Guidelines Ms.Murray, Ms. Parente & Ms. Johnson Welcome to Guidelines Ms.Murray, Ms. Parente & Ms. Johnson
First, what is Makerspace? Makerspace is an opportunity to tinker, imagine, create and build using recycled materials. It is a DIY (do-it-yourself) space where you come up with ideas and the teachers are here to coach and guide you through your learning.
Neatness counts!! Makerspace is a communal (shared) space. We all need to keep it ORGANIZED! That means we: Return materials to their labeled bins Return electronics to the correct chargers Begin clean-up IMMEDIATELY when the bell rings
Keep Track of Your Stuff!! Store projects on designated shelves only. The grades are labeled below the shelves. Place a label with YOUR NAME directly on the project or on the bin where you store it. Any project without a name will be recycled at the end of the quarter.
Food Free makerspace Absolutely NO FOOD OR DRINKS Do NOT bring any food or drink with you to the Makerspace.
Don’t Be a Makerspace HOg... After imagining and planning, use materials with a purpose. Be mindful of CONSERVATION. We emphasize: MAKERS over TAKERS - you will not take home a project each week. PROCESS over PRODUCT - take your time and develop your project. Reduce, reuse, recycle, repurpose! Don’t Be a Makerspace HOg...
Limited Supply... Each student needs to check with a teacher before bringing anything home. If you are considering using a battery in a project, you must show a teacher an understanding of simple circuits and electrical safety.
LEARN THE TOOLS... You must be taught by a teacher how to use all tools (including the sewing kit) BEFORE YOU MAY USE THEM ON YOUR OWN. Glue is to be used on Tool Carts, never Towers. Put plastic or newspaper down if painting. NO EXCEPTIONS!
MORE RULES... Be aware of people around you and the tools they may be using. Safety Goggles must be worn when using the saw or drill (unless wearing glasses). The tip of the glue gun stays hot. Teachers will put away. Think of other ways to adhere materials besides glue guns. No glue guns for pillows or stuffed animals.
School Appropriate... Makerspace is a fun, awesome space where you can use your imagination to create anything… EXCEPT: Weapons or items that may be harmful Anything inappropriate or mean-spirited in any way Mrs. Parente!
You Have a Responsibility to Come to Enrichment As with all Enrichment Classes, Makerspace is a 10 week commitment. After 2 weeks, if you miss two classes without being absent from school or explaining first-hand to a teacher, you will be dropped for the quarter. Excused absences are okay, but you must personally tell the enrichment teacher why you are not coming. Examples of UNEXCUSED ABSENCES: You don’t feel like going You “forgot” It’s a nice day and you want to play outside Your friend isn’t going Examples of EXCUSED ABSENCES: You are absent from school or go home early You are sick in the Nurse’s Office A teacher asks you to take a test or come for extra help at recess
MAKERSPACE IS HERE FOR YOU TO EXPLORE AND CREATE REMEMBER TO: Ask questions Be curious Help each other Use your problem solving skills If it doesn’t work the first time, keep modifying (making changes) and testing until you are successful Have fun!