Process Cost Centers, Cost Center Groups, Standard and Alternate Hierarchies, and Work Breakdown Structure 1
Terminal Learning Objective Action: Process Cost Centers, Cost Center Groups, Standard Hierarchies and Alternate Hierarchies Conditions: You are a Budget Analyst with access to a computer, the GFEBS training database, applicable GFEBS references, and awareness of Operational Environment (OE) variables and actors Standards: With a minimum of 80% accuracy, learners must demonstrate proficiency with: Identify Cost Centers, Cost Center Components and It’s structural Organization Communicate Standard and Alternate Hierarchies Create and Fund a Funded Project
Cost Center What is a Cost Center? A responsibility center that incurs costs. It has a manager accountable for those costs. Is the basis for the management optimization model. Used to reflect the business; it inputs; conversions, and output to support management decisions. Are the smallest unit of the organization from a costing perspective and collect costs. Typically capture day-to-day business transactions and postings from allocations. Reflects the structure of an organization in a way that is similar to a Table of Organization and Equipment (TOE) or Table of Distribution and Allowances (TDA) prescribes/authorizes certain personnel, equipment and structure. Provides a means to associate costs with mission performance. 3
How a Cost Center Captures Cost Expense Elements Organizations Products and Services Payroll Business Process Cost Center Material Orders (Internal, Job Work) Supplies Activity Types Labor pools Equipment usage Facility usage Project WBS Element Equipment 4
Creating a Cost Center The standard hierarchy is the first step in the process: Before creating a cost center a standard hierarchy must exist. Reflect changes in the organizational structure. Provide unique cost information requirements. In GFEBS Cost Centers need the following, if it does not meet these criteria a Cost Center should not be created. - Have a Manager - Occupy Space - Have Employees Assigned 5
Creating a Cost Center (Cont.) Cost centers are created in a hierarchical structure similar to your organizational structure. Cost Centers must be linked to a Fund Centers Cost Center codes can be a alpha-numeric or entirely numeric depending on your organization. Example: Deployable Organizations that will use Global Combat Support System (GCSS)-Army will have numeric cost centers. The basic components of cost centers are: Cost Center Code (8-10 alphanumeric code) Cost Center Name (short description, e.g., Garrison Name) Cost Center Description (long text description) User Responsible Person Responsible Department Cost Center Category Hierarchy Area Business Area 6
Cost Center – Custom Components In addition to the basic cost center components. There are Custom Components used to further define and differentiate the cost centers. The custom components are Army-specific. Titles of Custom Components and function within GFEBS: Unit Identification Code (UIC): The UIC is a 6-digit alphanumeric code used to identify every unit within the Army. The UIC identifies TOE and TDA units. TDA and TOE Paragraph: Is a three to six –digit alphanumeric code that identifies an entity’s hierarchical level. TOE unit, all personnel are military, and the unit can be deployable. TDA organizations are considered non-deployable and the personnel can be military, civilian, or a combination of both. Defense Medical Identification System ID (DMIS ID): The Army Medical Command (MEDCOM) uses the DMIS ID to identify hospital systems and their buildings. 7
Cost Center – Custom Components (Cont.) Functional Designator Code (FDC): A code of up to five characters that identifies a cost center’s single, specific, recurring focus area. A cost center can have only one FDC. Can be used by multiple cost centers Supports reporting obligations and expenses by unique cost center attributes. Functional Cost Accounts (FCAs): Are five-digit codes that identify specific functions within an Army Management Structure Code/Project in eight functional areas. Reference (DFAS-IN) manual 37-100-FY for more information. Program Area: Can be assigned as an attribute to a cost object when an organization has command requirements to tract the execution of unique program transactions such as Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) Command Defined Field: Is available for each command. It is to be defined and used as needed. 8
Cost Centers Structured Organization The Standard Hierarchy is a Tree-Like structure that represents the organization and all of its organizational groups. A user cannot create a cost center if there is no standard hierarchy in place. Hierarchy consists of all cost centers in the system for a given period. Provide a means to associate costs with mission performance. Cost Centers may be added, deleted, or moved to other parts of the organization. Example: When a U.S. Forces Command (FORSCOM) Brigade deploys to a combat theater.
