What does it mean and how to avoid it? Plagiarism What does it mean and how to avoid it?
What is plagiarism? Representing the words, research findings, or ideas of another person as your own in any academic exercise.
The following slides have quiz-like examples to help you understand what counts as plagiarism.
Abby writes in her paper: Abby is writing a paper for class. She uses a book assigned on the syllabus. The book says: Abby writes in her paper: …. The diversity of religious movements within Judaism was a sign, and symptom, of the breakdown of social and religious order…. …. The diversity of religious movements within Judaism was a sign, and symptom, of the breakdown of social and religious order…. Resource: Cohen, S. (1999). Ancient Israel NY, NY: BAS.
Did Abby plagiarize? Yes, this is plagiarism No, this is fine Go back to the question
Correct! This is plagiarism because the student copied the original text word for word, did not use quotation marks, and did not provide a citation.
Wrong! This is plagiarism because the student copied the original text word for word, did not use quotation marks, and did not provide a citation.
Abby writes in her paper: Abby tries again. The book says: Abby writes in her paper: …. The diversity of religious movements within Judaism was a sign, and symptom, of the breakdown of social and religious order…. …. As Cohen writes, the diversity of religious movements within Judaism was a sign, and symptom, of the breakdown of social and religious order…. (Cohen, 1999) Resource: Cohen, S. (1999). Ancient Israel NY, NY: BAS.
Did Abby plagiarize? Yes, this is plagiarism No, this is fine Go back to the question
Correct! This is plagiarism. The in-text citation is a step in the right direction, but because student copied the original text word for word and did not use quotation marks, she made it look as though it was her own words.
Wrong! This is plagiarism. The in-text citation is a step in the right direction, but because student copied the original text word for word and did not use quotation marks, she made it look as though it was her own words.
Abby makes some changes. The book says: Abby writes in her paper: …. The diversity of religious movements within Judaism was a sign, and symptom, of the breakdown of social and religious order…. …. As Cohen writes, the diversity of religious movements within Judaism caused the breakdown of social and religious order in Judea…. (Cohen, 1999) Resource: Cohen, S. (1999). Ancient Israel NY, NY: BAS.
Did Abby plagiarize? Yes, this is plagiarism No, this is fine Go back to the question
Correct! This is a type of plagiarism, called “too-close paraphrasing.” The student changed a word here and there, but mostly copied the original text without using quotation marks for the copied phrases.
Wrong! This is a type of plagiarism, called “too-close paraphrasing.” The student changed a word here and there, but mostly copied the original text without using quotation marks for the copied phrases.
Abby rewrites her paper again. The book says: Abby writes in her paper: …. The diversity of religious movements within Judaism was a sign, and symptom, of the breakdown of social and religious order…. …. “The diversity of religious movements within Judaism was a sign, and symptom, of the breakdown of social and religious order” in Judea…. (Cohen, 1999, p. 281) Resource: Cohen, S. (1999). Ancient Israel NY, NY: BAS.
Did Abby plagiarize? Yes, this is plagiarism No, this is fine Go back to the question
Correct! How can Abby write the paper in her own words? This is fine. The student copied the original text, but used quotation marks to acknowledge she did so, provided in-text citation to reference her source, and included the page number she was quoting. However, a paper filled with quotes is a weak paper. How can Abby write the paper in her own words?
Wrong! How can Abby write the paper in her own words? This is fine. The student copied the original text, but used quotation marks to acknowledge she did so, provided in-text citation to reference her source, and included the page number she was quoting. However, a paper filled with quotes is a weak paper. How can Abby write the paper in her own words?
Abby rewrites her paper one last time. The book says: Abby writes in her paper: …. The diversity of religious movements within Judaism was a sign, and symptom, of the breakdown of social and religious order…. …. Judaism was characterized by a variety of religious groups. This variety led to chaos within society…. (Cohen, 1999). Resource: Cohen, S. (1999). Ancient Israel NY, NY: BAS.
Did Abby plagiarize? Yes, this is plagiarism No, this is fine Go back to the question
Correct! This is a perfect paper. The student used her own words to state an idea from a source, and used an in-text citation for the source to show where her idea came from.
Wrong! This is a perfect paper. The student used her own words to state an idea from a source, and used an in-text citation for the source to show where her idea came from.
The End