Universal Precautions Safety measures practiced by those in the health care professions to prevent the spread of infectious disease.
What Are Universal Precautions? Proper washing of hands Draping First Aid/CPR Proper use of gloves Proper clean up of soiled linen Proper clean up of blood/body fluids on hard surfaces Sanitize or disinfect
Proper Washing of Hands Before coming in contact with a client Between clients After caring for an infected client Before and after handling dressings or touching open wounds After handling contaminated equipment (e.g., sheets, towels, stones) You should wash your hands for at least three minutes at the beginning of the day and at least 15 seconds each time after that
Why do we drape? The client’s warmth/comfort The client’s modesty Therapist integrity Professionalism
How do we drape the back? You may fold the sheet/towel down below the waist. You may tuck the sheet/towel into the waistband of the underwear. You may create a triangle, bringing the sheet/towel to the gluteal cleft and fold over to cover the gluteals.
How do we drape the legs? You may expose one leg by folding the sheet/towel over. You may expose one leg by wrapping the sheet/towel under the leg. You may expose both legs by using the “diaper” drape.
How do we drape the abdominals? Place an extra towel over the sheet/towel. Hold or have the client hold the extra towel. Gently pull the bottom sheet/towel down to the waist/hip area.
How do we drape the buttocks? We can do the “diaper” drape from either the back down or the legs up. You can uncover one side of the buttock when uncovering the leg.
First Aid/CPR First Aid – actions taken as a first response to injury or sickness. CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) – a procedure for restoring normal breathing to a person with respiratory distress after cardiac arrest. In many states therapists are obligated to have training in these modalities.
Gloves Gloves – should be changed between patient contacts. Are not necessary for contact with unsoiled articles or intact skin. Should not be a substitute for hand washing. When taking gloves off they should be rolled down from the wrist and thrown away inside out.
Soiled Linen Use hot water Use an antibacterial detergent and/or rinse agent, such as chlorine bleach Use a hot dryer Wash your hands after handling soiled linens
Clean Up of Blood/Body Fluids on Hard Surfaces Use a germicide for cleaning Germicide is a chemical substance containing antibacterial properties Gloves should be worn
Sanitize or Disinfect Sanitize – to make sanitary as by cleaning or sterilization. Sterilization – Deprive the power of reproducing, to free from living microorganisms (as by use of physical or chemical agents). Disinfect – To destroy pathogenic microorganisms in or on any substance or to inhibit their growth and vital activity.