Cylinder Head: Parts and Service Chapter 7 Cylinder Head: Parts and Service
Objectives Disassemble, clean, and inspect cylinder heads Analyze wear and damage to cylinder head parts Understand theory related to cylinder head parts Select and perform correct repair
Head Disassembly Clean before disassembly If OHC, remove camshaft Steam cleaned or hot tanked If OHC, remove camshaft Remove all rocker arms
Spring Removal Tools Wear face protection when removing valve springs Come in manually operated and air-operated Some are designed to work with heads still on engine
Spring Removal Tools
Head Disassembly Keep valves in order Keep valve components in storage container to prevent loss Remove any o-ring seals Valve tips Dress with a file to remove mushrooming before removal
Head Disassembly
Measuring Stem Height Distance between spring seat and valve spring retainer Measure before any work is done Vernier caliper or depth micrometer can be used
Measuring Stem Height
Removing Carbon from Combustion Chambers Glass bead blast Works well on cast iron and aluminum heads Wire wheel with electric or air drill Good on cast iron Cannot be done on aluminum heads Chemical carbon removers Can be used on both iron and aluminum
Removing Carbon from Valves Glass bead blasting or wire wheel buffer Clean valve keeper groove Do not clean guide rub area of the valve
Removing Carbon from Valves
Crack Inspection Cracks form in and between combustion chambers Different methods to locate crack depending on style of head Magnetic inspection Dye penetrant Pressure testing
Crack Inspection
Crack Repair Only practical of bare head costs more than twice the repair Cracks can be repaired in both iron and aluminum heads Tapered plugs are installed into threaded holes drilled along crack Welding is a common fix for aluminum heads Occasionally done to cast iron
Valve Guide Inspection Worn valve guides are common cause of excessive oil consumption Most wear occurs at bottom of guide due to heat and lack of lubrication Clean guide before measuring Measure with a ball gauge and outside micrometer
Valve Guide Knurling Repair process that does not require replacement of guide Process that displaces metal in the guide Ream guide to proper size after knurling process Use lubrication when knurling cast iron guides, but NOT when reaming the guide.
Valve Guide Repair
Valve Guide Replacement Come in either bronze or iron Reamer used to cut the guide oversived Guide is the pressed in Top of guide cut off to proper height Inside of guide is then reamed to proper clearance
Valve Stem Seals Umbrella seal O-ring Positive seal
Valve Stem Seals
Umbrella Seal Identification Polyacrylate seals Black Nitrile seals Blue or green
Umbrella Seal Identification Silicone seals Red Teflon seals White
Replacing Valve Springs or Seals (Head on Engine) Induce air into cylinder Loose both rocker arms Compress and remove valve spring with special compressor Check condition of valve guide by wiggling valve stem Replace spring or seal
Checking Cylinder Head Flatness Heads with excessive warpage Resurface to ensure proper gasket sealing To check Clean gasket surface Use straight edge and feeler gauge Check diagonally, vertically, and horizontally
Resurfacing Heads Cylinder head can be resurfaced by Fly cutting on milling machine Grinding on a head grinder Sanding head on a belt sander machine
Resurfacing Heads