EU Research and Innovation: Horizon 2020 Alpeuregio Summer School, Brussels 05.07.2017
+ + - - Population Food Energy Climate +50% by 2050 +70% by 2050 Societal challenges require scientifc based solutions + Population Food +50% by 2050 +70% by 2050 + - Energy Climate +100% by 2050 +2o by 2050 - 2 2
Research and innovation – The main engines of future growth and jobs
The EU's share of world R&D expenditure is falling
The EU's share of world patents is falling
EU MS are far from reaching their R&D targets
Competitive Business SMEs The Multiannual Financial Framework 2014-2020: European Council conclusions, 8 February 2013 Key challenge: stabilise the financial and economic system while taking measures to create economic opportunities Smart & inclusive growth (€451 billion) Sustainable growth, natural resources (€373 billion) Security and citizenship (€16 billion) Global Europe (€58 billion) Administration (€61.6 billion) HORIZON 2020 Competitive Business SMEs Education, Youth, Sport Connecting Europe Cohesion TOTAL €960 billion
KEY FEATURES OF HORIZON 2020 The first integrated programme, covering both basic research and close-to-market innovation. Total budget of ~ EUR 77 billion. Less than 10% of public R&D spending in the EU. A 3 pillar approach with one general objective: “To contribute to building a society and economy based on knowledge and innovation across the Union." #1 Research and innovation
Horizon 2020 with three main pillars 1. Excellence (€ 24 440 Mrd) - ERC (European Research Council) €13 182 - Future and Emerging Technologies € 3 087 - Marie Sklodowska Curie € 5 710 - European Research Infrastructure € 2 460 2. Industrial Leadership (€ 17 820 Mrd) - Key enabling technologies: €13 557 - Risk and venture capital : € 2 842 - Innovation in KMUs: € 616 3. Societal Challenges (€ 31 547 Mrd) - Health € 7 472 - Food Security and Safety € 3 851 - Energy € 5 931 - Transport € 6 339 - Climate change € 3 081 - Society € 1 309 - Security € 1 695 To maximise impact, all of the funding in Horizon 2020 is focused on three priorities: excellent science, industrial leadership and societal challenges.
ALLOCATION OF FUNDING 2014-2016 WHERE WE STAND ALLOCATION OF FUNDING 2014-2016 Excellent Science Pillar : EUR 7.5 billion to 5964 projects Additional priorities: EUR 994 million to 270 projects EUR 20.4 billion 3. Societal Challenges Pillar: EUR 7.4 billion to 2941 projects 2. Industrial Leadership Pillar: EUR 4.5 billion to 1933 projects Additional priorities: on widening participation, including society, EURATOM and the pilot for fast-track-to innovation: Excellent Science: to reinforce and extend the excellence of EU’s science base and to consolidate the European Research Area Industrial Leadership: to speed up the development of the technologies and innovations that will underpin tomorrow’s new technology and help innovative European SMEs to grow into world-leading companies Societal Challenges: responds directly to grand societal challenges and aims to stimulate a critical mass of research and innovation efforts to help address these 75% of funding for collaborative projects 23.9% for SMEs (above the legal target of 20%!) Research and innovation
WHERE WE STAND APPLICANTS, PROPOSALS AND SIGNED GRANTS submitted over 100,000 proposals requesting EUR ~173 billion ~11,000 grants were signed for ~EUR 20 billion Overall success rate was 11.6% Less than 1 in 4 high-quality proposals could be funded
KEY STRENGTHS An attractive, simplified and well-performing programme, highly relevant for stakeholders and societal needs. On track to deliver value for money and to meet its knowledge-creating objectives. Strong EU Added Value through unique opportunities, competition & access to new knowledge. € Research and innovation
KEY AREAS FOR IMPROVEMENT Underfunding Has lower success rates than FP7, esp. for high quality proposals. Support for market-creating innovation Demonstrates potential for breakthrough, market-creating innovation, but it should be strengthened substantially. Greater outreach to civil society Should better explain the impacts of R&I, and involve even more the users & citizens in agenda-setting & implementation. Research and innovation