
WHY TO REPLACE A MOTOR OIL Dirt piles up in the engine Engine is not protected anymore (no more protective additives available) Reduction of fuel savings Engine problems Reduction of engine performance Reduction of engine life Ageing of oil causes problems. Intermediate changing of the lubricant is necessary to keep the engine in a good condition.
Temperature Balance due to Technical Changes Temperature in engine will increase: More Power Longer Oil Change Interval Compact Design Isolation Electronics Fuel Saving
FRICTION & WEAR Dry Friction Partly Lubricated Fully Lubricated Fully lubrication between surfaces Just friction & No wear Partly Lubricated Partly lubrication between surfaces Friction + Low wear Dry Friction No lubrication between surfaces High friction + High wear
“Thickness” of the Liquid Society of Automotive Engineers VISCOSITY Definition: is a measure of the resistance of a fluid which is being deformed by either shear stress or tensile stress. In everyday terms (and for fluids only), viscosity is "thickness" or "internal friction" Viscosity is : “Thickness” of the Liquid Standardized by SAE: Society of Automotive Engineers
VISCOSITY There is no ‘ideal Viscosity’, as each viscosity is related to the application which needs lubrication. The Viscosity depends on the temperature level: High Temperature Low Viscosity Low Temperature High
SAE Values Warm Oil Cold Oil 10 Thin 0W 20 5W 30 10W 40 15W 50 THICK
Consequences of wrong lubrication
Consequences of wrong lubrication
Different Vehicle Manufacturer VW, Audi, Porsche, Seat Skoda, MAN VAG VW, Audi, Porsche, Seat Skoda, MAN FIAT DC/Chrysler BMW Mini, Bently Ford Volvo One Oil???? Scania Hyundai Mercedes Benz SanggYong General Motors Opel, Daewoo Renault Nissan, Dacia PSA Peugeot, Citroen Suzuki Toyota Lexus KIA Honda Alfa Romeo
Jungle in Specifications VAG groep VW504.00/507.00 VW 501.01/505.00 VW 502.00/505.00 VW 505.01 VW 506.01 Fiat Groep 9.55535 G2 9.55535H2 9.55535M2 9.55535N2 9.55535S1/S2 9.55535S2 BMW Groep BMW Special Oil BMW LL-98 BMW-LL-01 BMW LL-01 FE BMW LL-04 MB groep MB 229.1 MB 229.3 / 229.31 MB 229.5 / 229.51 MB 228.1 MB 228.3 / 228,31 MB 228.5 /228.51 One oil???? Ford Groep M2C 913A/913CB/913C Renault Groep RN 0700 RN 0710 RN0720 GM/Opel Groep GM LL-A-025 / B025 Dexos 1 & 2 Volvo VDS VDS-2 VDS-3 VDS-4 PSA Groep B 71 2290 B 71 2294 B 71 2295 B 71 2296 ILSAC GF-3 / 4 / 5 MAN M 3271 M 3275 M 3477 M 3575 ACEA A, B, C en E categorie API Groep SL / SM / SN CF / CI-4 / CJ-4 Scania LDF LDF-2 LA
How to make the correct selection. How to choose the correct product for my Vehicle Makes, Model, Range, Building Year. With or Without Exhaust Gas After Treatment System. Long life or Standard Quality. Application, Short, City or Long Distance. Yes or No in Guaranty
Fastmovers. MOTOR OIL SL 10W-40: MOTOR OIL SM 5W-40: ACEA A3/B4, API SL/CF; MB 229.1; VW 501.01/505.00 Semi Synthetic. Oil Change Interval max. 15.000 km. Not suited for diesel engines with DPF. Not suited for engines with pump injection. MOTOR OIL SM 5W-40: ACEA A3/B4, API SM/CF; MB 229.3; VW 502.00/505.00 RN 0710; GM-LL-025B; BMW LL-01 Semi Synthetic. Oil Change Interval max. 20.000 km. Not suited for diesel engines with DPF. Not suited for engines with pump injection. MOTOR OIL LE 5W-40: ACEA A3/B4/C3, API SL/CF; MB 229.51; VW 505.01, 502.00/505.00; RN 0720; GM-LL-025B; BMW LL-04 Synthetic. Oil Change Interval max. 30.000 km. Suited for diesel engines with DPF.. Suited for engines with pump injection MOTOR OIL VX 5W-30: ACEA A3/B4/C3, MB 229.51; VW 504.00/507.00: BMW LL-04 Synthetic. Oil Change Interval max. 30.000 km. Suited for diesel engines with DPF.. Suited for engines with pump injection
