Www.e-studio.ac.uk Out of Darkness Out of Darkness is a problem solving interactive experience, in which the student will discover and be tested on the.


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Presentation transcript:

Out of Darkness Out of Darkness is a problem solving interactive experience, in which the student will discover and be tested on the basic principles of Film Noir.

The cast One of these characters has committed a murder, but which one? Out of Darkness As the student progresses through Out of Darkness they will interview each suspect and analyse clues to help them identify the guiltily party and write the ending of this tragic tale.

The Kiosk Clicking the posters will allow the student to view footage of actual Film Noir trailers…

The Cinema … and what better place to view the trailers than in a cinema setting.

Location: Script Writers Mansion Out of Darkness The exterior of one of the locations used in Out of Darkness.

Location: Script Writers Mansion The interior of the script writers mansion. The student will be able to interact with the scene in their search for clues.

Poster Design Another learning object currently in development is an interaction which allows the student to manipulate elements of an existing poster to develop their own design solutions. During the interaction the student will discover how design hierarchy, layout,colour, scale, typography and imagery all affect the meaning transmitted by a poster design.

The final poster During this interaction the students can also compare their ideas with the original poster from which the elements have been taken.