Fund Center / Cost Center Relationship In GFEBS every Cost Center will have a corresponding Funds Center and every funds center must be linked to one or more cost centers. Funds Centers – Track and manage Budget values. Cost Centers – Track and manage cost. At the detailed operational level (low level) in GFEBS, there are many-to-one relationships between Cost Centers and Funds Centers. There may be multiple Cost Centers mapped to each Funds Center. GFEBS uses two different hierarchical organizational structures to distinguish budget management from cost management functions. 10
**Template Located in Student Material Cost Center Template Request (Example) **Template Located in Student Material 11
MEDCOM Fund Centers-Cost Centers (Example) 12
Cost Center Group Benefits Cost centers are created and grouped to form one of many organizational hierarchies to represent the structure of an organization from a costing point of view. Once the hierarchy is built, Cost Centers are created and assigned to Cost Center Groups within the hierarchy. Cost Center Groups are collections of Cost Centers that are similar in characteristics, used to build the Standard Hierarchy used for purposes, such as: *Planning / *Allocating / *Summarizing / *Reporting / *Analyzing Benefits and Importance of Cost Center Groups: -Report can be executed using the Cost Center Group number instead of running multiple reports or executing allocations based on a list of Cost Centers -Update Cost Centers at one time -Allows flexibility for detailed, specific info to be disseminated -A tool for structuring other Cost Centers -Groups activities Army-wide 13
LSA #1 Check on Learning Q1: This Master Data Element is the smallest unit of the organization from a costing perspective and collect cost? A1: Q2: What must exist before the creation of a cost center? A2: Q3: TDA organizations are considered _____________ and the personnel can be military, civilian, or a combination of both? A3: Q: This Master Data Element is the smallest unit of the organization from a costing perspective and collect cost? A: Q: What must exist before the creation of a cost center? Q: TDA organizations are considered _____________ and the personnel can be military, civilian, or a combination of both? Facilitator’s Note: Additional questions for the students; Q: What are the requirements that must be meet before the creation of a new cost center? Q: Deployable Organizations that will use GCSS-Army will have this type cost center code? Q: The Standard Hierarchy is a tree-like structure that represents what? Q: In GFEBS every Cost Center will have a corresponding ______________? Q: If Funds Centers track and manage budget values, what does Cost Centers track? Q: True or False: Every Cost Center will be linked to one or more Fund Center? 14
LSA #1 Summary 15
Conduct Practical Exercises 16 16
Walkthrough: Transaction Code KS01 Conduct Practical Exercise 3.1 Practical Exercise: Create a Cost Center Walkthrough: Transaction Code KS01 Conduct Practical Exercise 3.1 Use this procedure to establish a Cost Center for a newly assigned unit/group within an Organization to support their mission. A Cost Center is a cost collector used to capture the cost of an organization, function, task, product, service, or customer. A Cost Center represents a unit of an organization from a costing perspective. 17
Walkthrough: Transaction Code: KSH1 Conduct Practical Exercise 3.2 Practical Exercise: Create a Cost Center Group Walkthrough: Transaction Code: KSH1 Conduct Practical Exercise 3.2 Use this procedure to create a Cost Center Group. Cost center groups arrange cost centers for better analysis and used in allocation. They can be created and used for planning, allocation, analyzing, reporting and summarizing costs for a particular grouping. Perform this procedure when a grouping of costs centers is necessary. This is normally a centralized function. Record/ Document your Cost Center Group Number, you will need it to perform the next procedure. 18
Walkthrough: Transaction Code: KSH2 Conduct Practical Exercise 3.3 Practical Exercise: Change a Cost Center Group Walkthrough: Transaction Code: KSH2 Conduct Practical Exercise 3.3 Use this procedure to change an existing Cost Center Group. Cost Center groups arrange cost centers for better analysis and reporting and used in allocation. They can be created and used for planning, allocation, analyzing, reporting and summarizing costs for a particular grouping. Perform this procedure when a cost center needs to be added or removed from the original cost center Group. Changing a cost center group can have consequences especially if they are being used for Reporting, allocation structures and assessments / distributions. Therefore, groups should not be changed unless it is known where they are used. 19
Standard Hierarchies What is the Standard Hierarchy? A tree-like structure that represents the organization Consists of all cost centers for a given period Represents the entire organization 20
Standard Hierarchy (Cont.) 1. Object Mgr. Button 2. Cost Center Search 21
Standard Hierarchy (Cont.) After the Standard Hierarchy is built, Cost Centers can be created and assigned to Cost Center Groups within the Hierarchy. Once complete, the Standard Hierarchy consists of all Cost Centers within the system for a given period, and therefore represents the entire organization. GFEBS has one Standard Hierarchy but may have multiple Alternate Hierarchies. 22
Alternate Hierarchy Alternate Hierarchies are created to group Cost Centers for reporting and analysis on specific activities outside the Standard Hierarchy. There May be multiple Alternate Hierarchies. The Alternate Hierarchy does not need to contain all Cost Centers. Alternate hierarchies consists of one or many cost center groups. Alternate hierarchies are created using the same transaction as Create Cost Center Groups. 23