Exceptions Ford motoren: Opel/GM motoren Hybrid Cars Ford M2C 913A/B Ford M2C 913C MOTOR OIL FE 5W-30 MOTOR OIL FEC 5W-30 Opel/GM motoren GM Dexos 2, GM-LL-A-025/B-025. MOTOR OIL GMX 5W-30 Hybrid Cars API SN, Dexos 1, ILSAC GF/5 MOTOR OIL SN 0W-20 MOTOR OIL SN 5W-20
Cost Effect & Emission Regulation Rotterdam – Leipzig: 689 km Euro-1 PM 96.46 g/km Euro-5 PM 3.45 g/km Reductie 97%
Cost Increasing Aspects Availability components. Emission regulation. Development new additive technology. Development new type base oil. New blending technologies. Reach registration. Owm OEM specific technology and specifications. Development of use of Bio Fuel. Lubricant: Complex system of different technology working under extreme and severe conditions.
Explanation of Information Specifications : Quality SAE Grade : Viscosity
Performance classes for Engine Oils SPECIFICATIONS OEM API ACEA (CCMC) JASO ILSAC Performance classes for Engine Oils MIL Spec
ACEA SPECIFICATIONS Current Specifications according to ACEA 2007: A/B: for Gasoline & Diesel Engines: C: Suitable for exhaust gasses treatments: E: For Heavy Duty Engines (Commercial Vehicles): A1/B1, A3/B3, A3/B4, A5/B5 C1, C2, C3, C4 E4, E6, E7, E9
OEM Specifications OEM Specifications VAG Group 504.00/507.00 50.01/506.00 502.00/505.00 505.01 Mercedes Benz MB 229.51 MB 229.31 MB 228.51 MB 228.3 BMW LL-04 LL-01 LL-98 Special Oil GM/Opel Dexos 2 Dexos 1 GM-LL-A-025 GM-LL-B-025 Ford WSS-M2C-913C WSS-M2C-913B WSS-M2C-913A WSS-M2C-948 Volvo VDS-4 VDS-3 VDS-2 VDS Scania LDF-3 LDF-2 LDF LDF LA
Resume Several Manufacturers have their own specifications SAE is related to the viscosity (thickness) of the lubricant API, ACEA, VW, MB, BMW is related to the quality of the lubricant Always follow the viscosity & specification requirements of the Manufacturers Consult with an 77 Lubricants advisor By doubt, please contact the TNB / 77 Technical Support Department
Type of Transmissions: Manual Automatic Standard AT CVT DSG
Transmission Oil The essential functions of a Transmission Oil : Easy shifting of gears Reduction of Friction & Wear Protection against corrosion & sulphur Load bearing properties. Expansion of the life cycle of the transmission.
Transmission Oil Manufacturer bond specifications: MB 235.0, 235.1, 235.7, 235.10, 235.11 MAN 341, 342, 3343SL….. ZF TE-ML 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06 …….. Ford SQM-2C 9008A, SM-2C 1011A, ESP-M2C 83-C VW G 052 145, G 052 190, G 055 190, G 050 Opel B 040 1031 Volvo 97307, 97312
Functions of a CVT Fluid Torque Convertor Push Belt CVTF replaces kinetic energy CVTF as hydraulic fluid and serves as a lubricants between the pulley and push belt. From the Engine: CVTF cools several transmission parts. Control Unit To the wheels CVTF for hydraulic shifting CVTF as lubricant for lower gears & bearings.
