New Draft Comprehensive Zoning By-law
Highlights Utilizes charts and tables Reorganized into new categories Drawings and text boxes Undated based on new legislation, guidelines and resource material, conform to and not conflict with Provincial policy and plans. The Countryside Area The permitted uses in each zone classification have been revised Site specific by-law consolidated On-Farm Diversified Uses, Backyard Hens, kennel permissions To the provisions applying to accessory structures Definitions Overlay zones Summary tables
Section 3: General Provisions 3.1 APPLICATION.. 3.2 ACCESSORY BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES AND USES. (permitted Uses, Regulations, Temporary Use, Signs, Pools, Fences) 3.3 DWELLING UNITS, ADDITIONAL SINGLE DWELLINGS AND ATTACHED ACCESSORY DWELLING UNITS (2nd dwellings, apartments, garden suits, mobile homes, camping trailers, minimum floor areas) 3.4 Encroachments and Height Exceptions. 3.5 ENVIRONMENTAL AND HAZARD SETBACKS. (watercourses, slopes, wetlands) 3.6 HOME INDUSTRY. 3.7 HOME OCCUPATION.. 3.8 LIVESTOCK AND MINIMUM DISTANCE SEPARATION.. (livestock facilities, hobby farms, backyard hens, on-farm diversified use) 3.9 LOT PROVISIONS AND APPLICATIONS. (frontage on maintained road , application and guidance on interpreting setbacks, multiple zones, reduction of requirements, irregular lot) 3.10 LEGAL NON-CONFORMING AND NON-COMPLYING.. 3.11 USES PERMITTED IN ALL ZONES. 3.12 PROHIBITED USES AND USE-SPECIFIC PROVISIONS. ( FILL OPERATIONS, HIGH IMPACT RECREATIONAL USES , NOXIOUS TRADE AND DANDEROUS USES, OUTDOOR STORAGE, PEAT EXTRACTION, PITS AND QUARRIES, PROPANE STORAGE AND HANDLING) 3.13 SPECIAL EVENTS. 3.14 SITE PLAN DEVELOPMENT PROVISIONS. (loading spaces, parking spaces, landscaping strips, sight triangles) 3.15 TAX EXEMPT LANDS. 3.16 VEHICLES, TRAILERS AND EQUIPMENT STORAGE. (maximum numbers, storage of unlicensed, commercial parking, RVs)
List of Zones A - Countryside Area (“NEW”) RR - Rural Residential RC - Rural Commercial ER - Estate Residential HR - Hamlet Residential CG - General Commercial CH - Highway Commercial BPG - Business Park Gateway BPC - Business Park Core BPT - Business Park Transition RE - Recreational I - Institutional MX - Extractive Industrial MD - Waste Disposal OS - Open Space EP - Environmental Protection
Comparison of Agricultural and Rural (Countryside Area) Rural >8 A>8 A<8 Rural <8 Single Detached Dwelling x Additional Single dwelling ASD (1) One Accessory dwelling unit (1) Agricultural Use Agriculture-Related Use Bed and Breakfast Crisis Centre Garden Center Group Home On-Farm Diversified Use Home Industry Home Occupation Kennel (see Canine By-law) Portable Sawmill Public Open Space or Park Resource Management Veterinary Clinic Wayside Pit or Wayside Quarry Wind generator – small scale Medicinal Marijuana Facility
Comparison of Commercial and Industrial Zones GC HC BP-G BP-C BPT one Single Detached Dwelling or Accessory attached dwelling unit, accessory to a permitted use x one accessory dwelling unit/lot abattoir activity center ancillary outdoor storage within a fully enclosed, screened and gated area building supply and lumber outlet bulk fuel depot business, professional and administrative office child care facility concrete product manufacturing contractor’s yard convenience store emergency services facility farmer’s market feed mill garden center gas station hotels and motels light manufacturing, processing or assembly motor vehicle body shop motor vehicle dealership motor vehicle repair garage park and trail access facility. Parking lot personal service shop post office Practitioner’s clinic private club public storage facilities recreational and entertainment facility research and development establishment repair shop (non-vehicle) restaurant retail sales accessory to a permitted use not exceeding 35 per cent of the total floor area retail store sales, service and rental establishment sawmill self-storage facility service shop tavern telecommunications tower tourist information centre transmission towers and hydro-electric substations transportation depot veterinary clinic warehouse workshop
Comparison of Residential Zones RR ER HR Single Detached Dwelling x additional single dwelling (ASD) or attached accessory dwelling unit or habitable pool house attached accessory dwelling unit having a maximum floor area of 80 m2 home industry home occupation bed and breakfast the keeping of not more than 50 chickens on a lot of not less than 0.5 ha. and at a location not less than 60 m. from any dwelling on an adjacent lot. Note: RC zone permits all RU or RR uses depending on lot size.
Comparison of Natural Zones REC OS EP One accessory dwelling unit x One additional single dwelling (ASD) or attached accessory dwelling golf course outdoor recreation area open space or park recreational park resource management existing agricultural use passive public recreation such as hiking and bird watching existing buildings and structures Note: existing legal buildings and structures are permitted in all zones in accordance with general provisions.
Summary of Extractive, Waste and Institutional Zones Extractive(MX) Zone MX agricultural use x pits peat extraction asphalt or concrete batching plant aggregate processing operations quarries resource management wayside pits and wayside quarries Institutional INST business, professional and administrative office x cemetery child care facility emergency services facility library municipal, district or provincial maintenance and/or public works yard place of worship post office recreational and entertainment facility school school library Waste Disposal (MD) Zone WD recycling facility x salvage or wrecking yard
Schedule A
Schedule F
Review written and oral comments Public Process Approval Process Appeal Process Review written and oral comments April 11 – Formal circulation to commenting agencies Appeal Period (20 days) Address concerns raised by the Public and Circulation May 2 – Formal Public Meeting under the Planning Act Update mapping to reflect and Provincial legislation (Natural Heritage Map) Finalize Draft Zoning By-law If appeal, it goes to the Local planning Appeal Tribunal Zoning in effect if no appeal Present Final Draft Zoning By-law to Council Council Decision
Provide Input Provide a letter or email to Council prior to the decision: Mailing Address: 758070 2nd Line E, Mulmur, L9V 0G8 Email: Contact our Planner Tracey to discuss concerns Download a copy of the draft by-law at: Come to the Formal Public Meeting on May 02, 2018
Natural Heritage System
Agricultural System