Alternate Hierarchy (Cont.) Screenshot of an Alternate Hierarchy Cost Center Group 24
Practical Exercise 25 25
Walkthrough: Transaction Code: OKENN Conduct Practical Exercise 3.4 Practical Exercise: Display Standard Hierarchy Walkthrough: Transaction Code: OKENN Conduct Practical Exercise 3.4 Use this procedure to display data (organizational, description, person responsible, master Data attributes, etc), relevant to cost centers group hierarchies. The screens show what cost centers are in hierarchy group and what hierarchy group a cost center belongs to. Perform this procedure when you need to determine what cost centers are aligned in a specific hierarchy or what hierarchy a specific cost center falls under. 26
LSA #2 Check on Learning Q1: Cost Center Groups are collections of Cost Centers that are similar in characteristics used to build the Standard Hierarchy, what purposes can these grouping assist the user? A1: Q2: In GFEBS there will be one Standard Hierarchy but may have multiple ___________ Hierarchies? A2: Q3: T/F: Alternate Hierarchy need to contain all Cost Centers? A3: Q: Cost Center Groups are collections of Cost Centers that are similar in characteristics used to build the Standard Hierarchy, what purposes can these grouping assist the user? A: Q: In GFEBS there will be one Standard Hierarchy but may have multiple ___________ Hierarchies? Q: T/F: Alternate Hierarchy need to contain all Cost Centers? NOTE: Additional Question for the students; Q: Name two of the benefits of creating Cost Center Groups? 27
LSA #2 Summary 28
Create and Fund a Funded Project 29
Roles used for a Direct Charge Direct Charge - Roles Roles used for a Direct Charge Accounts Receivables Reporter Customer Order Processor Customer Order Approver
Direct Charge – Transaction Codes 31
Key Terms Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Cost Object Direct Charge Direct Cite Economy Act Order Funded Program Project Accounting 1 Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) - A model of the work to be performed in a project organized in a hierarchical structure. In a WBS, individual tasks and activities are described in the project as individual elements in a hierarchy. The WBS is the basis for the organization and coordination of a project. 2 Cost Object - A data element used to capture execution costs for reimbursable orders and direct charge agreements which include: commitment, obligation, expenses, and disbursements. For Reimbursables, WBS elements are the primary cost objects. Cost Centers and internal orders are also used for cost objects. 3 Direct Charge- Occurs if the customer is an Army customer on GFEBS and the scope of work meets the Economy Act criteria defined by the customer. The performer identifies the order as direct charge and no sales order is produced. 4 Direct Cite - Authority received on a Reimbursable funding document, providing the performing organization has the legal authority to cite the customer’s funds as the financing source on purchasing documents. 5 Economy Act - The Act providing authority for Federal agencies to order goods and services from other Federal agencies, (including other military departments and Defense agencies) and to pay the actual costs of those goods and services 6 Funded Program - Used to control spending related to work orders (Reimbursable/Direct work orders) and/or projects. After the work order (WO) and/or project is created, the Funded Program is created using the WO or project number. The funds are then distributed from ARMY, for example, to 4ØØ156, so that funds are now available and work may begin. Project Accounting - Used to plan costs, which aids in assessing the economic and financial consequences of the project . 8 Project Order - Serve to obligate appropriations in the same manner as orders or contracts placed with commercial enterprises. 32
Key Terms (Cont.) Project Order Funding Document/Authorization Project Planning Sales Order with Advance Sales Order without Advance Memorandum of Agreement – MOA Inter Service Support Agreement - ISSA 9. Funding Document - The agreement document for the activity or activities requested to be performed. Some examples of these documents are: MIPR, Purchase Orders, Navy Forms, Coast Guard Forms, Marine Forms and Others. 1Ø. Project Planning - Project Planning provides the performer creating a sales order with a project structure including dates, planned work, and responsible parties, as well as with the appropriate funding information that is used to derive budget attributes during execution. 11. Sales order with an Advance - An agreement between two entities, specifically between the Army and itself or another Federal agency, the Army and a commercial organization, state and local government, or individual, where monies were provided by the customer in advance for the services or goods to be provided in the support of the agreement. 12. Sales order without an Advance - A Reimbursable agreement that is represented by a funding document/authorization between two entities, specifically between the Army and itself or another Federal agency, that provides the Army with the ability to increase their Reimbursable Authority to provide the work and is paid based on the goods and/or services provided. 13. MOA (Memorandum of Agreement)- A written document describing a cooperative relationship between two parties wishing to work together on a project or to meet an agreed upon objective. 14. ISSA (Inter Service Support Agreement) -Action by one Military service to provide logistics and/or administrative support to another Military service.
