CH 411 / 511 Inorganic Chemistry 11/8/2018
Instructor – contact info Professor Michael Lerner Office: 203 Gilbert Hall campus phone: 737-6747 e-mail: office hours: T 2-3; Th 12-1, by appt, or just stop by Class website: 11/8/2018
Course credits CH511 is 4 credits only CH411 is 3 credits only CH511 has several required and graded problem sets, these are optional and extra credit for CH411 students 11/8/2018
Syllabus Required text: Inorganic Chemistry 5/e (Shriver, Atkins, 2010) ISBN 1-4292-1820-7 411/511 covers CH 1-10, fairly inclusive 412/512 covers CH 11–19, 23, 24 Solutions manual by Hagerman, Schnabel, Ramanajuchary (ISBN 1-4292-5255-3) is on reserve at Valley Library, you can order online if you wish Full syllabus on class website. 11/8/2018
Assignments in text There are assigned exercises and problems in the text. Listed on the problems web page Not graded, but some parts will be on exams Brief solutions to all are in the solutions manual 11/8/2018
Grading and exams 2 Midterms are 100 pts each Final is 200 pts CH511 – problems sets will total about 150 points CH 411 and 511 are graded on separate curves Exams: announced 1 week in advance closed book, in class, 1 hour practice exams and solutions will be posted online 11/8/2018
End of General course info Questions ?? 11/8/2018
What is Inorganic Chemistry ? Organic chemistry – the chemistry of carbon skeleton compounds Inorganic chemistry - the chemistry of everything else Metal–ligand complexes Solid state and materials 11/8/2018
OSU Research in Inorganic Chemistry Mas Subramanian Doug Keszler Mike Lerner Kevin Gable 11/8/2018
Periodic Table 11/8/2018
Chemistry is a dynamic discipline “It is disconcerting to reflect on the number of students we have flunked in chemistry for not knowing what we later found to be untrue.” -- quoted in Robert L. Weber, Science with a Smile 11/8/2018