James introduce chapter two by presenting a problem (vv. 1-4) My brethren, do not hold the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, with partiality. 2 For if there should come into your assembly a man with gold rings, in fine apparel, and there should also come in a poor man in filthy clothes, 3 and you pay attention to the one wearing the fine clothes and say to him, “You sit here in a good place,” and say to the poor man, “You stand there,” or, “Sit here at my footstool,” 4 have you not shown partiality among yourselves, and become judges with evil thoughts?
James Implores His Readers to Listen 5 Listen, my beloved brethren: Has God not chosen the poor of this world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom which He promised to those who love Him? Translated: “pay attention” (CEV); “notice” (Phillips) Means: Pay very close attention Calls upon his readers to develop a different mindset
Listen, By Beloved Brethren A Call To a Different Mindset (James 2) A Call To a Different Mindset From Partiality to Equal
From Partiality to Equal (vv. 1-9) Partiality (vv. 2-4) Favoritism based upon external or worldly ground Translations: “made distinctions” (ESV, ASV) “you are making some people more important than others” (NCV) Gives a hypothetical instance to illustrate Rich receive and welcome (that is good – not what is condemned) What is condemned – poor did not receive the same Distinctions were made
From Partiality to Equal (vv. 1-9) Partiality (vv. 2-4) Problem with Partiality Contrary to the faith (v. 1) “The faith” = the word (cf. Gal. 2:16) God does not show favoritism (Acts 10:34; Rom. 2:11)
From Partiality to Equal (vv. 1-9) Partiality (vv. 2-4) Problem with Partiality Contrary to the faith (v. 1) Makes distinctions from wrong motives (v. 4) “make judgments based on wrong motives” (TEV) “become judges with evil motives (NET) Judgment is not fair and impartial
From Partiality to Equal (vv. 1-9) Partiality (vv. 2-4) Problem with Partiality Contrary to the faith (v. 1) Makes distinctions from wrong motives (v. 4) Disregards the poor (vv. 5-7) “But you show no respect to the poor” (v. 6, NCV) Insulting to the poor God has chosen: (v. 5) The poor of this world Rich in faith Heirs of the kingdom Those who love God
From Partiality to Equal (vv. 1-9) Partiality (vv. 2-4) Problem with Partiality Contrary to the faith (v. 1) Makes distinctions from wrong motives (v. 4) Disregards the poor (vv. 5-7) Contrary to Love (v. 8) Is Sin (v. 9) Honors the very ones who oppose the righteous (vv. 6-7)
From Partiality to Equal (vv. 1-9) Partiality (vv. 2-4) Problem with Partiality Possible that We Need a Different Mindset We could be showing favoritism to rich over the lowly We could be showing favoritism to educated over the unlearned We could be showing favoritism to one race or against another We could be showing favoritism to family and friends
Listen, By Beloved Brethren A Call To a Different Mindset (James 2) A Call To a Different Mindset From Partiality to Equal Treatment From Double Standards to Same Standard
From Double Standards to Same Standard (vv. 1-9) The Double Standard Use one standard to judge one – a different standard for another Double standards are unfair Favoritism is a double standard – i.e. treat the rich different than the poor
From Double Standards to Same Standard (vv. 1-9) The Double Standard What is the Problem with the Double Standard? Doesn’t follow the ONE standard, the faith (v. 1) Selfish (v. 4) Unloving (v. 8) Fails to treat neighbor as expect for self (v. 8)
From Double Standards to Same Standard (vv. 1-9) The Double Standard What is the Problem with the Double Standard? Possible that we Need a Different Mindset Treat others one way – but expect different for self (Matt. 7:12) One rule of family – another for others Criticize in one what we would accept in another Hypocrisy
Listen, By Beloved Brethren A Call To a Different Mindset (James 2) A Call To a Different Mindset From Partiality to Equal Treatment From Double Standards to Same Standard From Material Priority to Spiritual Priority
From Material Priority to Spiritual Priority (vv. 1-9) Partiality Based on Material Priority Emphasis on external – not spiritual Emphasis on material – impressed with gold ring, fine apparel, riches
From Material Priority to Spiritual Priority (vv. 1-9) Partiality Based on Material Priority Priority is all Backwards Rich in faith (v. 5) Heirs of kingdom (v. 5) Love (v. 8) Here is what rich people often do (vv. 6-7) Value of the spiritual – top billing (Matt. 6:33)
From Material Priority to Spiritual Priority (vv. 1-9) Partiality Based on Material Priority Priority is all Backwards We may Need a Different Mindset How we judge “success” How we judge one “worth” Spend most of our time – focused on material / making money, etc. little time on our soul Think of the work of the church – think of what we doing to the material building – vs – spreading the gospel
Listen, By Beloved Brethren A Call To a Different Mindset (James 2) A Call To a Different Mindset From Partiality to Equal Treatment From Double Standards to Same Standard From Material Priority to Spiritual Priority From Piecemealing to the Whole Law
From Piecemealing to the Whole Law (vv. 10-13) Piecemealing Take one part of the law as important / binding – yet disregard another (minor or insignificant) Context: show partiality – yet strict on adultery, stealing, etc.
From Piecemealing to the Whole Law (vv. 10-13) Piecemealing Take the Whole Law Law is a package deal (v. 10) “It is not as if he has broken a law, rather he has broken the law. And since he has chosen to breach it in this one particular, he has broken the whole of it.” Daniel H. King, Sr. The Book of James, 210
From Piecemealing to the Whole Law (vv. 10-13) Piecemealing Take the Whole Law Law is a package deal (v. 10) Author of one part is the author of the rest (v. 11) We will be judged by the whole law (vv. 12-13) Not just the part we like to emphasize Must live in view of how we will be judged If we become lax in one part of the law – likely to become lax in another!
From Piecemealing to the Whole Law (vv. 10-13) Piecemealing Take the Whole Law We may Need a Different Mindset “If that is all I ever do wrong” – Idea of “I keep most of the word…” Redefine the law – so that what I want to do is not sin Make distinction in laws (important and not important) Emphasis on part of the law wherein I do well – ignore rest Attendance – yet ignore discipline of children Keeper at home – yet ignore modesty Marriage is for life – yet ignore leadership / submission
Listen, By Beloved Brethren A Call To a Different Mindset (James 2) A Call To a Different Mindset From Partiality to Equal Treatment From Double Standards to Same Standard From Material Priority to Spiritual Priority From Piecemealing to the Whole Law From Inactive Faith to a Working Faith
From Inactive Faith to a Working Faith (vv. 14-26) Inactive Faith Can’t save (v. 14) Is Dead (v. 17, 20) Does not profit (vv. 14-16) Stated – then illustrated True faith is more than acknowledgment / verbalization No better than devils (v. 19)
From Inactive Faith to a Working Faith (vv. 14-26) Inactive Faith Working Faith Works show our faith (v. 18) Examples of works showing faith Abraham (vv. 21, 23) Rahab (v. 25)
From Inactive Faith to a Working Faith (vv. 14-26) Inactive Faith Working Faith We may Need a Different Mindset When we cease working and acting upon faith we are dead! When we no longer: Read our Bibles Pray every day Worship and praise Are charitable toward others Active in serving Have evidence of spiritual life We Are Dead!
Listen, By Beloved Brethren A Call To a Different Mindset (James 2) A Call To a Different Mindset From Partiality to Equal Treatment From Double Standards to Same Standard From Material Priority to Spiritual Priority From Piecemealing to the Whole Law From Inactive Faith to a Working Faith