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WAYS TO ORGANISE HOME PARTY 1. Appearance 2. Reference materials 3. Tools: Registration forms, newspaper cuttings Testimonial photos, relenamt magazines 4. Products Objective: To retail products followed by recruitment. ( 1st priority is recruitment ; 2nd priority is retailing ) The most important thing is to SELF YOURSELF esp to gain the trust of prospects / customers . This can be achieved by using the products ourselves before sharing them with others.
Objective Reminder during the home party session:- Home Party is to either retail Longrich products or to recruit new distributors Reminder during the home party session:- 1. Do not turn home party into a full LBS 2. Home décor – comfortable, neat and tidy , relaxed atmosphere 3. Use home party as a place to share experience Or to give advice. 4. The host must be cordial to the guests and make them feel welcomed. The host must inform the speaker about the guests background i.e names, occupation, preference, other infos so That the speaker can zero in on their interests and use the right baits. This will make the guests feel the topic is relevant to them.
5. The host must make sure there is no whatsoever Distraction or interference during the session. 6. Professional, well-mannered with a big smile 7. Share the sweet experience of upliners + downliners 8. Introduce yourself and the speaker of the session 9. Simple program and agenda – don’t drag too long 10. The most must always encourage the guests to try The products. 11. Teach the guests to use the products Objective: Some guests are shy to try the products – do not use complicated or difficult to understand terms . 12. Get someone to share product testimony during the session
GETTING STARTED PREPARE A HOME PARTY KIT Using a plastic box, collect all of the things you would need to conduct a home party. By keeping this box updated and full, you will be ready to go at any time. □ Table cloth □ Current Brochures □ Product Order Forms □ Member Registration Forms □ Index Cards (for note taking or game playing) □ Your favorite Longrich products . □ 1-3 hot gift items (depending on the promotion) □ An assortment of samples
GETTING STARTED Gifts ‒ Door Prize ‒ Hostess Thank You Gift ‒ Small gift for anyone who brings a guest or books a future party (hand creams, lip balms, shower gels – stock up on these items when on sale.) Your Calendar to schedule Appointments and new Parties.
GETTING STARTED You may want TIPS FOR YOU to bring a basket full of ‘cash and carry’ products. Items that you would like to move out of your stock.
Identify Potential Host 1. Family and Friends – it’s a great reason to get together. 2. Good Customers who already LOVE Longrich might enjoy getting FREE products. 3. Anyone who says “I can’t afford Longrich products.” It would give them a chance to get their products FREE. 4. Partiers! Who invites you to other types of home parties? 5. Small groups who need money. A women’s club could host a party with the proceeds going to the organization.
Schedule the event Co-ordinate with your host 1-2 weeks before the event Plan the guests list -Over invite: 20-30 invitations will get 6-10 attendees on average. Providing extra brochures to the hostess can ensure that she gets additional orders from those who were unable to attend. TIPS -Many distributors collect the guest list and mail the invitations themselves to make sure it gets done.
Print and Mail or Email the Invitations Collect the addresses and mail for the Hostess (Give hostess additional invitations to hand out personally) 2. Give Hostess enough postcards to mail herself Create an email invitation NOTE :Follow up phone calls 1-2 days before the event is a great way to confirm attendance.
HOST’S CHECKLIST 1. Prior to the party, collect orders from friends, family and co-workers who are unable to attend. 2. 1-2 days prior to the party, confirm attendance 3. Plan for refreshments – keep it simple! 4. Does your party room have enough seating? 5. Have a small table available for display products.
AT THE PARTY Dress for success Dress professionally! Mix and Match your own clothing, shoes and accessories with current jewelry pieces. Makeup and nail color should all be applied suitably. For male host – smart casual will do
Make Your Presentation (sample script) Hi, my name is . I am an Independent Distributor with Longrich Global. I want to first thank [host’s name] for inviting me tonight. Present him/her with a thank you gift I would also like to thank all of you for joining us! Who brought a friend? [Reward them with a small gift. Go around the room and ask everyone to introduce themselves and their friend if they brought one.] Let me share a little bit about my background. [Share how long you’ve been with Longrich and what prompted you to start your business.]
DURING THE HOME PARTY 1. Have Lucky Draw session with prizes 2. Make sure the guests get to feel and touch , better still try out the products 3. Collect deposit should anyone desire to purchase the products 4. Give out door gifts 5. Play some interesting games to make the guests feel relaxed and make the home party more interesting.
BOOK THE NEXT PARTY If you didn’t win anything yet, it’s NOT too late. I have some great gifts to give away to anyone who books an Longrich Home Party for the next month or is interested in learning more about the Longrich Business Opportunity.
SOLIALISE AND MINGLE WITH THE GUESTS Because this is a social occasion for most of the guests, you should remember to spend time socializing and getting to know them. Guests will feel more comfortable if they sense you are interested in them. You may pick up key pieces of information in conversation. Ask questions like: Do you have any gift giving occasions coming up? What kind of Skin Care do you currently use? Do you have any parties or events coming up where you might need some new jewelry?
PAY ATTENTION □ If someone mentions that money has been tight, you may have an opportunity to introduce earning with Longrich to him/ her. □ Someone who wants to buy a large amount might like to host an upcoming party to get her Longrich products as a discount. □ If someone is talking about school or church, she might be interested in learning more about fundraising with Longrich.
CLOSE THE PARTY 1. Collect the Anew Skin Care Quiz and draw for a door prize. 2. Schedule future parties or Appointments and award gifts for participation. 3. Help the Hostess Clean Up.
PARTY GAME IDEAS Use games to make your party event fun and interactive. And remember, you're not just playing a party game — you're Inviting your guests into your store (brochure), Informing them of Longrich’s great products, and Inspiring them to become an Longrich distributors, too!