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STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE QUEEN to PRINCESS Welcome! You have chosen to attend today’s Officer Training because you want to learn more about Daughters of the Nile. When you are an Officer in a Temple, you are the person the members look to for guidance and authority. You must be able to answer all of the members’ questions. Are you expected to memorize all of the rules, regulations and procedures of Daughters of the Nile? (Pause) No.   It is okay to say “I don’t know, but I will find out and get back to you.” Just be sure to follow up with the information. It is important to know where to find the answers. In order to be a successful leader, you cannot rely on a Past Queen, Advisor, or Princess Recorder to inform you of correct and up-to-date answers. Do not let a Past Queen or other Officer tell you what and how to do something. If you want to be a respected leader, you must know the Bylaws, Protocol and Procedures. As you learned in the Step One activity, “What Are Our Treasures?” there are many resources available. As soon as a member is elected as Princess Badoura, she must begin to become familiar with these books. When you have a question, you find the answer. You will gain the confidence to become a respected and successful Queen! to PRINCESS

Floor Charts Protocol Ritual Manual of Procedures Bylaws Daughters of the Nile Floor Charts Bylaws Protocol Manual of Procedures Facilitator: (Gesture to the table display of the resource books.) If you have a question about our ritualistic work, what two books do you go to for answers? (Pause) Yes, the Ritual and the Floor Charts.   If you want to make place cards and designate seating for a head table at a banquet, what book would you go to for answers? (Pause) Yes, Protocol. If you want to know how many Stated Sessions and Ceremonials are required each year, where would you look? (Pause) Yes, the Supreme Temple Bylaws. Ritual

SUPREME TEMPLE BYLAWS STEP 2 The Supreme Temple Bylaws are located in the Supreme Temple Daughters of the Nile green binder. There are several important documents contained in this binder. The first tab is the “Table of Contents,” which includes the contents of the entire binder. (Give the participants a minute to look at the Table of Contents.)   The second tab, “Articles of Incorporation,” provides the history of the Incorporation of Daughters of the Nile. It specifies the name of the corporation, our non-profit corporation status and its objectives. (Give the participants a minute to look at the Articles of Incorporation.)    STEP 2

SUPREME TEMPLE BYLAWS Part I Part II The Supreme Temple Bylaws are divided into two parts.   The third tab in the binder is Part I of the Supreme Temple Bylaws. It contains the rules pertaining to the Supreme Temple that the Supreme Temple and Subordinate Temples (local Temples) must abide by. (Have all participants view the Index of Part I) The fourth tab in the binder is Part II of the Supreme Temple Bylaws. It contains the rules pertaining to the Subordinate Temples (local Temples) that the Subordinate Temples must abide by. (Have all participants view the Index of Part II)

SUPREME TEMPLE BYLAWS PART I The information found in Part I of the Supreme Temple Bylaws defines the: Authority of the Supreme Temple Membership and Officers of the Supreme Temple Authority and Duties of the Supreme Temple Board of Directors Duties of the Supreme Temple Elective Officers Supreme Committees and their Duties Ritualistic Properties Supreme Ambassadors-at-Large and Goodwill Ambassadors   It also explains the: Mechanism of Supreme Session Process of the Supreme Elective Officers Origin of monetary resources for both the Supreme Temple General Fund (operating account) and the Philanthropic Funds Proper method for Supreme Bylaw Amendments Plan in the event of the Dissolution of the Supreme Temple How new temples are formed. Do you hear a familiar theme in Part I? (Pause) Yes, all of the information is about the Supreme Temple.

Let us look at the first page of the index for Part I Let us look at the first page of the index for Part I. The index is in alphabetical order by subject heading. The index is the most helpful tool for finding an answer to any question.   Let us scrutinize the first page in the index. Look at each subject heading. It is in bold type. Note the arrows pointing to the bold face headings.

The article, section and page number for each topic heading is located at the far right of the page. At the bottom left of the page is the year of the publication.

Let us look at the first page of the index for Part II Let us look at the first page of the index for Part II. The index is in alphabetical order by subject heading. The information found in Part II of the Supreme Temple Bylaws defines the: Formation and Dissolution of Subordinate Temples Membership in Subordinate Temples Finance of Subordinate Temples Official Properties of Subordinate Temples Officers of Subordinate Temples Uniformed Units Clubs   Do you hear a familiar theme in Part II? (Pause) Yes, all of the information is about the Subordinate or local Temples.

