SFU Library Orientation Criminology 210: Library research Chloe Riley Liaison Librarian for Criminology, Psychology & Philosophy chloe_riley@sfu.ca
SFU Library A few quick facts about us … SFU Burnaby SFU Vancouver SFU Surrey Over 2.5 million books & ebooks Over 98,000 subscriptions to journals, magazines & newspapers Over 500 research databases Three campus libraries
Your assignment For your Annotated Bibliography and your Research Paper for CRIM 210, your assignments require: Ten peer-reviewed journal articles Follow APA format for general formatting and when citing references
“And I thought we were friends” by hehedan, Our agenda How to find: Background info Peer-reviewed articles Further help (with citations, writing, research) Plus … Working with your topic “And I thought we were friends” by hehedan, CC BY-NC 2.0
Background sources: Encyclopedias Overview of your topic / the “big picture” Written with the academic in mind, often by specialists in the field Use the bibliography to identify key articles, studies, authors, etc. Encyclopedias and handbooks: Gale Virtual Reference Library Oxford Reference Online SAGE Reference
Popular magazine articles Scholarly journal articles Scholarly vs popular Popular magazine articles Example: The Atlantic Scholarly journal articles Example: Criminal Justice and Behavior: An International Journal
Popular magazine articles Scholarly journal articles Scholarly vs popular Popular magazine articles Example: The Atlantic Scholarly journal articles Example: Criminal Justice and Behavior: An International Journal Audience: general public Colourful graphics & advertisements Plain language No abstracts or citations Audience: academics Mostly text, with some tables & charts Subject-specific language Includes abstracts & citations Key criterion: peer-reviewed
Finding online articles Library / Catalogue Search Broad/preliminary searches Searches many (but not all) databases Article databases More targeted & in-depth searches Subject-specific or multidisciplinary
RECOMMENDED DATABASES Criminology databases: Criminal Justice Abstracts: Major Crim database: covers crime trends, prevention & deterrence, juvenile justice, legal issues, psychology, and more. Wide variety of resources including journal articles. National Criminal Justice Reference Service: Focus on law enforcement, crime prevention & security, criminal justice, juvenile justice. Includes journal articles, books, gov’t reports, research reports, and more. Other discipline-based databases PsycINFO: Comprehensive psychology-related database, including relevant topics such as youth, justice, forensics, and more. Sociological Abstracts: Major sociology database, emphasis on sociocultural topics, including criminology, policy, and education
Working with your topic Focusing your topic Example topic: Hooliganism and sports One strategy is to ask yourself: Who? Men, women, youth, Canadians, people in UK … What? Soccer, hockey, riots, vandalism … When? Now, 10 years ago, 1990s, a specific event (Stanley Cup, World Cup) … Where? Vancouver, Canada, UK, international … Why? Alcohol, policy/regulations, effects … Tip: Look for an encyclopedia article on the topic to help you identify issues!
Question: How would you narrow down this topic? Exercise: 1-2-4-all Example topic: recidivism and young offenders Question: How would you narrow down this topic? Structure of the exercise: 1 min: solo reflection (silent – write down your thoughts) 2 min: share in pairs 4 min: share in foursomes (notice similarities & differences) All: share 1 idea from your discussion with the group as a whole Consider: Who? What? When? Where? Why?
WORKING WITH YOUR TOPIC Example topic: recidivism and young offenders Question: How would you narrow down this topic? Consider: Who? What? When? Where? Why?
Working with your topic Developing keywords Revised topic: Impact of art therapy on recidivism in young offenders. Identify key concepts. Brainstorm keywords (search terms) for each key concept Art therapy Recidivism Young offenders Therapy Counselling Music therapy Dance therapy Repeat offender Juvenile delinquents Early adolescent offenders Youth Teenagers
Working with your topic Demo using the database Criminal Justice Abstracts
Search tips Use AND between keywords to narrow your search For example: recidivism AND youth Use OR between keywords to broaden your search For example: soccer OR sports Use quotation marks around an exact phrase For example: “art therapy” Use an asterisk (*) to find related terms For example: Canad* will get results for: Canada, Canadian, Canadians …
Where to go for help – citations Online Citation Guide for APA (as well as other citation styles) Includes specifics for how to cite books, articles, maps, statistics … Borrow APA books from the Library. Questions? Ask a Librarian!
Where to go for help – writing help Student Learning Commons Online resources, workshops & one-on-one consultations Academic writing Learning and study skills EAL/ESL support https://www.lib.sfu.ca/about/branches-depts/slc
Where to go for help – research help Research help desk (drop-in & by appointment) Phone: 778.782.4345 Email us at: libask@sfu.ca AskAway (online chat) Chloe Riley Liaison for Criminology, Philosophy & Psychology car11@sfu.ca 778-872-3315