The Art of Taking Notes Ms. Gallehugh
Label your notes by source. Always start with your citations. Imagine that it’s time to write the paper. Why will this information be essential to your success?
Distinguish between your thoughts and those presented in your sources. To help you do this successfully, you will be required to complete note-taking charts for each source used in your paper. We will also be using a website called to help ensure that you do not plagiarize. You will be learning more about this in a couple of weeks when you begin drafting your paper.
Keep track of your thoughts and questions as you take notes. Take a moment to brainstorm a list of questions that you are hoping to answer as you research. Take a moment to brainstorm a list of ideas and arguments that are already forming in your mind. Remember as you take notes, you will need to reflect on new ideas and facts and how they will help you shape and strengthen your paper.
Determine how to best use your sources. Directly quote them. Summarize them. Paraphrase them.
Choose quotes wisely. Remember only 10-15% of your paper should be comprised of direct quotations. Here are three reasons to use a direct quotation: You are quoting an expert who can lend credibility to your argument. The writing is so beautiful that to change it would truly be a shame. The information is technical and difficult to explain.
How to Use the Note-taking Feature on Noodletools As you read your source, cut and paste relevant text from your source into the first column. Determine if any of the quoted passages in the first column are worth quoting. Choose wisely. Be sure that you have identified who is speaking. Remember: the speaker will not always be the author of the source. Be sure to identify why this person is important. For example, if they are given a title, provide it. If they are listed as the author of several books, list at least one.
How to Use the Note-taking Feature on Noodletools 5. Be sure to paraphrase the text fully. To do this effectively, change the sentence pattern and use no more than three consecutive words from the original. 6. Jot down your thoughts about why this information is important. See the Harvard Checklist.
Paraphrase correctly. Anything not highlighted in the first column, must be paraphrased. Be accurate. Do not change the original meaning of the text. Change the sentence pattern. Be sure not to use three or more consecutive words from the original.
Paraphrase correctly. Double-check that you truly understand what you are paraphrasing. Start by bulleting the information in your own words. Then attempt to phrase it more fully. Be patient with yourself. Paraphrasing is challenging and takes practice.
Wait, did I say paraphrase correctly? Remember I will be able to see the text you are using, so take extra care when paraphrasing.
Due Dates Two notecharts are due Friday, 4/8. Two additional notecharts are due Tuesday, 4/12. Each chart -10pts. If you don’t like my notechart, you are invited to make your own, but you must have it approved by me by Wed., 4/6.