Reimbursable Process Schematic Determine Type of Work - must decide if it is an Economy Act Order, Project Order, Direct Cite Order, or a Direct Charge Order. Before any type of agreement can occur there must be a funding document that gives legal authority to accept work. Project Planning with Project Systems – The Army uses the GFEBS Project systems functionality to create a project structure that contains dates, tasks, and responsible persons to complete the scope of work defined by the reimbursable order. Create a WBS Element - funding information used to derive budget availability during project execution. Identifies and creates a WBS element that captures execution costs for reimbursable Orders. A model of work to be performed in a project organized in hierarchical structure. Determine Order Acceptance – the Army informs the customer of the specific quotation amount for the agreed upon scope of work Direct Charge - both are in GFEBS. The Army keeps track of the work completed internally and does not bill itself. No sales order or MIPR is done if it is Army to Army transaction and both are using GFEBS. Determine if customer exists- check the master data (XDØ3) (customer Order Processor) Check the customer Master Data Create a Sales Order – activity includes creating a sales order, Economy Act, and reimbursable with Advance. (Customer Order Processor) Approve a Sales Order - the COA approves or rejects new or updated sales orders. (Customer Order Approver) Collect Advance payment – if customer is public, request advance pay for the requested work and post to the sales order 34 34 34
GFEBS Reimbursable Decision Matrix Will requesting activity’s funds be cited on original Automatic: Create WBS using “REIM” Funded Program Type and Automatic Fund (i.e. 2Ø2Ø1ØA**) Create Sales Order: on Additional Data B tab, enter funding data (LOA) under “Non-General Fund Army Line of Accounting” NO NO Is requesting activity funded through GFEBS? Start YES YES Will requesting activity’s funds be cited on original Automatic: Create WBS using “REIM” Funded Program Type and Automatic Fund (i.e. 2Ø2Ø1ØA**) Create Sales Order: on Additional Data B tab, enter funding data (LOA) under “Non-General Fund Army Line of Accounting” Direct Cite: Create WBS using “GENR” Funded Program Type “ZCITEZTFO” Fund Create Sales Order: on Additional Data B tab, enter funding data (LOA) under “Non-General Fund Army Line of Accounting” NO YES Direct Charge: Create Direct Charge WBS using “DRCH” Funded Program Type and Direct Fund (i.e. 2Ø2Ø1ØD**) Requestor inputs FMBB transaction to fund WBS. There are two types of reimbursable agreements, Automatic and Direct. (Unlike legacy, in GFEBS, how the agreement is accepted is dictated by how the funds will be executed.) (**) = FY 35
Reimbursable Authorities Sales Orders can be accepted with three types of authorities: Direct Obligation Authority (DOA) Automatic Reimbursement Authority (ARA) Funded Reimbursable Authority (FRA) Direct Obligation Authority (DOA): Specific Dollar Amount for Mission Activities and Base Operations, Quarterly Amount Immediately Available for Obligation Upon Receipt of the Allotment, Controlled by Installation. Automatic Reimbursement Authority (ARA): No Specific Dollar Amount, Temporarily finance support to individuals or non-mission activities, Not Immediately Available for Obligation Upon Receipt of the Allotment (Obligation Authority “Generated” Based on Receipt of Order), Controlled by Installation level and gives the performing organization the right to accept sales orders, with no limits on the maximum amount of work that can be provided. Funded Reimbursable Authority (FRA): Stipulates a specific dollar amount of Reimbursable work that can be performed. Used for non-mission activities, but essential needs on the installation. Quarterly amount not immediately available for obligation upon receipt of allotment. They are held in reserve until the revenue producing activities place orders. Controlled ceiling set by ACOM with amounts controlled by quarterly limits. Once the dollar amount has been reached, the performing organization cannot create a sales order without requesting an increase in the amount. Once this limit has been reached, the performing organization cannot create sales orders without requesting an increase in the amount specified on the funding document. 36
