7C1 – you need to complete one task from each of the columns below. HELP IS AVAILABLE See the document called ‘7C1 Geog ILC Outline’ where one task from each column has been chosen for you. Complete each task to complete your ILC. Ask your teacher if you need help. You can see Mrs Harris on a Thursdayin 014 3:20 – 3:50pm for help if you need it. Task 1:Researching information about a place. Task 2:Sharing facts about a place with friends. Task 3: Advertising a place. Task 4: Comparing France with another place. Task 5:Using my research to create something new. Make a map of France showing its main physical (rivers, mountains etc) and human features (towns/cities, tourist attractions, airports etc). Make a factsheet about one tourist attraction in France. Is it a human or physical feature? Include images and interesting facts. Make a map of Paris to show its main tourist attractions/activities. Make a small fact file for each attraction. Make a comparison table to show the differences between France and the UK e.g. currency, cars, climate etc. Use this table to write some comparative sentences. Design a ‘French experience’ theme park to be built in the UK. Show what you would include and explain how this would let UK people experience the culture of France. Make a labelled photo gallery of French physical (rivers, mountains etc) and human features (towns/cities, tourist attractions, airports etc). Make a postcard for one location or landmark in France. Write to a friend describing what you have seen and found out about the place as if you have been there, Record an informative audio guide to Paris to be listened to by tourists as they walk around the city. Make a comparison table to show the difference between Paris and London e.g. methods of transport, rivers, main attractions etc. Use this table to write some comparative sentences. Write an article for a travel magazine comparing France and the UK as tourist destinations. Consider which country is the better tourist destination overall and explain why. Make a French flag: in the red put the names of physical features (rivers, mountains etc) . b) In the blue put the names of human features towns/cities, tourist attractions, airports etc). b) In the white show some labelled images of France’s human and physical features. Make an A4 page for a holiday brochure. Choose one place in France and describe the physical and human features there. This may include climate, landmarks, places to stay, and things to do. Make a tourist information map which shows a cycle route around Paris. Label each place the cyclist could visit and give some interesting information about the place. Make a comparison table to compare the north of France with the south of France e.g. physical and human features. Use this table to write some comparative sentences. Explain why France/Paris is an interesting country/city and suggest future developments that would ensure it remains a popular tourist attraction.