Parent Curriculum Night Social Studies/Writing/Spelling Welcome! Parent Curriculum Night 2017-2018 Social Studies/Writing/Spelling Ms. Jessica Veliz
Come to class prepared –INB, pencil, supplies Classroom Rules Be Respectful Be Responsible Be Safe Come to class prepared –INB, pencil, supplies Bring Homework in/on time Lockers are before and after school only Write in your agenda/planner Everyday.
Agenga/Planner will be signed/ Conduct mark will be deducted Consequences Cougar Fines Agenga/Planner will be signed/ Conduct mark will be deducted Ex: excessive talking- -1 pt didn’t fill out agenda info at the beginning of class-- -1 pt parent/guardian signature is required if getting agenda signed. Please check daily
Conduct Mark Grade 0-2= E 3-6=S 7-10=N 11+=U
TIS Bell Schedule
Tomball ISD Grading Policy MAJOR Reading = 2 (1) Major Grades Writing= 2 (1) Major Grades Math=3 (2) Major Grades Science=3(2) Major Grades Social Studies=3 (2) Major Grades DAILY Reading = 3 (2) Daily Grades Writing= 3 (2) Daily Grades Math=6 (4) Daily Grades Science=6 (4) Daily Grades Social Studies=6 (4) Daily Grades Late Policy: 1 day late = -10 points; 2 days late = -20 points; 3 days late = 0 for the assignment. *ASK the front office for username and password to check grades online.
Social Studies Social Studies INB with notes, foldables, etc. to study for the tests. Not typically homework in Social Studies other than finishing projects begun in school and STUDYING!! Alternative assessments graded on a rubric. Checkpoints given every 3 weeks. 1st checkpoint is next week! We will work on the skills of note-taking and summarizing through Social Studies. Exploration to Modern Times
Writing Many times the writing we do will be through the Social Studies content. For example, we may write a piece of persuasive writing urging someone to escape on the Underground Railroad. Opportunities for students to write about personal experiences and interests! These pieces will be graded for the proper writing structure and grammar/mechanics/spelling Write-On Day!!! Celebrate Writing!
Spelling Tests will be on Fridays Averaged together to make one major writing grade Spelling List for the first semester is on my webpage
Market Day Advertisement Rubric Our first Market will be Oct. 6th!!! Market Poster is due Oct. 4th!!! *Letter will be sent home in the Wednesday Folder, please sign and return as soon as possible. If your child does not have a signed letter, he/she may not participate. Market Day Advertisement Rubric 1. Attention grabbing and colorful 40 pts. 2. Neat 40 pts. 3. Employs at least one marketing technique. 20 pts. a) Give great value (ex. Buy 2, get one free) b) Use celebrity endorsement c) Use popular characters d) Repetition (by use of multiple flyers/business cards) e) Make yourself an "expert" about your good or service f) Make your ads clever, funny, or unique g) Customer testimonials h) Surround your product or service with fun or "hype"
Text the message @dc3b4e to the number 81010 Remind 101 Text the message @dc3b4e to the number 81010
Write On Day!!! Writing Celebration **bring snacks, drinks, candy any and ALL Junk food allowed! *The “junkier” the better!
Social Studies McGraw Hill Textbook online access Follow these steps to log in and add new content: 1) Go to the Tomball ISD homepage, or your campus homepage. Click on the Students tab at the top of the page, and select Student Online Resources from the drop down menu. Click on McGraw-Hill (ConnectED) 2) Enter your username and password into the appropriate fields to log into ConnectED 3) Click the "Add" button to add content to your ConnectED book bag. 4) Enter the Redemption Code of the online content you wish to redeem and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the process.
Thank you!