Class of 2019 Ring Ceremony Procedures
Name cards and tickets will be distributed on Tuesday, March 20th in the auditorium lobby during lunch ONLY. Each student whose ring is paid in full to Herff Jones will receive 2 complimentary tickets for their guests. Extra tickets for students who accomplished magazine goals will also be distributed. 5 magazines = 1 ticket, 10 magazines = 2 tickets ONLY those purchasing ring outside of Herff Jones will be eligible to purchase 2 tickets at $5.00 each. Students will also be receiving their name card. You will need the name card to receive your ring and it will be used to call out your name on stage. Tickets & Name Cards Amanda
Prior to entering the ceremony Everyone is encouraged to be at Ferguson by 5:30pm. Please allow plenty of time for traffic and parking. Please be sure to have your designated name card and tickets. The ceremony will begin promptly at 6:30 p.m. Please make sure your guests are seated by this time. Late guests will NOT be allowed into the gymnasium until the procession of students is over. Students are to wait in the cafeteria until led into the ceremony. If you have family members who require special accommodations (i.e. elderly, handicapped etc.) we ask that you arrive early to allow ample time for seating. Prior to entering the ceremony Amelia
Athletes should take into account the scheduled arrival time when getting ready, and are welcomed and encouraged to do so at school. We want to be sure that all athletes have the opportunity to participate and are on time. Attention Athletes While some athletes have time to go home and return, many do not. Daniella
A professional photographer will be taking candid pictures throughout the ceremony. These pictures will be available online for viewing at the following Monday. When on Facebook look for your school’s name. After the ceremony there will be a backdrop located outside for you to take pictures. We kindly ask that families refrain from getting out of their seats to take pictures during the ceremony. Pictures Faveanny
Dress Code: Girls Dress code is business attire. Wear shoes that you are comfortable in, as there will be walking up and down the stairs to the stage. Please keep in mind that this is a family orientated event, and that attire should be modest. We reserve the right to withhold any student who is not dressed accordingly. Dress Code: Girls Giselle
Dress Code: Boys Business attire Should include dress pants, dress shoes and button down shirts. Ties aren't mandatory. Jeans, t-shirts, and sneakers are not allowed. If you’re wearing suspenders, you don’t need a belt. Dress your best. We reserve the right to withhold any student who is not dressed accordingly. Dress Code: Boys Kayla
Entering the Ceremony
Exiting to receive your ring
When you get up, DO NOT leave anything in your chair, when you receive your rings and sit back down, you will most likely not be in the same chair. Melody
Procession Entrance
Herff Jones will be stationed in the PE hallway where you will receive your ring. You will then give your name card to the speaker where they will call out your name. It is important to have your name card ready. If your name is difficult to pronounce we ask that you please write it phonetically. Be cautious of what you choose to hold during this time. You will be receiving your ring, a small box, a flower, and shaking hands with the principal. On stage Amanda
Students are to exit the gymnasium through the gymnasium doors located in the front center of the gym. Parents must exit through the side doors leading into the culinary and PE hallways. You must exit immediately and meet your family outside the gym. It is recommended that students and families discuss a meeting point to avoid confusion. Students and families will not be allowed back into the gym. Be sure to take all of your belongings as you exit. After the ceremony Amelia
John A. Ferguson Senior High is not responsible for any lost or stolen rings during the ceremony. Please keep them safe at all times. Ring Acknowledgement Day will take place March 21st On this day Herff Jones will be on site, if you need any adjustments or have any issues with your ring please see them. You are allowed to wear Business attire only the day after the ceremony to celebrate. Students MUST adhere to the school’s uniform policies and procedures. After the ceremony Daniella
All students should represent John A All students should represent John A. Ferguson Senior High in a positive and professional manner. Please note that this event is a privilege and that all students will be held to a high standard of conduct. Participation in future Junior and Senior activities will be considered. Professionalism Giselle