“What is the registration fee for the Annual Supreme Session?” SAMPLE QUESTION ONE: “What is the registration fee for the Annual Supreme Session?” Sample Question One: Facilitator: A new member comes to you and asks about attending Supreme Session. She wants to know, “What is the registration fee for the Annual Supreme Session?” Let us begin the thought process you would go through to find the answer: Step one: Which of our references would be the best book to find this answer? (Gesture to the table display of the resource books and pause for a response.) Response = Supreme Temple Bylaws Is this information pertinent to Supreme Temple business or a rule for a Subordinate Temple? (Pause) Response = Supreme Temple Is information specific to the Supreme Temple found in Part I or Part II? (Pause) Response = Part I Let us look at the index for Part I. In looking at the headings in bold print, which one do you think we may find the answer about a Supreme Session? (Pause) Response = Annual Session of the Supreme Temple Looking at the list of items under Annual Session of the Supreme Temple, find the one that looks like it may have the answer. (Pause) Response = Registration Go to the page number to the right of the heading, Registration, page 48 (2013.1) Who would like to read aloud the answer? (Pause) Thank you, ____________, please read. (Listen to the reading, verify the correct answer and then thank the volunteer.) Part I, Article VII Supreme Temple Annual Session, Section 3. (a). Registration, states that “the registration fee is $60 US or $60 CA.” Did we find the answer? Yes!

SAMPLE QUESTION TWO:   “Where do you look to find the mandate to read the Proclamation during the observation of Founders Day?” Sample Question Two: Facilitator: As Queen of the Temple, you have appointed a member to plan a Founders Day Program for the October Stated Session. The chairman comes to you and says she has planned a program, but you discover it does not include the reading of the Proclamation. Where do you look to find the mandate to read the Proclamation during the observation of Founders Day?   Let us begin the thought process: Which of our references would be the best book to find this answer? (Gesture to the table display of the resource books and pause for a response.) Response = Supreme Temple Bylaws Is this information pertinent to Supreme Temple business or a rule for a Subordinate Temple? (Pause) Response = Subordinate Temple Is information specific to Subordinate Temples found in Part I or Part II? (Pause) Response = Part II Let us look at the index for Part II. In looking at the headings in bold print, which one do you think we may find the answer about a Temple Session? (Pause) Response = Subordinate Temple Sessions Looking at the list of items under Subordinate Temple Sessions, find the one that looks like it may have the answer. (Pause) Response = under Stated Sessions, you can see a heading for Founders Day. Go to the page number to the right of the heading, Founders Day, page 73 (2013.1) Who would like to read aloud the answer? (Pause) Thank you, ____________, please read. (Listen to the reading, verify the correct answer and then thank the volunteer.) Article VII Subordinate Temple Sessions, Section 1. Stated Sessions, (b) Founders Day states that the tribute “shall include the reading of the Proclamation.” Did we find the answer? Yes!

Activity (Distribute to each pair of participants, one of the questions included in the training materials. Cut the page in half, so each team is given one question. The questions may also be written by the Facilitator or chosen ahead of time by the members.)   Facilitator: Each pair of participants was given one question to answer. Please work as a team to find the answer. Write the answer on the space provided on your paper. When deciding where to find the answer to your question, you may consider Part I or Part II of the Supreme Temple Bylaws contained in the green binder.

(Give the teams about five (5) minutes to find the answers (Give the teams about five (5) minutes to find the answers. Determine the amount of time needed by checking the progress of the teams. When it appears that the answers have been found, continue the training by asking each team to read its question and answer aloud.)  

Facilitator: Let us begin by reading Question A Facilitator: Let us begin by reading Question A. One of the team members assigned to Question A, please read the question aloud, tell us where you found the answer and announce the answer. (Pause for the volunteer.) Thank you, ____________, please begin. (Continue the process until all of the teams have been given the opportunity to report.)  

“Where can I find the difference between CEF and CRA/CRF?” (Set this slide to display during the reading of Question A.) Activity Question A: “Where can I find the difference between CEF and CRA/CRF”?  

