IDEA Course Evaluation Overview


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Presentation transcript:

IDEA Course Evaluation Overview This PowerPoint presentation provides detailed overview for instructors to set up and administer IDEA course evaluations in the online platform.

What’s New with Online IDEA Course Evaluations? Reports available 3 days after grades are due for the session, term, or semester. Reports will now include student comments Survey items reduced from 47 to 43 items Added four new learning objectives on diverse perspectives, ethical reasoning, civic engagement, and quantitative literacy, improved information literacy wording Ability to add custom questions: scale response or open-ended Saving almost 70,000 pieces of paper per semester Combined gaining factual knowledge and learning fundamental principles, generalizations, or theories Changed language on one: Added evaluate - Learning how to find, evaluate, and use resources to explore a topic in depth 4 new Learning objectives: 1) Developing knowledge and understanding of diverse perspectives, global awareness, or other cultures; 2) Developing ethical reasoning and/or ethical decision making; 3) Learning to apply knowledge and skills to benefit others or serve the public good; 4) Learning appropriate methods for collecting, analyzing, and interpreting numerical information Eliminated Developing a clearer understanding of and commitment to, personal values

IDEA Center/Campus Labs The IDEA Center provides the revised IDEA Diagnostic Feedback Instrument and support regarding the instrument and interpretation of results. Fun Fact: IDEA stands for Individual Development and Educational Assessment. The Campus Labs provides the technology platform that makes the online process possible. Campus Labs provides support and help related to using the platform. Combined gaining factual knowledge and learning fundamental principles, generalizations, or theories Changed language on one: Added evaluate - Learning how to find, evaluate, and use resources to explore a topic in depth 4 new Learning objectives: 1) Developing knowledge and understanding of diverse perspectives, global awareness, or other cultures; 2) Developing ethical reasoning and/or ethical decision making; 3) Learning to apply knowledge and skills to benefit others or serve the public good; 4) Learning appropriate methods for collecting, analyzing, and interpreting numerical information Eliminated Developing a clearer understanding of and commitment to, personal values

Get started with the IDEA Course Evaluation Checklist An interactive checklist with links to helpful resources: The IDEA course evaluation checklist website provides an interactive checklist on the left side of the page and an image of the checklist in PDF format that can be downloaded. How do you get started? Got to URI’s IDEA Course Evaluation Launch Page: Login to Campus Labs Platform Click here to log in A top level message on the launch page explains whether the evaluation period is open or closed. Evaluations are available two weeks before the last class day of a semester, session, or term. As we near the evaluation period the message will include the dates and times for the opening and closing of the evaluation period. Below on this message are separate login links for students and instructors. Below the links, you'll find additional information for students and instructors. The information for instructors mostly contains links that address common instructor questions or concerns. Clicking the "Instructors Log In Here" Button takes users to a login window for Campus Labs course evaluation platform. Instructors and students are directed to different login windows, but everyone uses their Sakai username and password (Same as username and password used for campus wifi system).

Check your courses for the current session or term Current term displayed here Click here to set objectives After logging in to the Campus Labs course evaluation platform, users are taken to the home page which lists the instructor's courses for the term. Courses are listed by discipline code, course number, and section number. Check that this information is accurate. Viewing the course roster is another way to check the underlying data feed is accurate. The Change Term toggle window opens with the current term, but allows users to switch terms to see earlier reports. The button on the page labelled Objectives Selection Form takes instructors to a new window to rate the importance of 13 different learning objectives for their course (Next slide for detailed remarks).