Reimbursable Authorities (Cont.) Automatic Reimbursement Authority (ARA) ARA orders are used when the Requesting Agency must pay the Performing Agency the actual costs of the goods or services provided. The Performing Agency will invoice/bill the requesting agency for reimbursement after goods or services have been performed. (equivalent of accepting a MIPR as Category I.) Ex. 2Ø2Ø1ØAXX (XX) Funds do not expire. Obligation Authority “Generated” based on receipt of order, controlled by Installation level, gives the performing organization the right to accept sales orders with no limits on the maximum amount of work that can be provided 37
Reimbursable Authorities (Cont.) Funded Reimbursable Authority (FRA) Obligation Authority “Generated” based on receipt of order, controlled by Installation level, it gives the performing organization the right to accept sales orders, with no limits on the maximum amount of work that can be provided. Funds are held in reserve until the revenue producing activities place orders. Controlled ceiling set by ACOM with amounts controlled by quarterly limits. Once this limit has been reached, the performing organization cannot create sales orders without requesting an increase in the amount specified on the funding document. 38
Ordering Procedures An order must be created for the desired goods or services. For training purposes we will use the DD Form 448 and DD Form 448-2. Regardless of the form used, all orders must be documented. At a minimum the order must include the following: Certification of availability for purpose: Economy Act A description of the goods or services being ordered Delivery requirements A fund citation (either direct or automatic) A payment provision. (Provide billing instruction and information) Duration of the agreement Dollar limits and any authority to exceed applicable limits without specific approval from the ordering activity. 39
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS Element) The Program/Project WBS is the structure that encompasses the entire program or project. It usually consists of three levels of products/elements with associated work definitions. The three upper levels of the PWBS are defined below. Level 0 is the entire program/project Levels 1 and 2 elements are the major product segments or subsections. Level 3 contains definable components or subsets of the level 2 elements. 40
Work Execution - 6 stages of Expenditure Transactions) Funding Document Commitment 448 Obligation 448-2 Accrued Expenditure Expense Disbursement Commitment - A commitment is an administrative reservation of funds based upon firm procurement, directives, orders, requisitions, or requests which authorize the creation of an obligation without further recourse to the official responsible for certifying the availability of funds. With Interdepartmental orders you would use the Military Interdepartmental Request (DD Form 448) as the commit document until the Acceptance of the MIPR (DD Form 448-2) is received. Obligation - A legal reservation of funds which the government is legally bound to pay a known or estimated amount at a specific time. An obligation is properly recordable only when supported by documentary evidence of the following: - A binding agreement, in writing. - A valid loan agreement. - An order required by law to be placed with a government agency. - Other legal liabilities. Accrued Expenditure - The actual or constructive receipt of supplies and/or services for which a valid obligation has been incurred. Expense - The total value of goods and/or services consumed in accomplishment of the mission or task. This stage is normally recorded simultaneously with the accrued expenditure. Disbursement - A payment of a legal liability of the government which decreases the accountability of the Disbursing Officer (DO) making the decision 41