(Set this slide to display during the discussion of the answer for Question A.) Answer to “Where can I find the difference between CEF and CRA/CRF”? Supreme Temple Bylaws Part I, Article VI Supreme Temple Funds, Section 2 Philanthropic Funds (pages 47, 48, 2013.1) “A Convalescent Relief Account shall be maintained by the Daughters of the Nile Foundation to provide annual cash contributions to the Shriners Hospitals for Children®…a Convalescent Endowment Fund shall be maintained by the Daughters of the Nile Foundation, supported by donations from the Subordinate Temples and individuals, including Stepping Stones to Happiness Certificates and the My Gift Program. The Canadian Foundation shall be maintained through the Convalescent Relief Fund and the Convalescent Endowment Fund…”

“A member of your Temple asks if the Temple can host a fundraiser for the local Girl Scouts. In order to give her a documented answer, you must find the answer in one of our resource books.”   (Set this slide to display during the reading of Question B.) Activity Question B:   “A member of your Temple comes to you and inquires if your Temple can host a fundraiser for the local Girl Scouts. In order to give her a documented answer, you must find the answer in one of our resource books.”

(Set this slide to display during the discussion of the answer for Question B.)   Answer to “A member of your Temple asks if your Temple can host a fundraiser for the local Girl Scouts. In order to give her a documented answer, you must find the answer in one of our resource books” Supreme Temple Bylaws Part I, Article I Sovereignty and Organizational structure, Section 7. Ritualistic Properties and Philanthropy, (e) Philanthropy (page 20, 2013.1) “The sole philanthropy of the Order is the support of the Shriners Hospitals for Children® through donations to the Daughters of the Nile Foundation and the Canadian Foundation.”

 “The Queen is required to make her Annual Report at the March Stated Session. There is a lot of business to discuss at this Session. Is there another option for giving her report?”    (Set this slide to display during the reading of Question C.) Activity Question C: “The Queen is required to make her Annual Report at the March Stated Session. There is a lot of business to discuss at this Session. Is there another option for giving her report?”  

(Set this slide to display during the discussion of the answer for Question C.) Answer to “The Queen is required to make her Annual Report at the March Stated Session. There is a lot of business to discuss at this Session. Is there another option for giving her report?”   Supreme Temple Bylaws Part II, Article VI Duties of Officers, Section 1 Queen, (n) (page 68, 2013.1) “…or publish the report in a mailing to each member prior to the March Stated Session. If published, the Queen shall declare at the March Stated Session that the Annual Report was published and the declaration shall be noted in the Minutes.”

 “The Queen is required to read the Philanthropic Purpose aloud to the Candidates after the Ceremonial. Is there another option for reading the Philanthropic Purpose to the Candidates without having to read it during the Session?”    (Set this slide to display during the reading of Question D.) Activity Question D: “The Queen is required to read the Philanthropic Purpose aloud to the Candidates after the Ceremonial. Is there another option for reading the Philanthropic Purpose to the Candidates without having to read it during the Session?”  

  (Set this slide to display during the discussion of the answer for Question D.) Answer to “The Queen is required to read the Philanthropic Purpose aloud to the Candidates after the Ceremonial. Is there another option for reading the Philanthropic Purpose to the Candidates without having to read it during the Session?” Supreme Temple Bylaws Part II, Article VI Duties of Officers, Section 1 Queen, (o) (page 68, 2013.1) “…the Queen may have the option of either reading aloud the page on Philanthropic Purpose from the Manual of Procedures after the Ceremonial or may designate a Past Queen or member who sits with the Candidates to read the page aloud prior to the Ceremonial.” also Manual of Procedures, Section IV Philanthropy, E. Philanthropic Purpose (pages M - 52, M - 53, 2016)

WOO HOO!! YES!! Congratulations! You have just completed Step Two in “Step-by-Step Guide: Princess to Queen” by learning how to find answers to questions about our rules.

STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE QUEEN to PRINCESS Facilitator: For this section of the Officer Training, we have focused on the Supreme Temple Bylaws, Part I and Part II, which are the rules of our Order. When you have a question about a rule, first determine if the rule pertains to the Supreme Temple, the Subordinate Temples, or specifically to your Temple. Then you know whether to look for the answer in the Supreme Temple Bylaws Part I, Subordinate Temple Bylaws Part II or your Temple Bylaws. If you have a question about how to do something and when it must be done, then the answer will be found in the Manual of Procedures. to PRINCESS

MANUAL OF PROCEDURES STEP 3 Step 3 in the “Step-by-Step Guide: Princess to Queen” is titled, “I Know What to Do, but How and When Do I Do It?” In this Officer Training, we will learn about what is contained in the Manual of Procedures.   This topic will be discussed __(Insert day and time_____. Thank you for coming today!   (If you will continue today’s training with Step Three, announce a “BREAK,” and the time to return to the training room.)