2017 State and National 4-H Trips & Events
The largest human foosball game…EVER!!! #IN4HRoundUp Middle school aged youth conference Approximately 500 youth and adult participants Introductory leadership development Career awareness Experience living in residence halls and navigating a Big Ten campus June 26-28, 2017 $170 Registration Deadline May 15 The largest human foosball game…EVER!!! #IN4HRoundUp
Round-Up Tweets 4-H + Me = Health…Wobble Baby! #IN4HRoundUp #IN4HRoundUp was sooo awesome! Met so many new friends and the NOBULLGuys! Session…exploring careers with the college of liberal arts #4h #purdue
4-H Band Grades 8-12 Do not have to be a 4-H member Intensive instructional workshop Perform at 4-H Round-Up June 24-26, 2017 $180 Registration deadline April 1
4-H Chorus Grades 8-12 Do not have to be a 4-H member Intensive instructional workshop Perform at 4-H Round-Up and Indiana State Fair June 24-27, 2017 and August 11-12, 2017 $250 Registration deadline April 1 An awesome performance by the State 4-H Chorus at tonight’s #IN4HRoundUp!
State 4-H Junior Leader Conference June 20-23, 2017 University of Indianapolis Grades 9-12 Leadership development focusing on personal and team leadership $160 Registration deadline May 15
Having a blast at #sjlc2014 up here at UIndy! You guys truly are amazing people and I am so grateful to have had the chance to meet you all. SJLC is truly a life changing experience and something I will never forget. I love you all and I hope to see some of you next year. Thanks for a making a difference! My very first and last time at SJLC was so amazing and impactful. Thank you to everyone for an experience I won't ever forget. I miss you all so much, especially my Wolverines. Much love Having a blast at #sjlc2014 up here at UIndy! This was after the water games today! So many incredible friendships and memories made at #SJLC2014. I couldn't of asked for a better week☺️ its hard to think that a few days ago most of us were strangers, and that in 3 days you can make friendships that will last the rest of your life, memories that last a life time, and smiles that will never be forgoten. i know its changed me, we walked out of those doors like one big family!! and i thank every one for making it a amazing trip its sad its my very first and last SJLC..... #SJLC2013 best time ever!!! 30 Friend Requests: that's a record for me. But that's 30 people who I can connect with, and help when they need it. SJLC 2013 was more amazing than I could have ever imagined. Thank you all so much for making this conference absolutely amazing! Having a blast at #sjlc2014 up here at UIndy!
“Sciworkshops were A-M-A-Z-I-N-G…..again!” 4-H Academy @ Purdue Grades 9-12 June 14-16, 2017 Opportunity for youth to live on a Big Ten Campus Hands-on educational workshops designed to teach technical and workforce preparation skills Cost and deadline to register List of workshops on next slide $190 “Sciworkshops were A-M-A-Z-I-N-G…..again!”
4-H Academy @ Purdue OPTIONS Animal Science Animal Bio-Science Food Science and Nutrition Animal Health Plant Science Food Animal 1 Show Me the Money Food Animal 2 Spread the News Horse and Companion Animal STEM It Up! Citizenship in 4-H :Start Local…Go Global! Computer Science Electric Healthy Living Workshop Engineering Exploring Health Careers Robotics NEW Intro to EMS The Science of Flight I'm never leaving #sciworkshops13
Indiana State Fair Youth Leadership Conference August 1-5, 2017 Indiana State Fairgrounds, Discovery Hall Grades 9-12 Explore legislative system; youth advocacy; service-learning around Indiana State Fair $125 Registration deadline July 1
This week has been a truly amazing experience at #ISFYLC2014! the journey was exciting, inspiring, and all around mind blowing. thank you to all those who made my trip so memorable, I can not say enough words to express how much this adventure has really meant to me. I believe it has made me stronger as well as made it possible to expand the horizons of my own life!!! I mean to include every one in a whole when I say, from the pit of my existence, Thank you! Thank you for this life experience. BEST DAY EVER! Closing out 10 years with an awesome time at #ISFYLC2014 This week has been a truly amazing experience at #ISFYLC2014!
Indiana 4-H Youth & Adult Congress Grades 8-12 and Adult Volunteers Saturday, October 14, 2017 Leadership development sessions that can be replicated at club meetings Recognize Accomplishment Scholarship winners Event sponsored by Indiana 4-H Foundation $25/person Registration deadline September 15
National 4-H Dairy Conference Grades 9-12 October 1-5, 2017, on University of Wisconsin-Madison campus Educational sessions on dairy production and related careers $450
National 4-H Conference Grades 9-12 Delegates selected from application and interview process Leadership conference that teaches personal leadership and citizenship skills March 25-30, 2017, at National 4-H Conference Center near Washington, DC Applications due December 1, 2016
Citizenship Washington Focus July 1-8, 2017 Conference teaches personal and team leadership as well as citizenship skills Conducted at National 4-H Conference Center Visit legislators on Capitol Hill Sightseeing in Washington, DC Must be at least 15 years old $1,550 Registration deadline is March 15th
State Fair Achievement Trip Date TBA Chicago, IL Trips awarded to winners in Public Speaking/Demonstration Fashion Revue Tractor Driving Bicycle Rodeo State4-H/FFA Career Development Events Rabbit & Poultry Illustrated Talks Rabbit Ambassadors
National 4-H Congress November 24-November 28, 2017 in Atlanta, Georgia Delegates are selected through an application and interview process Application deadline is May 1 Premier leadership development conference
4-H Member Testimonial 4-H is an amazing thing. You get to go on all these trips, meet awesome people who you can have long lasting friendships with. But not only that, but 4-H is just a great way to be involved in something. It teaches you about responsibility and in some ways it can teach you about leadership and a lot more. Without 4-H I wouldn't have met any of these guys or any of my other amazing friends from all over the county. If you get the chance to do 4-H and go on any of these trips, do it. It's scary at first, especially if you're the only one and you don't know anyone. But once you get to know everyone, you'll have a blast and you won't regret it. It's an amazing experience and in some ways, it's life changing. If you have any questions about 4-H or the trips or how to get involved or just anything, don't be afraid to ask! #missyouall #seeyousoon #bestfriendsforever #lifelongfriends #4H
Communication Events Interactive Demonstration Demonstration Informative 4-H Presentation Professional Persuasive Presentation Public Speaking Illustrated Talk (Rabbit and Poultry only)
Career Development Events (Judging Contests) Soils Horticulture Livestock skillathon Crops Forestry Entomology Wildlife Habitat Education Dairy Foods Meat Evaluation Horse and Pony Hippology Livestock Dairy Cattle Poultry
Indiana State Fair Exhibit Hall worker Work end of July-completion of Indiana State Fair Must be 15+ years old Application due April 15 Paid position, meet fellow 4-H members from across the state, be a part of the great Indiana State Fair!
Scholarships Due Jan. 25 to County Extension Office Foundation Senior Year Accomplishment 4-H Club
State & National 4H Trips & Events To learn more about these opportunities, Contact your 4-H Extension Educator or visit: State & National 4H Trips & Events