Planmeca ProMax tomography
Planmeca ProMax tomography Four tomography modes Wide beam linear tomography (film) Wide beam true linear tomography (film) Digital linear tomography Digital Transtomography™
Film tomography Wide beam linear tomography Cassette is perpendicular to the X-ray beam Wide beam true linear tomography Cassette is kept parallel to the image layer Constant resolution over the whole exposed area
Linear vs true linear tomoraphy pin phantom Linear: The thickness of the layer is not regular True linear: The thickness of the layer is regular
Linear vs true linear tomoraphy The resolution is optimum only in the middle of the image True linear: The resolution is constant all over the image Tomography
Digital tomography Digital linear tomography One sweep - the rotating point moves along the layer during imaging Straight 6mm layer Fast Digital Transtomography™ Multiple sweep - the beam makes oscillating and transitional movement Straight layers, adjustable thickness Better layer separation
Tomography features Straight cuttings Layer thickness selectable (1, 3, 6, 9, 18, 36 mm) Adjustable step between layers Constant 1.50x magnification Pre-programmed cutting sites (based on jaw size) Pre-programmed cutting angles (based on jaw shape) Automatic or manual operations Specialised imaging at the dental practice High value for implantology
Tomography programs Cross-sectional tomograms 1-4 cross-sectional images (manual) 4 cross sectional images (automatic) 3 cross sectional images with different angles (automatic) 4 cross-sectional with anatomical angles 3 cross sectional images from sinus and nasal cavity (automatic) The interval between cuttings is selectable by the user (1, 3, 6, 9 or 12 mm) Angle between cuttings in multi- angle tomograms is ±6°, the image no 2 corresponds to the selected target position Anatomical angles are according to the curvature of the jaw, the image no 2 corresponds to the selected target position
Tomography programs Longitudinal tomograms 1-4 longitudinal images (manual) 3 longitudinal images (automatic) 3 longitudinal images with different angles (automatic) 3 longitudinal images from the sinus and nasal cavity angle between cuttings in multi- angle tomograms is transtomogram
Tomography programs Mixed tomograms 1 cross-sectional and 1 longitudinal images (automatic) 3 cross-sectional images and 1 longitudinal image (automatic) 3 cross-sectional images with different angles and 1 longitudinal image (automatic) Mixed tomograms give 3D- information from the target site Necessary for exact measurements the interval between cuttings is selectable by the user angle between cuttings in multi- angle tomograms is transtomogram
Taking tomogram Step #1 Take impression Step #2 Mark the target Step #3 Impression in machine Step #4 Make program selections Step #5 Set layer to mark Step #6 Patient in machine Step #7 Touch Ready Step #8 Exposure
Taking tomogram Step #1 Take Impression
Taking tomogram Step #1 Take impression Step #2 Mark the target
Taking tomogram Step #3 Impression in machine
Taking tomogram Step #4 Make program selections
Taking tomogram ProMax's concept positions the patient automatically so the area to be exposured is precisely within the focal layer. The operator simply selects the proper coordinates of the object, and ProMax goes to the right position.
Taking tomogram Step #5 Set layer to mark with joystick Adjust angle with the angle buttons
Taking tomogram Step # 6 Patient in machine Patient bites the impression When the target is upper jaw, adjust the maxillary alveolar ridge horizontal When the target is lower jaw adjust the lower part of the mandible horizontal Fine adjust the target with the positioning lights
Taking tomogram Step # 7 touch Ready Step # 8 Press exposure button
Taking tomogram 3 x CRS 1xLNG Auto Angle The diagnostic set must include the longitudinal and the one best cross-sectional images.
The End More information: Erkki Hiltunen Product Manager, X-rays tel: +358 20 7795 456 Mark Niemi tel: +358 20 7795 743 4/2011