4th Expert E-PRTR Group Meeting Brussels, 4 February 2011


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Presentation transcript:

Sharing experiences on emissions of priority substances discharged into water 4th Expert E-PRTR Group Meeting Brussels, 4 February 2011 Madalina David, Water Unit DG Environment, European Commission

Priority substances (legal background, definitions, reporting obligations)

Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC overall objective is the requirement for MSs to achieve good status for waters by 2015. Means meeting all environmental quality standards for chemicals set at EU level by Environmental Quality standards Directive EQS 2008/105/EC (EQS): 33 priority substances listed in Annex X of WFD 8 other pollutants previously regulated by Dangerous Substances Directive 2006/11/EC codified 76/464/EEC (DSD) Means an expression of the quality of the structure and functioning of aquatic ecosystems including: biological, hydromorphological and chemical elements Good surface water status Good chemical status + good ecological status Good groundwater status Good chemical status + good quantitative status Means ensuring a long-term balance between abstraction and recharge, protecting as well associated surface waters and ecosystems. Means meeting all standards for chemicals: quality standards set at EU level: pesticides and nitrates threshold values: standards set at national level 3

Definition (WFD) Priority substances Priority hazardous substances Art 16: “individual pollutants or groups of pollutants presenting a significant risk to or via the aquatic environment, including such risks to waters used for the abstraction of drinking water” Priority hazardous substances Art 2.29: “means substances or groups of substances that are toxic, persistent and liable to bio-accumulate; and other substances or groups of substances which give rise to an equivalent level of concern” (link to REACH substances of very high concern art 57)

List of Priority substances First identification exercise done in late nineties → 33 substances established in 2001 (Decision 2455/2001/EC) → Annex X of the WFD Next review foreseen for 2011 Alachlor Endosulfan Pentachlorobenzene Anthracene Fluoranthene  Pentachlorophenol Atrazine Hexachlorobenzene Polyaromatic hydrocarbons Benzene Hexachlorobutadiene (Benzo(a)pyrene) Brominated diphenylether Hexachlorocyclohexane (Benzo(b)fluoranthene) Pentabromodiphenylether Isoproturon (Benzo(g,h,i)perylene) Cadmium and its compounds Lead and its compounds (Benzo(k)fluoranthene) Chloroalkanes, C10-13 Mercury and its compounds (Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene) Chlorfenvinphos Naphthalene Simazine Chlorpyrifos (Chlorpyrifos-ethyl) Nickel and its compounds Tributyltin compounds 1,2-dichloroethane Nonylphenol Tributyltin-cation Dichloromethane (4-nonylphenol) Trichlorobenzenes Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP) Octylphenol Trichloromethane (chloroform) Diuron (4-(1,1',3,3'-tetramethylbutyl)-phenol)  Trifluralin in red Priority Hazardous Substances

Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC Combined approach (Art. 10 of the WFD) discharges into surface waters are controlled for point and diffuse sources based on a combination of emission controls and environmental quality standards Emission controls (minimum standards): IPPC, UWWT and Nitrates Directives or any other set at EU level “Where a quality objective or quality standard (…) requires stricter conditions than those which would result from the application of emission controls or ELV or diffuse impacts, more stringent emission controls shall be set accordingly.”

Dangerous Substances Directive 2006/11/EC (DSD) (codified version of the Directive 76/464/EEC) aim: to eliminate the pollution by List I substances and to reduce the pollution by List II substances (compliant with Article 3 of DSD) all the discharges into the waters shall require prior authorisation by the competent authority of the Member States (Article 4 of DSD) authorisations shall lay down the emission standards based on EQS ELVs: Directives referred in the Annex IX of the WFD (Hg**, Cd**, HCH**, CCl4***, DDT***, PCP*, Aldrin***, Endrin***, Dieldrin***, Isodrin***, CCl3*, HCB**, HCBu**, 1,2-DCM*, TCE***, PCE***, TCB*) repealed by the WFD (22/12/2013) and partially by EQSD (13/07/10) *priority substance **priority hazardous substance ***other pollutants

Member States’ reporting obligations Pressure and impact analysis at the surface water body level according to Article 5 of the WFD (end 2004, updated 2013 and every 6 years thereafter) in addition: establish an inventory of emissions, discharges and losses (as part of 2013 update) Decision 2455/2001/EC  Reporting of Monitoring programmes according to Article 8 of the WFD (end 2006) River Basin Management Plans according to Article 13 of the WFD (end 2009, updated 2015 and every 6 years thereafter), to include: programme of measures, including measures for progressive reduction of pollution with priority substances and phasing out or cessation of discharges, emissions and losses of priority hazardous substance prior regulation/authorisation/registration of point and diffuse source discharges into surface waters

Guidelines on emissions, discharges and losses of priority substance - State of play -

Background Objectives Article 5 of the EQS Directive (2008/105/EC): MSs shall establish an inventory of emissions, discharges and losses of all 33 priority substances and 8 certain other pollutants for the RBD or part of it (international RBD), including concentrations in sediment and biota Objectives preparation of the technical guidance for the establishment of an inventory on emissions, discharges and losses of priority substances the guidance will cover the methodologies to develop the inventory and the fact sheets for each of the priority substances

Plan it is proposed to use readily available information: EPER, E-PRTR + ETC-Water document summarising E-PRTR data Art. 5 and 8 Reports of the WFD + RBMPs (Art. 15 of the WFD) Outcomes of the reporting obligation under Art. 15(4) of the UWWTD EEA’s SoE-WISE ‘Emissions to Water’ reporting process How to build an inventory of emissions, discharges and losses (IOW) Report on sources and measures (produced by DG on emissions) Source screening sheets produced for existing PS relevant studies and researches (e.g. SOCOPSE, ScorePP, FOOTPRINT) case study will be provided to test the guidance

Structure and organisation work on preparation of the new guidance: Drafting Group (DG) co-lead by DE, FR and COM and ICPDR Expert Group on Pressures and Measures to deliver the case studies Participants: DG ENV, EEA, Member States (Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain and the United Kingdom) and stakeholders (ICPDR, CONCAWE, ECPA and NAVI Task Group) mandate endorsed by the Water Directors in May 2010 Drafting Group will work under umbrella of the CIS Working Group E ad hoc meetings or e-mail exchanges are foreseen to share views on information to be used, discussions of the specific issues and the technical documents

Content of guidelines Main findings Introduction: purpose of the guidance Terms and definitions General components of the inventory Working methodologies Term of references Annexes: Overview of different methodologies, case studies for certain priority substances Main findings the data should be relevant for the emission situation to be described at that point of time, meaning data including 2011 if available and relevant (by expert judgment) both point and diffuse sources should be addressed the way on how the data have been produced should be made publically available and reported in a transparent way spatial scale: river basin district (should be further discussed within the DG on how to address it) the efforts should be directed mainly to the relevant substances for the Member State of concern; the level of sophistications is expected to improve with the different cycles of the RBMPs

Timetable Work on the key chapters (September 2010 – May 2011) Presentation of consolidated 1st draft document to WG-E meeting (June 2011) Testing phase (July-September 2011) Final version to be agreed by WG-E (October 2011) Article 21 Committee's adoption (February 2012)

Thank you for your attention ! More information http://ec.europa.eu/environment/water 15 15