Rate the importance of learning objectives As a general rule, prioritize what you want students to learn by selecting no more than 3-5 objectives as “Important” or “Essential”. When calculating Progress on Relevant Objectives, IDEA weighs Minor/Not Relevant “0”, Important objectives “1”, Essential objectives “2” Your selections are used to calculate the Progress on Relevant Objectives (PRO) Score (see box for weighted average info). Select 3-5 objectives WARNING: If none selected, all objectives included in PRO Score as ”Important” Unless one of the relevant objectives is addressed significantly more than others, rate all “Important.” Not required to have any ”Essential” Link: Campus Labs “how-to” page with videos Link: IDEA Center resources for identifying relevant objectives The Objectives Selection Form lists all thirteen learning objectives that students are asked about in the course evaluation system. Instructors rate the relevance by clicking in the relevant column for Minor, Important, or Essential. With advance planning, departments and programs can elect to preselect learning objectives for all sections of a course.

Decide whether to add custom questions Must be added before the evaluation period opens Check the questions already in the survey instrument Link: IDEA Diagnostic Feedback Instrument Choose between multiple choice questions with scales or open-ended questions WARNING: Avoid adding too many questions Link: Campus labs “how-to” videos and instructions Link: Example questions by type of face-to-face courses Link: Example questions for online courses

3 Example Open-Ended Questions What in this course has really helped you learn? What could be improved about this course? For future students in the course, what would you recommend they do to increase their learning? Advise students that their comments are anonymous, but polite and constructive feedback is taken more seriously by instructors and departments.

Response rates matter Achieving higher than 65% response rate is the goal across URI The number one strategy is to treat the online course evaluations the same as paper versions and provide time in class for students to complete. Campus Labs indicates average time to completion is 18-21 minutes. We recommend giving students at least 15 minutes. Research shows students are more likely to complete is they know faculty value their response. We recommend instructors explain how they have used student feedback in the past or why their feedback is important to you. Once started and students click past the first page their responses are saved every time students click next page. Data from incomplete surveys is included in reports. Students can return to any survey and edit responses until the end of the survey period.

Preparing for face-to-face classes Choose class session Recommendation: Administer course evaluations at beginning rather than end of class Announce date & need for internet capable device Recommendation: Course evaluations open 2 weeks before the last class meeting. Announce schedule for course evaluations during this first week. Students will see your course when they log in for other course evaluations. Let them know you will dedicate class time for filling these out is important. The university has made arrangements for loaner devices to be available at several locations on campus. For details email: Remind students to bring a charged device Feel free to jump forward for information on Online Courses. Face-to-face classes also benefit from using some of the online class strategies like creating a Sakai assignment (if that tool is used for other assignments in your class).

Administering the survey in class Set aside at least 15 minutes. Explain the value of student feedback. Connect course learning outcomes with relevant IDEA learning objectives. Recommendation: Create a slide showing key course learning outcomes from syllabus that connect with your relevant learning objectives (important or essential). This particular important if you used different course specific language to describe these. Leave this up. Encourage students to fill in comment field. Recommendation: Explain to students that their comments are anonymous, but polite and constructive feedback is taken more seriously by instructors and departments Send students to Leave room while students complete. Thank students for providing feedback.

Preparing for online classes Choose a deadline for completion Consider creating an Assignment called Course Evaluation. In the assignment, you can: Select a due date that students will see in the calendar. Select “No Grade” for Grade Scale option. In  the assignment description: Explain the value of student feedback. Connect course learning outcomes with relevant IDEA learning objectives. Encourage students to fill in comment field (see recommendation on face-to-face slide). Send students to Announce due date a week ahead. Remind students of importance before due. Thank students for providing feedback.

Final steps for all courses After 24 hours, check course response rate. The goal is 65% or greater. Response rates are reported in your table of “My Courses.” The response rate is updated continuously and refreshed a minimum of every 30 minutes. Message students to reiterate importance and request their help. Give students a 24hr or 48hr “deadline” to complete. Sample message: “I just checked the course evaluation website and the response rate is 56% for this class. My goal is to get feedback from at least 80% of the class in the next 24 hours. If you haven’t completed the survey yet, I hope you will take some time to do it as soon as possible. I’ll be checking if you can beat my goal.” Repeat if needed. Review student feedback. (Available 3 days after grades are due.) Link: Guide to new interactive reports