Reimbursable: Direct Charge Create Project Definition/Order and Work Breakdown Structure Element (Direct Charge) Follow the Numbers CJ2ØN = Create a Project and WBS element FMBB = Funds Management ZRFSC1 - Cumulative Status by FC (FUND CENTER) Report CJ2ØN- Fund and Release CJ20N
Create a WBS Element 1 3 4 1. Input T-code CJ20N- Enter 2. For first time users, the “Welcome to Builder” pane along with parameter choice will Always show. Green Check both to proceed. 2 3 3. This is the “Create” Project Definition Icon, single-click and select Project 4. from the menu. 5 4 5. Under Project Def. Input brief description and $$ of services being procured (**far right box) This is found in Item 9b of DD Form 448
Create a WBS Element (Cont.) 1. Description of services being procured 1 4. Under ‘Responsibilities’ click drop-downs for both Person Respons. And Applicant no. and choose from list 2 2. Under ‘Project Profile’ click drop-down and choose ‘Mission Support’ 4 6 5 3 5. Input projected project start and stop dates 6. Ordering Installation 7. Save your work 7
Create a WBS Element (Cont.) 3 3. Under ‘ID and view selection’ single-click 1. Under ‘Worklist Description’ Single-Click the icon left of ‘Last Projects Processed’ 4. Locate the ‘Over’ tab and click 1 4 2. Double-Click your project definition title 2 5 5. Begin to fill-in L1 information
Create a WBS Element (Cont.) 1 1. After WBS & Description input, scroll to the (R) to expose 2. Typ (S1) and 3. PE 2 3 4. Scroll again to expose 5. CA… (always ARMY) and 6. Resp. cost cntr 4 5 6 7. Press Enter when complete 7
Create a WBS Element (Cont.) 1 1. Double-click your project to re-open 2 2. Click the ‘Customer Enhancement’ tab
Create a WBS Element (Cont.) NOTE: Under the ‘Funding Data’ tab, this is to be completed by the Performer 2. Under ‘Funded Program Type’ click the dropdown- Select Direct Charge 1. Check ‘Create Funded Program’ 2 1 3 3. Under ‘Funded Program Start Date’ select today’s date 4 4. On the menu bar, click ‘Save’ 5. System generated message 5
Create a WBS Element (Cont.) 1 2 2. Double-click ‘Project Definition’ to expose WBS 1. If not expanded, click triangle (L) of ‘Last Projects Processed’ to expose Project Definition 3 3. Single-click your WBS 4. Click ‘Customer Enhancement’ tab 4
Create a WBS Element (Cont.) NOTE: Under the ‘Funding Data’ tab, this is to be completed by the Requestor’s Budget Office 5 Input: 1. Functional Area; 2. Funds Center; 3. Main Account; 4. Fund 1 2 3 4 This information defaults in. 5. Click the ‘Basic data’ tab
Create a WBS Element (Cont.) 2 2. Click ‘Save’ to end this process. Once again, a system generated message 3. shows additions (changes) to the document . 1. Ensure to place a in the ‘Acct asst elem.’ block 1 3 51
CJ2ØN: Create a Project and WBS element Practical Exercise #1 CJ2ØN: Create a Project and WBS element
Fund a Funded Program(FMBB) 53
Fund a Funded Program (Cont.) 1. Enter T-Code FMBB- Press ‘Enter’ 2. Click the dropdown in FM area, select ‘ARMY’ and Green Check it 1 FMBB 2 3. Click the dropdown in ‘Layout Variant,’ select ‘ARMY 2’ and place Check 3a. in ‘Default Layout’ 4. Green check IOT populate the main screen 3 3a 4 54
Fund a Funded Program (Cont.) Note: Under the tab, fill out the following areas: 1. Click dropdown and select ‘Transfer.’ (sometimes defaults to ‘Enter’) 3. Under ‘Document Type’ Click the Dropdown and select ‘Allotment’ 1 2. For ‘Version,’ Always choose zero 2 3 4. Sender Information: Enter Budget Type, Fund, and Commitment Item 4 5. Receiver Information: Enter Budget Type, Fund, and Commitment Item 5 55
Fund a Funded Program (Cont.) Note: Immediately below, fill in both Sender (-) and Receiver (+) information. **Important: Ensure to change Receiver line to (+) 1. Line 1: Sender / Receiver column (-); Funds Center A76VV; Functional Area 131; Funded Program ARMY; Amount (of service); Description 2. Line 2: Sender / Receiver column (+); Funds Center A76VV; Functional Area 131; Funded Program is the Project #; Amount (for service); Description 1 2 56
