Selection, cropping, Rotation & layers. CSC020 Computer Graphics Selection, cropping, Rotation & layers. 1
Changing Canvas Size and Crop Tool Retrieve from the Outbox and unzip on desktop. Browse using the Bridge. Open NIME2009GeOcarina.jpg in Photoshop. Image -> Canvas Size to shrink or grow the canvas. Undo changes, try again. 2
Changing Canvas Size and Crop Tool Use Crop Marquee to crop the image. Make sure Options Width, Height and Resolution are Clear. Shield option highlights area to crop. Crop area can be resized, moved, or rotated. Use Enter or Control-click to accept, Escape to cancel. Width and Height can set aspect ratio. 3
Changing Crop Tool Settings Use Crop Settings to select grid overlay Rule of thirds place points of interest in the intersections or along the lines that your photo becomes more balanced and will enable a viewer of the image to interact with it more naturally Golden Ratio scene comprised of two major contrasting planes. Golden Spiral based on Fibonacci series of numbers 4
Using Crop Tool to Copy Image Size Save a smaller version of NIME2009GeOcarina.jpg as WxH.psd (5X7.psd) in inches. With WxH.psd still open after saving, open Nime2009Trombon1.jpg from the Bridge. In Crop Tool click Clear and Front Image from within 5X7.psd.
Using Crop Tool to Copy Image Size Now crop Nime2009Trombon1.jpg, rotating marquee to get alignment. Get both images to the same size. Set background to black and enlarge the 5X7.psd to a size that can hold both images by stretching crop region (switch to “Ratio” in the crop presets). Switch to the move tool Select -> All on the trombonist, paste and position into a layer.
Using Crop Tool to Copy Image Size
Regular Marquee Cropping Select an area with the Marquee selector. Optionally constrain size of Ratio. Image -> Crop to crop from here. Image -> Trim trims away fixed color margins. Ruler Tool (in Edit Toolbar) allows you to orient along some alignment feature. Image -> Image Rotation -> Arbitrary rotates to this line. 8
Layers Merge the pair of layers in WxH.psd via the Layers command. Select layers, then right click 9
Layers Create a new Layer via Copy from Layer menu. Convert background to a layer and back. 10
Layers Layer groups are like Folders. They are useful for maintaining layers. 11
Basic Selection: Goal 12
Basic Selection Open NVLakeFireFigure.jpg from Bridge. Select -> All selects all pixels in layer. Note other selection options. Rectangular and Elliptical Selection tools: Options on option bar, go into Refine Edge and explore. Lasso Tools allows rough selection Note new/add/subtract/intersect options. Shift-sweep also adds to selection. Alt/Option-sweep subtracts from selection. 13
Polygonal and Magnetic Lasso Draw straight-edge polygons around area, Double-click anywhere or single-click start point to end. Delete key cancels last vertex (last point clicked). Alt/option sweeps reverts to free-form lasso. Magnetic lasso assists using edge detection. Delete and alt/option also work here. Sometimes it closes its own areas based on boundaries. Use zoom (command + and command -) with this. 14
Selections Based on Color Go to original NVLakeFireFigure.jpg . Clear selections. Use Quick-Selection tool to select the sky. Auto-enhance to improve edge detection. Change brush area to sample larger range of pixels. Add sky and subtract clouds, etc. Use magnetic lasso + and – for fine tuning. Magic wand selects pixels using nearby colors. Lower tolerance is more selective. Control-click Similar to add non-adjacent regions. 15
Selections Based on Color Magic wand selects pixels using nearby colors. Lower tolerance is more selective. Control-click Similar to add non-adjacent regions. 16
Silhouette Create new image with black background. Select All -> copy and paste a new layer. Use color-based tools to Delete portions of image. 17
Select -> Color Range Selects based on pixel values with a range of fuzziness. NVLakeFireFigure.jpg: Select the sky within some range of color values. Vary Color Range 18
Select -> Color Range Select -> Inverse, then Marquee subtraction and Magic Wand subtraction to get the rock Figure only. Layer -> New -> Layer via Copy. Save As Dali.psd. Right Click on selection 19
Get rid of the pesky text. Edit the new Layer that we just created. Zoom in and use Magic Wand to select text. Cut it to transparent background. (Delete) Use Select -> Color Range and Marquee Intersection to select & delete black smudges in the text borders. 20
Get rid of the pesky text (II). Use Magic Wand to get a letter’s shape Hold the “M” key Slide the selection Copy some nearby pixels Move back Paste them back onto the letter. Merge the two working layers and repeat, smudge. Make sure you’re on the right layer!!!! 21
Building a Composite Image dali.psd consists of a series of layers: Copy background to a layer edit cut away the sky / clouds into transparency. Insert a layer of clouds with 100% opacity and fill below the above, rock-and-desert layer. Insert small, cropped images into the sky, convert to Image -> Adjustments -> Black & White, then lower Opacity and Fill. 22
Adding layers Add a series of layers from other photos. Select all -> Copy -> Paste (across image files). Drag a layer from one image to another Place in front of the clouds Size layers using crop tool set to target image dimensions. Stack additional, semi-transparent monochrome layers. Image->Adjustments->Black&White Change image opacity or fill fill affects just the layer content, opacity affects entire layer including effects 23