Stages of development Infant- from birth to one year Toddler- between the ages of 1 and 3 Preschool- between the ages of 3 and 5
Development Domains Physical- features change/ height and muscle Intellectual – learn/ think Social- interaction/communication with others Emotional – express emotion/ attachment
Infant development Muscles develop they begin to control their movements (holding/ crawling) Communicate: coo, babble, words Experiment with objects 6 months- love and 10-12 months anxiety
Most important… Attachment!
Milestones of infant development
Infant care Holding – support head, neck and back Feeding- half lying half sitting to tilt/ burp: every 2-3 hours
Infant care Clothing- safety and comfort/7-10 diapers a day Bathing - sponge bath, baby tub procedures
Infant care Sleep – spend more time asleep than awake: 16-18 hrs a day Play – helps them grow and learn Tire easy, facial expressions/movements/sounds, gentle Toys: washable, no removable parts, soft
Infant safety Choking Falling Drowning Poison Never leave baby unattended Baby proof the home
Baby Book Check List Major Grade Decorated cover (front and back) Picture with baby (Extra credit) Birth Certificate Ultra sound images Infant milestones page 7 reasons babies cry page Caring for infants page Safety check list Parent interview
Baby book Infant milestones page Title: Infants (Birth to one year) Coos, laughs (birth- 6 months) Grasps at rattle (2 months) Smiles (2 months) Puts objects in mouth (2 months) Rolls over (3-5 months) Sits up alone (4-6 months) Says single words (6-12 months) Crawls (7-12 months) Pulls self up (9-12 months) Plays peek-a-boo (10-12 months)
Baby book 7 reasons babies cry page Title: 7 reasons babies cry I’m hungry Change my diaper I’m too hot or too cold I want to be held I don’t feel good I’m tired None of the above Colic- inconsolable crying for at least 3 hours a day
Baby book Caring for infants page Be a nurturing parent or caregiver, show affection, kindness and patience. Hold the baby while feeding it. Never prop up a bottle while feeding an infant. Burp your baby after feeding it. Always support the baby’s head Place the baby on his/her back to sleep, never on stomach. Never use a pillow. Assemble all supplies before diapering or bathing a baby. Never leave a child alone.
Toddler development Physical Stronger Learning to walk Leaner Better hand coordination
Toddler Development Intellectual By age 2 they speak in sentences Compare objects (color and shape) Begin to understand cause and effect
Toddler Development Social Closest to parents and caregivers Begin to enjoy playing with other toddlers
Toddler Development Emotional Proud of own accomplishments (independence) Get frustrated easily when things don’t go well Need love and affection (even during tantrums)
Toddler care Eating – fingers not spoon small portions Clothing- Clothes that facilitate movement, pick out clothes/ dress themselves Sleep- 10 to 12 hours a day (3 hour nap in the afternoon) Potty training
Toddler Care Bath time- never alone! Sit for bath time, only a few inches of water, temperature, assist them with bathing, enjoy playing in the bath. Play – active play (chasing, hiding, jumping, catch, stacking) use play to promote learning… sounds, shapes, colors Safety- curious and adventurous
Toddler care and development
Preschool Development Physical Thinner Limbs are longer Better coordination (balance, skip, catching) stronger: run faster, jump/ climb higher Hand muscles: use fork/ spoon, tie shoes, buttons/zippers, color better, cut shapes
Preschool Development Intellectual Observation Learn grammar (ex. plural) Understand letters are symbols (like to pretend write, ready to write their name) Imaginative (pretend) Time ( night time, birthday) How many (numbers and age) Space (under, behind)
Preschool Development Social Eager to please adults (like to be helpful) Interact and cooperate with peers (friends)
Preschool Development Emotional Control emotions (due to better communication) Fearful (nightmares and imaginative monsters)
Preschool Care Eating- Less messy , feed themselves, bland food, teach good nutrition enjoy helping prepare food Clothing- Choose clothes with self dressing features such as big buttons and elastic waistbands, like to make clothing choices. Keeping clean- They can now bath themselves and they still like bath toys.
Preschool Care Sleep- 10 hours including a one hour afternoon nap, start setting down about an hour before bedtime, still a few bed wetting accidents, bad dreams Play – cooperative play, friends (some imaginary), imaginative play (dress up), reading and stories, like to create things, play grounds! Safety- begin to teach them how to look out for their own safety (rules, strangers, crossing the street
Major accomplishment for preschool stage of development: Initiative vs Major accomplishment for preschool stage of development: Initiative vs. self doubt
Babysitting Basics Dependable and trustworthy Get along with parents Make sure you understand parents expectations Safety- being attentive to child/ answering the door Respecting privacy Privileges are clear and not abused Keep house tidy Report to parents upon return
Information babysitters might need Parents cell number Family doctor’s number Number to close friend or neighbor Time parents return House rules Bedtime Favorite songs, toys or games Snack or meal time instructions Location of: children’s rooms, lights, phones, bathroom, first aid kit, child’s care items