Fund a Funded Program (Cont.) 5. Upon clicking Post, both lines copy over as the accounting part in the system (4119) 3 1 1. On the menu bar, click ‘Check document’ 3. On the menu bar, click ‘Post’ 5 2 4 2. System generated message after Doc. check 4. System generated message after Post 57
FMBB: Fund a Funded Program Practical Exercise #2 FMBB: Fund a Funded Program
Cumulative Status by FP Report (ZFSC3) 59
FP: Cumulative Status Report 1 5. On the menu bar, click ‘Execute’ 2. Click dropdown in ‘Financial Management Area’, select ‘ARMY’ 1. Enter T-Code ‘ZFSC3’ hit enter 5 2 Default 3. Under the Fund section on the “Or value(s)’ line, input fund with CURRENT FY Default 4. Under the Fund Center section on the ‘Or value(s)’ line, input fund center 3 4
FP: Cumulative Status Report 1. Under ‘Variation Characteristics’ select ‘Budget Type’ 1 2. Under ‘Budget Type,’ double-click the appropriate quarterly budget 2
FP: Cumulative Status Report 1. Report parameters 1 2. Scroll to view ENTIRE reporting columns 2. 3. 3. Notice: The ‘Available Allotment has been debited the cost of the Course Upgrade
FP: Cumulative Status Report 1 2. Notice: S.0000031 has been expanded out (drilled-in) as far as possible. 3. This is the view when scrolled right 1. This symbol (+) represents an expandable item (drill-down) 2 3
FP: Cumulative Status Report This is the full report, expanded out, depicting the debited $25,000 cost from the original $5,000,000,000.00 Available Allotment and credited towards the S.0000031 Project 1
ZFSC3: Cumulative Status by FP Report Practical Exercise #3 ZFSC3: Cumulative Status by FP Report
WBS Element-Mark Funded and Release CJ20N RELEASED 66
WBS Element-Mark Funded and Release 1. Enter T-Code CJ20N- Press ‘Enter’ 1 CJ2ØN 3 3. Your Level 1 WBS is now populated, single-click it 2. Under ‘Work-List Description’ Double-click your definition 4. WBS is highlighted, more options are now available. Hover the mouse to view each one 4 2
WBS Element-Mark Funded and Release 1 1. Click ‘Menu’ 3. Bring the mouse down and HOVER over ‘Status’ 3 2 4. Bring the mouse down and HOVER over ‘User Status’ 2. Bring the mouse down and HOVER over ‘Edit’ 4 5 5. Finally, bring the mouse down and HOVER over ‘Set & Pass On’
WBS Element-Mark Funded and Release 2. User Status Display Message: Informational use only- Green check it 2 1. User Status: Select- 10 FUND Funding Approved. Green Check it 1 69
WBS Element-Mark Funded and Release 1 1. Click ‘Menu’ 3. Bring the mouse down and HOVER over ‘Status’ 3 2 4 2. Bring the mouse down and HOVER over ‘Edit’ 4. Bring the mouse over and click ‘Release’ 5 5. System Generated message (provided there are no errors) 70
WBS Element-Mark Funded and Release 1 1. On the menu bar, click ‘Save’ 2 2. System generated message: Annotate for personal records 71
CJ20N: WBS Element- Mark Funded and Release Practical Exercise #4 CJ20N: WBS Element- Mark Funded and Release
LSA #3 Check on Learning Q1: T-Code CJ2ØN is used to ______ a project definition? A1: Q2: During the FMBB Transfer, the version will always be___. 1 2 3 Q3: Match the symbol to the correct answer: Create Project icon Project Definition icon WBS Level 1 icon Q1: T-Code CJ2ØN is used to ______ a project definition? A1: Q2: During the FMBB Transfer, the version will always be___. 1 2 3 Q3: Match the symbol to the correct answer: Yellow Triangle ? Triangle w/rectangle ? Paper w/arrow ? Facilitator’s Note: Additional questions to ask the students: Q. T/F: The WBS element must be created prior to the Project Definition. A: Q. By clicking the “Simulate” button on the menu bar, this action: 73
LSA #3 Summary 74
Questions? 75
TLO Summary Action: : Process Cost Centers, Cost Center Groups, Standard Hierarchies and Alternate Hierarchies Conditions: You are a Budget Analyst with access to a computer, the GFEBS training database, applicable GFEBS references, and awareness of Operational Environment (OE) variables and actors Standards: With a minimum of 80% accuracy, learners must demonstrate proficiency with: Identify Cost Centers, Cost Center Components and It’s structural Organization Communicate Standard and Alternate Hierarchies Create and Fund a Funded Project