Requirements of an ATF & CVTF ATF Requirements: Lubricating Properties. Viscosity / Temp. characteristic. Cooling properties. Compatible with materials. Receivers for wet clutch friction characteristics. CVTF Requirements: ATF requirements + Metal on metal friction characteristics
Why to replace an ATF and/or CVTF? ATF & CVTF ages due to the following causes: Oxidation due to heating of the fluid during usage Usage of additives Collection of moisture, metal parts & dirt
Why to replace an ATF and/or CVTF? Symptoms of an aged ATF & CVTF: Worse acceleration Increase of fuel consumption Worse / Shocking Shifting
Standard ATF Specification: Manufacturer bond specifications: FORD ESW-M2C 33F, ESP-M2C 33G, SQM-2C 9007 AA M-1375.4 LT-71141 MB 236.10, 236.12, 236.14, MB 236.20 Nissan Matic D en J Mitsubishi SP-II, SP-III. Toyota T-III, T-IV, ATF WS Audi G 052 025 A2, G 052 180, G 052 516 Dexron II, Dexron III F/G, Dexron VI
Automotive Gear Oil: Specifications Most common specifications: API GL-4 Heavy loaded hand shifted transmissions; light loaded hypoid transmissions. API GL-5 Heavy loaded hypoid transmissions, axles and differentials. API: American Petroleum Institute GL: Gear Lubricant
Coolants A complex system consisting of different components, materials, different temperatures& different flows. 1) Radiator 2) Thermostat 3) Water Pump 4) Fan 5) Heat Exchanger 6) Gasket / hoses 7) Expansion
Engine Failures Statistics
Function of a Coolant Transferring the additional heat within the engine, during the combustion process. The best heat transferring fluid is : WATER Disadvantages of WATER: Freezes at 0°C Boils at 100°C Is corrosive with most metals
Difference between a Coolant and Antifreeze 90 - 95 % Mono Ethyleen Glycol (MEG) 10 - 5 % additives COOLANT: Mixture of Antifreeze with water relation 50/50: -40°C
ADDITIVES FOR IMPROVED CHARACTERISTICS: Coolants ADDITIVES FOR IMPROVED CHARACTERISTICS: Anti-corrosion: protection against corrosion & the possibility of blogging of a radiator & the damaging of the waterpomp. Anti-foam: prevention of air bells. Air bells are a good isolator which causes the heat to increase within the coolant, and therefore in the engine. Lubricant: serves as a protection & lubricant for the seals of the waterpomp. When the seals are not lubricated, wear, noises & leakages will follow.
Requirements of a Coolant Proper heat transfer Mediocre viscosity Low pour point, -40°C. High flash point, 120-125°C. Good oxidation & good corrosion resistance. No damage to rubber & plastic parts. Not foaming
Brake Fluids A specially developed composed fluid, for the transferring of brake power from the brake padel to the wheelbrake cylinders
Brake Fluids DOT 3 DOT 4 DOT 5.1 Wet Boiling point°C, min Kin.Visc. -40°C, cSt, max 140 1500 155 1800 180 900 Difference between DOT 5 & DOT 5.1 : DOT 5 is on a basis of silicon-oil. Silicon & water do not mix, and as such water evaporates at high temperature which causes air bells in the brake system. DOT 5 is NOT mixable with other brake fluids.
Brake Fluids Quality requirements of a Brake Fluid are : Boiling point, Wet Boiling point Viscosity & Thermal Stability Oxidation & Corrosion resistance Water comprehension & pH-value Miscibility with other equal fluids May not damage rubber Excellent lubrication & limited wear
Brake Fluids Decrease of the Boiling Point at an increase of a water content + wear: That’s why: Always replace Brake Fluid properly Follow the Manufacturer’s requirements!
Qustion Round Thank for your attention