1 European Motorcyclists' Forum Brussels, 28 June 2010 Powered two-wheelers safety policy in France Joël Valmain Adviser for European and International Affairs to the Interministerial Delegate for Road Safety
2 Presentation Facts and figures in France regarding powered two- wheelers (PTW) PTW Stakeholders Forum in France The decisions taken during the last Interministerial Committee for Road Safety (ICRS) on 18 February 2010, regarding PTW Perspectives for the future
3 The situation in France (1) At the end of 2008: 2.6 millions PTW in France (motorcycles + mopeds), representing 1,6% of the traffic Important increase of the motorcycles fleet, but a significant reduction of the mopeds fleet (divided by five) PTW fleet is diversified: motorcycles, mopeds, scooters, customs, tricycles, etc.. PTW use evolved: from pleasure to functionality (urban mobility)
4 The situation in France (2) The risk to be killed on a PTW is 23 times higher than in a car; in 2009, 1189 PTW users were killed in traffic crashes PTW users represent nearly 28% of the total number of killed on the French roads. 60% of these deaths occur on the rural roads network Between 2008 and 2009, PTW fatalities increased (+10%) while other means of transport fatalities continued to decrease (-4%); at the end, 2009 was a « stable » year However during the first five months of 2010 the trend is changing: – Regarding motorcyclists (-30%) – Regarding mopeds users (-16%)
5 The PTW stakeholders Forum (1) Considering this issue as a major road safety issue, French government launched the PTW stakeholders Forum in June stakeholders and 5 working groups: Users – traffic rules – equipments Road infrastructure – sharing of the road space Training – Novice riders Knowledge about PTW traffic accidents Vehicle safety 6 plenary sessions and around one hundred specific meetings up to now
6 The PTW stakeholders Forum (2) Launching of projects, e.g. a booklet PTW- car drivers: we learn to know each other better Launching of studies about the use of air-bags Recast of road infrastructure equipments guidelines Regular broadcast of prevention messages Decisions taken on PTW safety by the ICRS on 18 February 2010
7 The decisions taken on 18 February 2010 Duration of the training necessary to ride a 125 cc or a tricycle under a B licence is increased from 3 to 7 hours Implementation of technical inspection regarding mopeds focused on anti-tampering Introduction in the traffic rules code of the offence: riding a tampered moped Experiment of weakened traffic signs Proposal of some measures to the EC: increase of PTW conspicuity, ABS (or any other efficient braking system) for all motorcycles, air-bags and electronic devices to avoid mopeds tampering
8 Perspectives Recast of the motorcycles driving tests and implementation of the AM driving licence category (Directive 2006/126) Continuation going further into some topics: To promote efficient protection clothes wearing To think about how better organising the different traffic flows (mainly in urban and sub-urban areas) European benchmarking on PTW safety strategies within the EU
9 The last French awareness campaign on PTW Launched on 11 June 2010, targeting all road users and focusing on the fact that a PTW user is more vulnerable 4 short movies (25 seconds) Website dedicated to PTW: The next mobility and road safety week in France will focus on PTW safety (from 16 to 22 September 2010)
10 More information: and film 1 film 3 Thank you for your attention film 1 film 3