Lesson 40: The Book of 2 Timothy Scriptures in quotation marks are taken from the KING JAMES VERSION of the Bible.
1:7 – 1. Power 2. Love 3. Sound mind 1:12 – Paul knew in whom he believed and was persuaded God would keep him until that day when Christ returns.
2:3 – We must “endure” suffering. 2:4 – Don’t become so entangled in the world you forget God.
2:5 – We must live according to God’s rules—the Bible. 2:11-13 – If we die to self, Christ will live through us. If we endure for Him, we will “reign with Him.”
2:23 – Avoid foolish arguments with false teachers or cult members. 2:16 – Avoid foolish arguments about things not central to the Christian faith. They only provoke anger and lead to spiritual decline. 2:23 – Avoid foolish arguments with false teachers or cult members.
1. Selfish 2. “Covetous” 3. “Boasters & proud” 4. “Blasphemers” 5. “Disobedient to parents” 6. “Unthankful” 7. “Unholy” 8. Unloving 9. “Trucebreakers”
7. “Unholy” 8. Unloving 9. “Trucebreakers” 10. “False accusers” 11. “Incontinent” (without self-control) 12. “Fierce” 13. “Despisers of those that are good”
Correcting – Correction Guidance – Instruction Teaching – Doctrine Rebuking – Reproof Correcting – Correction Guidance – Instruction in righteousness
1. “Reprove” (correct) 2. “Rebuke” (condemn sin) 3. “Exhort” (encourage) 4. “Watch . . . all things” (be alert) 5. “Endure afflictions” 6. “Do the work of an evangelist”