Advanced Features of Google Apps Introduce yourself. Who’s in the room? (professors, teachers, instructional designers, IT, students)
I don’t believe in outline slides There’s something you should know about me. I don’t believe in outline slides. Moving on.
What apps are they using What apps are they using? What apps would they like to use or know more about?
GOOGLE GOES BETTER TOGETHER We all know there are some really cool Google Apps, right? Start by saying that to get the best out of Google Apps, you have to use them together. We can use Gmail to chat, make voice calls or even have one-to-one video chats for collaboration. We can use Google Drive to create, edit, share and collaborate in real-time on documents (tell story about editing Sarah Allen’s short story submission in real time with her). We like Google Sites too, because it’s a place to collaborate. And then there’s that Blogger. And what’s with that Google+ thing that folks keep calling a ghost town? I kinda like ghost towns. Kinda feels like we’re in Google’s closet, doesn’t it? And they haven’t cleaned it out in like… ever. So back to my main point that I want you to take away… GOOGLE GOES BETTER TOGETHER.
And me! Google Group You now have a forum on your Google Site to foster discussion. This is lame, I know. If it hurts your brain wondering what a Google Group is, know that it’s a forum which can also be used as an email listserv. Think FORUM. And this too.
Embedding a Google Drive folder into a Google Site page Embedding a Google Drive folder into a Google Site page. Note all of the options for inserting Google Apps.
Embedding a Google Form into a blog post on Blogger Embedding a Google Form into a blog post on Blogger. This goes for embedding anywhere. In Google Sites, you simply go to the Insert menu and choose Form.
Show how to pull a picture from Picasa Web Albums into a Blogger post, and also how you can edit photos directly from Picasa using the Creative Kit. Warn them about the sharing options of a picture, compare it to Google Drive.
Google+ …. isn’t that a ghost a town folks have been talking about Google+ …. isn’t that a ghost a town folks have been talking about? I kinda like ghost towns. Circles can help filter your course content directly to students And the exciting part is that Google+ exists for the purpose of bringing a uniform purpose to Google Apps—like we’ve been talking about OH, and then there’s this little thing called Hangouts
Scenarios Let’s run some scenarios of how someone could use a Hangout (query audience) Office hours Makeup lecture Morning announcements—school in Kansas Tell them about how Admin Frank works (using Hangouts for meetings about how to develop the project, pulling Google Docs and collaborating on them in real-time, etc)
GOOGLE GOES BETTER TOGETHER So, let’s say I login to Google+ I create an Event, it’s going to be a Google+ Hangout On Air I invite people, and as they respond to the invite it adds it to their Google Calender I can also post about it on our Google Site or perhaps in a Blogger post I can store and share any relevant documents for the Event in Google Drive, and choose to share these files upfront or after the meeting has started Just before the Event starts, email reminders will be sent out to the attendees through Gmail OH, and since it’s a Hangout On Air, that means it will be broadcast to YouTube as a live stream—which I can embed anywhere across the web
In case you missed the memo…
Huzzah Tell story about editing a flash fiction story in real-time with the author using a Google Doc. End of show… take questions, spark discussion.